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Thread: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

  1. #1
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    latest forecast showing it hit CT at tropical storm or Cat 1 at 8AM Sunday and my backyard 8AM Monday. I can walk that far in a day. It's going to be a long steady soak with winds 45 mph here. We've already had trees falling over in waterlogged soils. I dare say we could well lose power for days and it's supposed to be 90s Tues and Wednesday.

    we'll finally get a taste of what FL, TX, LA, MS, AL have to put up with, less the higher Cat winds. My brother said the grocery stores were in full panic buying mode. I have like 6 bottles of water left and wanted to buy a case anyway, storm or no storm. I might try going down anyway and see if I can't grab a case and wait for the bus so I don't have to carry it home. Man, I hate not having a car available.
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

  2. #2
    Forum Member jrgtr42's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    Quote Originally Posted by DanTheBluesMan View Post
    latest forecast showing it hit CT at tropical storm or Cat 1 at 8AM Sunday and my backyard 8AM Monday. I can walk that far in a day. It's going to be a long steady soak with winds 45 mph here. We've already had trees falling over in waterlogged soils. I dare say we could well lose power for days and it's supposed to be 90s Tues and Wednesday.

    we'll finally get a taste of what FL, TX, LA, MS, AL have to put up with, less the higher Cat winds. My brother said the grocery stores were in full panic buying mode. I have like 6 bottles of water left and wanted to buy a case anyway, storm or no storm. I might try going down anyway and see if I can't grab a case and wait for the bus so I don't have to carry it home. Man, I hate not having a car available.
    I'm a little south of you and starting to brace myself. |Planning on getting the chairs and such in tomorrow, pick up a few things if needed etc.
    Don't know that |I need any food goods - though I'll probably fill a homebrewing carboy with water just to be on the safe side - I doubt anything will happen that results in prolonged water outages - though power is a maybe.
    |My parents are on the Cape and have been watching intently - we / they were not far from Bob's track in '91 - lost our boat in that one. Yay for insurance.
    my dad is relaxing more and more each report as it appears to be tracking further and further west.
    "Do you call sleeping with a guitar in your hands practicing?"
    "It is if you don't drop it."
    - Trent Lane, Daria, Episode 1-2.

  3. #3
    Forum Member Don's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    Earlier today, we appeared to be straight in the storm's path., but it keeps moving further west. We haven't been hit by a hurricane in 30 years! We've got my Miata and my son's Vette in the garage, so we're all set!

  4. #4
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    the category of the event won't really tell the whole story. Such an ambling slow storm is a soaker waiting to happen. This storm is taking 3 days to do what most nor'easters do in 18 hours, it's going to sit and drop on us like we haven't seen in a long time. The wind will do the most damage even if it's not that high i.e. hurricane strength.

    The foliage locally was weakened very seriously over 30 years ago by the gypsy moth deforestation. It has never fully recovered. We've had more multi-day blackouts in those thirty years than the previous thirty years. A full-fledge hurricane slamming into this meager canopy fully leafed as it is now, could induce a fall of branches and trunks the likes not seen in generations. We'll probably be spared that except could probably still spend an uncomfortably long time waiting for the power to come back on.
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

  5. #5
    Forum Member jrgtr42's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    Quote Originally Posted by DanTheBluesMan View Post
    the category of the event won't really tell the whole story. Such an ambling slow storm is a soaker waiting to happen. This storm is taking 3 days to do what most nor'easters do in 18 hours, it's going to sit and drop on us like we haven't seen in a long time. The wind will do the most damage even if it's not that high i.e. hurricane strength.

    The foliage locally was weakened very seriously over 30 years ago by the gypsy moth deforestation. It has never fully recovered. We've had more multi-day blackouts in those thirty years than the previous thirty years. A full-fledge hurricane slamming into this meager canopy fully leafed as it is now, could induce a fall of branches and trunks the likes not seen in generations. We'll probably be spared that except could probably still spend an uncomfortably long time waiting for the power to come back on.
    The 11AM NOAA report is projecting t coming a little further east than before. The 8AM was showing coming ashore over Long Island / Bridgeport, then going up the Mass / NY border before hanging a sharp right. |Now it's crossing over the Hamptons on LI, right over Hartford, then coming just west of Springfield. |But yeah, we;re looking at 12+ hours of rain and pretty steady wind. Gonna be a mess, I think.
    "Do you call sleeping with a guitar in your hands practicing?"
    "It is if you don't drop it."
    - Trent Lane, Daria, Episode 1-2.

  6. #6
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    latest NOAA shows us on the edge of the 60-70 mph winds. CT is almost completely in the 80-90 mph zone, they're going to be a mess for sure. GJ and Don are pretty much going to get blasted. jrgtr42 is going to get it pretty good as well (dunno how far south of me you are).

    But I'll hold all your guitars and amps if you want. It's the least I can do

    Actually, I'm thinking of bringing my guitars and amps up from the basement, or at least getting them off the floor. I don't know yet how this house handles extreme weather.
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

  7. #7
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    'tis a little late now but I sure wish I had a generator, even if I had to run an extension cord through a door or window to use it. we want to put in a full house automatic generator but that probably won't be for a year or two.
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

  8. #8
    Forum Member jrgtr42's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    Quote Originally Posted by DanTheBluesMan View Post
    'tis a little late now but I sure wish I had a generator, even if I had to run an extension cord through a door or window to use it. we want to put in a full house automatic generator but that probably won't be for a year or two.
    I'm halfway between Boston and Worcester, so it's not too bad right now - we'll see how the next couple reports come through and see what it's going to do.
    We've been talking about a generator on and off for a while - we have all-electric, other than the fireplace, so it the power goes out for a long time, we're up the creek.
    Wouldn't help today, but I was out at Home Despot earlier and they had stacks of them piled near the enterence.
    "Do you call sleeping with a guitar in your hands practicing?"
    "It is if you don't drop it."
    - Trent Lane, Daria, Episode 1-2.

  9. #9
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    Quote Originally Posted by jrgtr42 View Post
    I'm halfway between Boston and Worcester, so it's not too bad right now - we'll see how the next couple reports come through and see what it's going to do.
    We've been talking about a generator on and off for a while - we have all-electric, other than the fireplace, so it the power goes out for a long time, we're up the creek.
    Wouldn't help today, but I was out at Home Despot earlier and they had stacks of them piled near the enterence.
    bet you probably can't get gas if you had one today. I might take a stroll down there. Don't know where my brother went today. I suppose I could use my old apartment cart to carry it the 1.1 miles to my house.
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  10. #10
    Forum Member gibsonjunkie's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    Grocery stores shelves are empty and lines at the gas stations. I cranked up the generator to make sure it will start. It is a bit finicky until it starts because it runs on natural gas - but once it runs it will go for days without any effort.

    I think it is going to pass right over us. We're just north of Hartford so I'm hoping it is slightly reduced by the time we see it, but who knows. Cars all fueled up and flashlights have new batteries. Should be fine. Of course the ground is still saturated from the deluge last week so flooding could be an issue around here. We're on a hill so I'm not worried for us.

    "We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness." Mark Twain

  11. #11
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    you'll be better off than the coastal communities. Storm's going to hit at high tide of full moon. Storm surge up to 8 feet, or worse.

    looking outside today, you'd have no idea a hurricane's coming tomorrow. My late neighbor told me about the hurricane of '38. The morning of, they still had no idea. He was out delivering newspapers. Then it started to rain. One of his customers said "you'd better get on home now, son, this is going to be bad." He barely made it back before the winds began to blow so hard you couldn't walk.

    I just read more about the hurricane of '38.

    holy freaking shit
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

  12. #12
    Forum Member Don's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    I bought gas and tested the generator yesterday. It's small, but it'll keep the ice cream cold!

    We're more worried about wind than flooding.

  13. #13
    Forum Member jrgtr42's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    Not even so much about gas - it would have been getting the thing hooked up.
    When I was out this morning I topped off the tank in my car. |No worries there for me.
    Gibson |Junkie: You appear to be pretty much just off the line - it was forcast to go right over hartford earlier, now it looks to have shifted further east.
    INteresting how it's shifted - yesterday it was looking to come right over me, midday today it looked to be going over Bridgeport, then up the Mass - NY border, now it's moving back east, coming east of hartford, and coming over Springfield and the Quabbin.
    "Do you call sleeping with a guitar in your hands practicing?"
    "It is if you don't drop it."
    - Trent Lane, Daria, Episode 1-2.

  14. #14
    Forum Member jrgtr42's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    NOAA's 11PM projections are showing it coming right over Worcester now...
    |TYhis thing it tracking further and further east. Providence and Block Island are right in the path.
    "Do you call sleeping with a guitar in your hands practicing?"
    "It is if you don't drop it."
    - Trent Lane, Daria, Episode 1-2.

  15. #15
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    took some trash out to the barrel a little while ago and felt rain, very light at the moment. Most recent forecast I saw showed this going right over my head, so I get the most rain and wind, yay. I win. Wait ... what?

    got water, canned food. only thing we're not in abundant supply is kitty litter. I ordered some online to pick up tomorrow. Hopefully they're not out. It doesn't look like it's going to get bad here until late in the afternoon. Got lots of batteries and flashlight. No gennie. Not this year. Maybe next.

    Hopefully the highways survive, my route on Tuesday after the storm goes through the mountains of north western NH. They may benefit from the hard right Henri is due to take.
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  16. #16
    Forum Member Don's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    It's raining here. The wind is just starting to pick up a little. It looks like one of our favorite vacation spots- Block Island, is taking a direct hit.

  17. #17
    Forum Member jrgtr42's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    |It's been raining on and off here so far this morning - guessing it's the outermost bands.
    The projections are showing TS-force winds are getting to me about 2PM. Deciding if I have anything I need to do in the meantime.
    I'm good as far as food and water - and beer, of course.
    Good luck, guys!
    "Do you call sleeping with a guitar in your hands practicing?"
    "It is if you don't drop it."
    - Trent Lane, Daria, Episode 1-2.

  18. #18
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    round 2 is apparently going to get here around 4 this afternoon. So far all we got was some rain and rather light winds. We've had thunderstorms with stormier weather although they don't last for days. I'm going to get out while it's still dry. I didn't get out yesterday except for a trip to the pet store, courtesy of my brother.
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

  19. #19
    Forum Member Don's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    3 confirmed tornadoes touched down in northern Massachusetts this afternoon!

    We had a large branch fall from high in a tree next to my house today. It didn't cause any damage, but the poor condition of the branch makes me concerned about the health of the tree. I'm going to have it looked at.

  20. #20
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    it appears that Henri is in no hurry to go out to sea any time soon. My brother saw a report saying it will basically be on top of us by 8 PM tomorrow night. It's to our west right now and moving at a slow walking speed east.

    I checked the route I'm planning on taking tomorrow, I-89 NH, and there were a good number of tree clearings, all around the same mile markers. Bet they had some kind of microburst. I remember a few years ago, also near the same area, where there were numerous trees all snapped off at the same height, like a giant lawnmower had passed through and that was in the middle of winter. Hopefully it will be clear sailing tomorrow but I'm leaving extra early just to be sure.
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  21. #21
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    well, i don't mind waking up to find that Henri has gone away, he's gone away to sea.*

    *sorry, not sorry for that earworm, if you get it
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

  22. #22
    Forum Member ch willie's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    Shannon by Henry Gross?
    If we'd known we were going to be the Beatles, we'd have tried harder.--George Harrison

  23. #23
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    Quote Originally Posted by ch willie View Post
    Shannon by Henry Gross?
    winner winner chicken dinner !!
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  24. #24
    Forum Member ch willie's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm, possibly first direct hit by hurricane in NE in 30 years.

    Song still brings a tear to my maudlin eyes. ha ha
    If we'd known we were going to be the Beatles, we'd have tried harder.--George Harrison

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