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Thread: I guess it's my turn for the Sunday Thread!

  1. #1
    Forum Member gibsonjunkie's Avatar
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    I guess it's my turn for the Sunday Thread!

    Good mornng all! Slept late (for me) and I'm still first! Yesterday was a great day - facilitated a retreat with a school board that wasn't getting along and had them singing Kumbaya by the time I was through. Talk about job satisfaction! It was a blast! I've been dointg this for over 30 years and still love it - which is why I have no desire to retire yet. Today I'm going to work on guitar and keyboard parts for a song I'll be recording next Friday. Anyways, busy week planned and today I'll help the Mrs. re-pot her pot plants so they can go into the flowering tent. Have a great week!
    "We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness." Mark Twain

  2. #2
    Forum Member Laker's Avatar
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    Re: I guess it's my turn for the Sunday Thread!

    Hey, happy Sunday morning to all!

    The first week of shows in our annual fund-raiser for the American Heart Association has been completed and a fun week it has been. Over its 50+ year run this show has raised over three million dollars performing goofy skits and auctioning everything from toilet seats (the Best Seat in the House) to meat ‘n greets with celebrities. I’m in my third year performing as one of the “Pit Boys” supplying musical entertainment during the evening and look forward to this each year. We have one week of shows to go as we work towards our next goal of four million dollars.

    The Pit Boys together are 342 years of age, and we have WISDOM! Also a devil may care attitude! If this photo will display it is our group from last year’s show.

  3. #3
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Re: I guess it's my turn for the Sunday Thread!

    Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone! I'm just back from my trip Down Under. Got to bed after about 24 hours of non-stop traveling and slept in until 9:30. Now I need to address the weed growth that occurred during my absence. But not until I get my favorite lunch to re-invigorate me. My legs need some rest too, as I walked an average of about 6-7 miles a day, and climbed a whole lotta stairs. So, a little r-n-r from my vacation and then back to normal. Maybe some baseball on TV (the season's now well under way and I haven't see a game, yet). A great trip and one I'd recommend to anyone. But I'm glad to be back and not living out of a suitcase!
    Striving to be ordinary

    Proud to be a TFF Dumbass!

  4. #4
    Forum Member blackonblack's Avatar
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    point of reason between tacky and tasteless

    Re: I guess it's my turn for the Sunday Thread!

    Yesterday did chores, worked on music, took a nap and went to a wedding. Today was church, now getting an oil and trans fluid change. I’ll work on music some more then have a gig on e guitar later today.

    Been largely playing my early 70s D28 I had the neck reset on. Plays and sounds great.

    Last week at work was a killer. Had some 14+ hr days.

  5. #5
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: I guess it's my turn for the Sunday Thread!

    supposed to get some real warmth today ... maybe. It's been a damp beginning and clouds seem to be winning. Laundry and cleaning are on the agenda, going to get my exercises done early so I can tackle those items. Hope to get some guitar playing done while brother is busy helping his girlfriend move. Have house to myself today and tomorrow. Lately it's been rare to get more than 24 hours without anybody around. Playoff hockey and basketball abound, with baseball a distant third for the time being.

    Found out my hairdresser is retiring. She's been cutting my hair since my class picture in high school and I graduated in 1976. I've told her for years that if/when she retires I'm going to cut my hair off. I doubt if I'll shave my head but I might go for a #1 or #2 guard all around. At least I'll have hair for my niece's wedding in June. Come the heat of August we'll see.
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

  6. #6
    Forum Member Tele-Bob's Avatar
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    Re: I guess it's my turn for the Sunday Thread!

    Nice to see everyone so busy with so many great things. Gee I wish there was a like button here so I could recognize everyone individually. I do actually read this stuff, but there's just no reasonable way to acknowledge everyone!

    Anyway, been playing and recording music lately, trying to get a 6 song album, EP done over the next 5 weeks or so. Busy busy! Of there needs to be time for bicycle riding as well!

    This tune is about 95% complete. Just needs two short vocal lines and a little tweak on the mix. Really diggin' this tune.
    If you're bored, you're not groovin'.

  7. #7
    Forum Member blackonblack's Avatar
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    point of reason between tacky and tasteless

    Re: I guess it's my turn for the Sunday Thread!

    Well I originally worked up this evening for the PRS, I have some muted playing and I need more time to learn the 509 bridge. I picked up the Hendrix Strat I recently got and it was spot on. Gear change for tonight.

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