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Thread: The Sunday Thread For October 3, 2021

  1. #1
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    The Sunday Thread For October 3, 2021

    Good morning/afternoon/evening. It's now the fourth quarter of 2021. While there have been (IMO) some improvements, it's still been much like 2020, which I think we will all agree, was not a year to write home about. Still, I think things are looking up a bit overall, even though there's still plenty of madness to go around.

    I look forward to Sunday evenings now, as I tune in over the Internet to a live streaming music show called Night Tides. It may not be everybody's cup of tea, but I enjoy the eclectic blend of tunes and artists, and for me it's a great way to phase out the weekend and freshen up for the week ahead. The station keeps a rolling two week online replay, so I can repeat the program during the week while I'm reading or simply in want of some background.

    Last week was a busy work week. This week I have some catching up to do as my employer is onboarding a new management team, software and processes. I couldn't attend the training sessions because I was holding my own training, so this week I'll be watching replays. This will be a "replay week."

    The new guitar was in sore need of some neck relief, so I've been adjusting it a bit every day and letting it sit. It's much better now. I confess it's been a long time since I just went at a guitar with tools. My fingers aren't as nimble as they used to be, and delicate precision work is now something of a challenge. But, cranking an Allen wrench isn't difficult, and I'm just taking my time letting the neck get used to the adjustments.

    Today marks the last day of the season for my MLB team. They've been dreadful pretty much all year, so it's a mixed blessing. I enjoy watching them play, but they're scraping last place, so today will be my last experience at frustration with them. I won't watch the playoffs, although I'll probably set aside time for the World Series, no matter who's playing.

    For the rest of the day, it will be the usual mix: church in the morning, some exercise afterwards (the weather has been nothing short of phenomenal), the baseball game, and -- of course -- some guitar playing.

    Welcome to October, everyone!
    Striving to be ordinary

    Proud to be a TFF Dumbass!

  2. #2
    Forum Member Tele-Bob's Avatar
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    Re: The Sunday Thread For October 3, 2021

    Had a busy week writing and recording a new song about a dog. Yup. A dog. It's pretty funny. I'll share it once it's finished.

    New England Guitar Show today in Hartford. I have a bunch of really nice guitars for sale but I'm having trouble getting motivated to get there.

    Collecting old phrases utterances from friends to use in a new song idea that reflects the past. Looking forward to getting started on this one.

    Possible motorcycle right today as the temp will be in the mid 70's. BBQ on the river later with some live acoustic music at a BYOB BBQ place. Real nice setting.

    Good day in the neighborhood.
    If you're bored, you're not groovin'.

  3. #3
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: The Sunday Thread For October 3, 2021

    today will be day 3 of demo, no rest for the wicked busy. It's going about as fast as I expected, for a person working alone. The level of unconventional construction I keep unearthing is something else. At night, I've been processing the day's pictures, trying to match locations to 'before' pictures. If I had thought about it beforehand, I would have chosen locations and marked them with tape.

    I've read before that one thing pro tradesman dislike the most about their jobs is having undo the efforts of DIYers. I don't consider myself a pro level tradesman, but I totally get what they mean by that now. That's something to think about if I ever try to do this for a living. The rise of big box stores and youtube videos has probably not helped the situation any, either.

    I feel like I should play some guitar before I start working today, I haven't touched one in a week, maybe more. I'm not going to watch the baseball game because it's an afternoon game but I'm sure my brother will keep me updated through out the day. We have rain threatening much earlier than originally forecasted and I kind of want to get going soon. I had hoped to finish before it started.
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

  4. #4
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: The Sunday Thread For October 3, 2021

    Stayed up almost all night long with the wife watching a pretty cool thrilling TV show on Netflix, Midnight Mass.

    Slept until late this morning. Coffee and eggs. Trying not to think about the tough week I have ahead of me. Getting better from the damned COVID PSTD, my guitars are probably covered in spiderwebs by now, I gotta see if I play them a bit…

    Buds and more TV in the evening. Stepdaughter is finally getting along fine with me and cooked some potato/cheddar savories for us all.

    All in all, a good Sunday. Good to “see” you, friends.

  5. #5
    Forum Member jrgtr42's Avatar
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    Re: The Sunday Thread For October 3, 2021

    Quote Originally Posted by DanTheBluesMan View Post

    I've read before that one thing pro tradesman dislike the most about their jobs is having undo the efforts of DIYers. I don't consider myself a pro level tradesman, but I totally get what they mean by that now. That's something to think about if I ever try to do this for a living. The rise of big box stores and youtube videos has probably not helped the situation any, either.
    |Hearing that. My house was previously owned by someone who thought he was a way better DIYer than he actually was. He installed his pellet stove himself, #1 by drilling the exhause through the back of the chimney, not going up the flue. |And in doing so, he never shut off the flue. So a couple years after we bought, we had someone come in to look at it. |The former fireplace was a mess of broken flue, dead animals, and water intrusion. PLus the pellet stove itself was shot back there.
    Cost a bunch to get all of that corrected. And that's just one of many issues we've found.
    The only thing pros hate more that bad DIY jobs is bad jobs done by supposed pros.
    "Do you call sleeping with a guitar in your hands practicing?"
    "It is if you don't drop it."
    - Trent Lane, Daria, Episode 1-2.

  6. #6
    Forum Member Laker's Avatar
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    Re: The Sunday Thread For October 3, 2021

    My wife and I have reached the end of the first week of the remodel of our kitchen and two upstairs bathrooms. Our kitchen has been stripped to the bare studs and even had the flooring ripped up. We are living in the family room with a little fridge in the garage…almost like camping. I’m not enjoying this and told my wife we could have purchased a different house for what this is costing. Oh well.

  7. #7
    Forum Member phantomman's Avatar
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    Re: The Sunday Thread For October 3, 2021

    Quote Originally Posted by Laker View Post
    I’m not enjoying this and told my wife we could have purchased a different house for what this is costing. Oh well.
    There's no doubt that construction-material costs have soared in recent months but have you checked your local real estate prices lately?

    I'm betting that the re-model is much more cost-effective than buying a new home outright.
    "When injustice becomes law then rebellion becomes duty."

  8. #8
    Forum Member Laker's Avatar
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    Re: The Sunday Thread For October 3, 2021

    Quote Originally Posted by phantomman View Post
    There's no doubt that construction-material costs have soared in recent months but have you checked your local real estate prices lately?

    I'm betting that the re-model is much more cost-effective than buying a new home outright.
    I’m thinking I am at about 125% what I paid to purchase our home. I have a deposit in a new Corvette that is more fun (to me) than changing a house I am totally comfortable with. Oh well, she gets hers and I get mine, I guess.

  9. #9
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Re: The Sunday Thread For October 3, 2021

    First look: The 2023 Corvette C8 Z06 Coupe:

    Striving to be ordinary

    Proud to be a TFF Dumbass!

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