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Thread: Help Needed Identifying Unmarked U.S.A Strat for a Friend (Please)

  1. #1
    Forum Member Hornchurch's Avatar
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    Help Needed Identifying Unmarked U.S.A Strat for a Friend (Please)

    Hi Folks

    Asking for SOME help in trying to identify what seems to be an unusual Stratocaster

    1,) First BRIEF glance, I thought "It's a FrankenStrat' maybe ?"

    2,) Jim ASSURES me that there is "NO SERIAL" - (I'm like, "Are You SURE ?")

    3, ) I'm GOOD (reasonably), at identifying REGULAR Strats, you know, things like...

    American Standards (till 1999), American Series (till 2007/March'08), then Am Std's again

    Roadhouse Strats, Mexican Strats, Highway-One(s), plus many Deluxe models.

    This one had me baffled & still looks like a 'bitsa' with (what seems) like an authentic U.S.A neck (?) - No snide decal here.

    First glance at the body, I thought "Maybe an old Hank Marvin replica Strat, but he's changed the Pickguard & Black covers"

    I see the body-colour as 'Fiesta-Red' (tell me I'm wrong), with the Black Vol'/Pickup covers as replacements (his choice?)

    Also during first-glance, I did notice there's "No Skunk-stripe" & the Maple-neck has that rich colour

    Twin String Trees makes me think (Pre-Corona) & def' older than my 1999 Am.Std - Vintage saddles (not Blocks like my Am-Series)

    What of the Black nut - That had me baffled. Case doesn't look like ANY Fender case I've ever seen (I reckon it's aftermarket)

    I have Fender hard-cases from the '80's, 90's AND noughties (including my 1977 Tolex) and this looks like none of them.

    I'm out of my league here (identifying it), so, any takers on/as/if it might be a 'known quantity' ?

    If anyone could pin it down (as to it's possible age/vintage), I'd be grateful,

    Cheers, Hawny.

  2. #2
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Re: Help Needed Identifying Unmarked U.S.A Strat for a Friend (Please)

    It's pretty enough. I'm no expert, so while we wait for the real ones to show up, my belief is (based on your comments) that it's a "Partscaster."
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  3. #3
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: Help Needed Identifying Unmarked U.S.A Strat for a Friend (Please)

    It looks a bit weird, the decals and the neck shape don’t seem to match. Spaghetti logo with made in USA but no truss rod adjustment on the headstock. The original contour body looks misplaced and wrong sized.

    It’s also definitely no American Standard.

    I’d have to hold the guitar or at least see better pictures but judging by these small details and the body contours I’d say a partscaster with a custom made non fender neck.

  4. #4
    Forum Member ch willie's Avatar
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    Re: Help Needed Identifying Unmarked U.S.A Strat for a Friend (Please)

    AmStd necks have 22 frets.
    If we'd known we were going to be the Beatles, we'd have tried harder.--George Harrison

  5. #5
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: Help Needed Identifying Unmarked U.S.A Strat for a Friend (Please)

    Quote Originally Posted by ch willie View Post
    AmStd necks have 22 frets.
    Yes, and 2 point tremolo bridges, truss rod plug… That one sure ain’t one.

  6. #6
    Forum Member Don's Avatar
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    Re: Help Needed Identifying Unmarked U.S.A Strat for a Friend (Please)

    I don't think that's a Fender neck.

  7. #7
    Forum Member jrgtr42's Avatar
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    Re: Help Needed Identifying Unmarked U.S.A Strat for a Friend (Please)

    |Maybe a '57 RI? though there's a lot of other things that don't add up.
    I'm not as worried about the parts or even the nut - as you said, those could be replacements.
    It would probably help if you popped the neck to see what markings are on the heel and on the body.
    "Do you call sleeping with a guitar in your hands practicing?"
    "It is if you don't drop it."
    - Trent Lane, Daria, Episode 1-2.

  8. #8
    Forum Member Hornchurch's Avatar
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    Re: Help Needed Identifying Unmarked U.S.A Strat for a Friend (Please)

    Quote Originally Posted by OldStrummer View Post

    It's pretty enough. I'm no expert, so while we wait for the real ones to show up, my belief is (based on your comments) that it's a "Partscaster."


    So far, I just wanted to say "many thanks" for responding guys, with your thoughts/comments/opinions - (ALL of you, cheers !)

    Yes 'Old Strummer' = A 'PartsCaster' or 'FrankenStrat' would be my initial thoughts too.

    That is, unless it's a Bastard-ized Re-Issue with mucho' added parts, but the more I see it, the LESS it rings-true !

    My money (FWIW), is most definitely on 'PartsCaster'

    Quote Originally Posted by Sérgio View Post

    It looks a bit weird, the decals and the neck shape don’t seem to match.

    Spaghetti logo with made in USA but no truss rod adjustment on the headstock.

    The original contour body looks misplaced and wrong sized. It’s also definitely no American Standard.

    I’d have to hold the guitar or at least see better pictures but judging by these small details and the body contours I’d say a partscaster with a custom made non fender neck.

    Hi Serg' & many thanks for your comments & must say, "fine catch" on the lack of headstock truss-rod "hole" - (well spotted)

    You mention the inevitable "Spaghetti Logo" (as they are on mine), but THAT decal AND varnish look FLAWLESS

    The neck (so far), is the part that has ME most intrigued - It's LOOKS "pretty", but I've spotted another 'Alarm-Bell'

    I'll chuck MY observation/comment "in" on that next post I'll make, answering Don. Stay Tuned !


  9. #9
    Forum Member Hornchurch's Avatar
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    Re: Help Needed Identifying Unmarked U.S.A Strat for a Friend (Please)

    Quote Originally Posted by Don View Post

    I don't think that's a Fender neck.

    Hi Don ; Whilst I might not have agreed with ya, initially, having seen a faux-pas/discrepancy (since then), means I may yet concur.

    See further below, as I post some pix of mine & raise a seemingly pertinent point, regarding the "spacings" on the 12th Fret 'Dot Markers'

    Quote Originally Posted by jrgtr42 View Post

    Maybe a '57 RI? though there's a lot of other things that don't add up.
    I'm not as worried about the parts or even the nut - as you said, those could be replacements.
    It would probably help if you popped the neck to see what markings are on the heel and on the body.

    Hi Jrgtr42 ; Funny enough, a fellow Fender fan & Bass-Player over on M.H.3 (a/c forum), has remarked the self-same thing.

    He too thought that (at an outside chance), that it MIGHT just be a '57 "Re-Issue", but if so, seemingly heavily modified.

    However ; Me like you, seemingly here a jaded-cynic that this attractive but unique guitar simply "Doesn't Seem To Add Up"

    Too many interchangeable parts that have (most sincerely) been made to MAKE it look unique & distinctively "different".

    They amount to the Black nut, the Pickguard/backguards (Tortoise-shell/Moto), Vol'.Tone dials in Black, as well as P/up covers

    In short, "Nothing Adds Up" - Looks far too much like an (acquired), assemblage of parts - In short, "A Bastard"

    Now - Getting back to what Don said.... I don't think that's a Fender neck

    Well, today (this Sat' morning here in the U.K), I went back to look again, hopefully with less jaded eyes.

    I thought I'd seen it last last night, but, was frankly too damn tired - (best sleep on it & look again, in the morning)

    Nope ; It's STILL THERE = Glaringly obvious & no-one else has yet caught it, or mentioned it, but I def' noticed it....

    CHECK OUT THE 'DOT-SPACINGS' right up there on the 12th Fret - Wide as the eyes on a Frog = Yikes !!!!!

    Is THAT a '70's CBS-era thing - OR - Is it maybe an indication that this lush looking neck, is in fact not authentic U.S.A ?

    The Spaghetti headstock decal LOOKS authentic & it's lacquer/varnish looks sound - That doesn't appear to be fake

    I'd like to think that the neck IS real (but I'm erring on the side of jaded-cynic !), hoping it's a Re-Issue, maybe ?

    Looks nothing like any Fender I've ever owned or played, HOWEVER, my knowledge on the older stuff sure is "scant"

    I'll provide TWO pix of both my Ash-bodied 2007 Olympic-White & 2005 Ash Cherry-Burst(s) as examples of latterday 12th Fret Dot spacings

    Take note, my Olympic-White is an '07 Am-Series (not 'standard'), with the staggered-pole-D,G,B,E tuners

    Also, that case is like nothing I've ever known AND given Jim's (stepson's) guitar LOOKS in good-nick (condition), the case sure don't match.

    '42 ; Am wholeheartedly "in agreement" that someone NEEDS to "pop the neck" (unbolt it), but it won't be Jim (He's clueless on guitars)

    I've advised him to "Take it to a Luthier" to get it checked-out, as they have "no dog in the hunt" regarding (potentially), ripping him off !

    That way they might be able to advise him "what" quality or type of pick-ups might be installed & "if" the guitar really is "A RUNT" (Laughs !)

    Here's some pix of just TWO of my SIX Strat's - Am posting merely to illustrate the 'Dot-Spacings' over on the 12th Fret (then, check Jim's)

    Click the Ash Cherry Burst pix to Zoom-In = Jim's is the one in the middle... (Oh Yeah & say "Hi to ch_willie" = Fellow Left-Hander !)

    [IMG] DSC_0366 - Hornchurch Guitar by Hornchurch , on Flickr [/IMG]

    [IMG] DSC_0301 by Hornchurch , on Flickr [/IMG]
    Last edited by Hornchurch; 07-31-2021 at 01:55 AM.

  10. #10
    Forum Member Don's Avatar
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    Re: Help Needed Identifying Unmarked U.S.A Strat for a Friend (Please)

    I didn't get as far as noticing the dot spacing. I saw the separate maple fretboard and fake looking logo decal.

  11. #11
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Re: Help Needed Identifying Unmarked U.S.A Strat for a Friend (Please)

    I'm pretty much with Ken on this one. There are so many "S" type guitars being produced these days that are off-the-hook great (Suhr, G&L, etc.) that it seems just cheesy to slap a Fender decal on one just to pass it off to the brand bigots.

    Once upon a time, I was one of those fanbois. If it wasn't a Fender, I wasn't interested (I have nine). But I've since branched out and have found that how a guitar sounds and plays is more important to me than the name on the headstock; I have a Martin acoustic that I'm going to dump because I don't like it. Sacrilege? No. Personal taste.
    Striving to be ordinary

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  12. #12
    Forum Member Hornchurch's Avatar
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    Re: Help Needed Identifying Unmarked U.S.A Strat for a Friend (Please)

    Quote Originally Posted by OldStrummer View Post

    I'm pretty much with Ken on this one. There are so many "S" type guitars being produced these days that are off-the-hook great (Suhr, G&L, etc.) that it seems just cheesy to slap a Fender decal on one just to pass it off to the brand bigots.

    Once upon a time, I was one of those fanbois. If it wasn't a Fender, I wasn't interested (I have nine). But I've since branched out and have found that how a guitar sounds and plays is more important to me than the name on the headstock ; I have a Martin acoustic that I'm going to dump because I don't like it. Sacrilege? No. Personal taste.

    O.S ; Glad to read what ya wrote, particularly that 2nd paragraph section (that I've highlighted, in Red)

    May come as a surprise this, but, my first ever acoustic guitar was some 'Johnny-Bum-Fk-No-One' make/named guitar, called an 'Eros Dakota'

    To be precise, an EROS Model 606 Dakota, which I still proudly & happily own to this day.

    An unassuming "Dreadnought", rather large it seemed (when my Mother first bought it for me, in the '70's), but I fell in love with it.

    Flipped it round of course (am Left-Handed) = She (guitar) took it in it's stride, as I learned to play the Rock-music that I loved.

    Now, the astonishing irony...

    I wuz a Led Zeppelin fan (hardcore), by the age of 14/15, so I was learning some of Page's more complex chord structures (loving it)

    Meantime (you know how it is...), Girls, Motorcycles, Telecaster, Girls & Church (& Girls) took sway & hold of my attention.

    How little did I even know that one of my ALL TIME FAVE' Led Zeppelin tracks HAD been recorded, using an Eros Model.606 Dakota !!!!!

    Most folks who know of Zeppelin, have either heard, or owned "Zep.II" - My faves were "Ramble On" & "What Is & What Should Never Be"

    So imagine my shock/surprise, when in 2016 (in my 50's), I stumble across THIS article/web-page below (one night) & read/see THIS...

    Turns out he not only used that Eros Model 606 Dakota to play "Thank You" (track with the "If the sun refused to shine..." lyrics)

    He also used it to record THE utterly mesmerising rhythm on "RAMBLE ON" - I wuz happy like a Dog w/Two-Dicks !!!!!!!! (Laughing, too)

    Arguably THE best advert I could ever have, when someone says... (your guitar looks "old/cheap/unknown")

    Proof if proof were ever needed to "Never Judge A Book By It's Cover" - The fact still blew me away tho', when I found out.

    BTW : More on Jim & an update, shortly...


  13. #13
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: Help Needed Identifying Unmarked U.S.A Strat for a Friend (Please)

    Quote Originally Posted by Hornchurch View Post
    O.S ; Glad to read what ya wrote, particularly that 2nd paragraph section (that I've highlighted, in Red)

    May come as a surprise this, but, my first ever acoustic guitar was some 'Johnny-Bum-Fk-No-One' make/named guitar, called an 'Eros Dakota'

    To be precise, an EROS Model 606 Dakota, which I still proudly & happily own to this day.

    An unassuming "Dreadnought", rather large it seemed (when my Mother first bought it for me, in the '70's), but I fell in love with it.

    Flipped it round of course (am Left-Handed) = She (guitar) took it in it's stride, as I learned to play the Rock-music that I loved.

    Now, the astonishing irony...

    I wuz a Led Zeppelin fan (hardcore), by the age of 14/15, so I was learning some of Page's more complex chord structures (loving it)

    Meantime (you know how it is...), Girls, Motorcycles, Telecaster, Girls & Church (& Girls) took sway & hold of my attention.

    How little did I even know that one of my ALL TIME FAVE' Led Zeppelin tracks HAD been recorded, using an Eros Model.606 Dakota !!!!!

    Most folks who know of Zeppelin, have either heard, or owned "Zep.II" - My faves were "Ramble On" & "What Is & What Should Never Be"

    So imagine my shock/surprise, when in 2016 (in my 50's), I stumble across THIS article/web-page below (one night) & read/see THIS...

    Turns out he not only used that Eros Model 606 Dakota to play "Thank You" (track with the "If the sun refused to shine..." lyrics)

    He also used it to record THE utterly mesmerising rhythm on "RAMBLE ON" - I wuz happy like a Dog w/Two-Dicks !!!!!!!! (Laughing, too)

    Arguably THE best advert I could ever have, when someone says... (your guitar looks "old/cheap/unknown")

    Proof if proof were ever needed to "Never Judge A Book By It's Cover" - The fact still blew me away tho', when I found out.

    BTW : More on Jim & an update, shortly...


    Great story!!

  14. #14
    Forum Member phantomman's Avatar
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    Re: Help Needed Identifying Unmarked U.S.A Strat for a Friend (Please)

    Quote Originally Posted by Don View Post
    I don't think that's a Fender neck.
    The 12th-fret dot spacing is reminiscent of something from Squier.

    Some "under the hood" shots of the body might reveal further clues as to the instrument's bonafides.
    "When injustice becomes law then rebellion becomes duty."

  15. #15
    Forum Member WoundUp's Avatar
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    Re: Help Needed Identifying Unmarked U.S.A Strat for a Friend (Please)

    Looks nice a decent guitar. With no provable history or even that it's a legit Fender, I wouldn't pay more than $350-400 USD for it as it sits. Possibly even less.

  16. #16
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    Re: Help Needed Identifying Unmarked U.S.A Strat for a Friend (Please)

    Quote Originally Posted by phantomman View Post
    The 12th-fret dot spacing is reminiscent of something from Squier.

    Some "under the hood" shots of the body might reveal further clues as to the instrument's bonafides.
    I agee that this is most likely a Squire. Some Squires do not have a truss rod hole (see link and scroll down to the pictures). Since they share lineage it's easy to take a Squire neck and put a new Fender decal on it (you can buy reproduction decals on Amazon, see link)

  17. #17
    Forum Member Hornchurch's Avatar
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    Re: Help Needed Identifying Unmarked U.S.A Strat for a Friend (Please)

    Quote Originally Posted by Hornchurch View Post
    Hi Folks

    Asking for SOME help in trying to identify what seems to be an unusual Stratocaster

    1,) First BRIEF glance, I thought "It's a FrankenStrat' maybe ?"

    2,) Jim ASSURES me that there is "NO SERIAL" - (I'm like, "Are You SURE ?")

    3, ) I'm GOOD (reasonably), at identifying REGULAR Strats, you know, things like...

    American Standards (till 1999), American Series (till 2007/March'08), then Am Std's again

    Roadhouse Strats, Mexican Strats, Highway-One(s), plus many Deluxe models.

    This one had me baffled & still looks like a 'bitsa' with (what seems) like an authentic U.S.A neck (?) - No snide decal here.

    First glance at the body, I thought "Maybe an old Hank Marvin replica Strat, but he's changed the Pickguard & Black covers"

    I see the body-colour as 'Fiesta-Red' (tell me I'm wrong), with the Black Vol'/Pickup covers as replacements (his choice?)

    Also during first-glance, I did notice there's "No Skunk-stripe" & the Maple-neck has that rich colour

    Twin String Trees makes me think (Pre-Corona) & def' older than my 1999 Am.Std - Vintage saddles (not Blocks like my Am-Series)

    What of the Black nut - That had me baffled. Case doesn't look like ANY Fender case I've ever seen (I reckon it's aftermarket)

    I have Fender hard-cases from the '80's, 90's AND noughties (including my 1977 Tolex) and this looks like none of them.

    I'm out of my league here (identifying it), so, any takers on/as/if it might be a 'known quantity' ?

    If anyone could pin it down (as to it's possible age/vintage), I'd be grateful,

    Cheers, Hawny.

    Guys, Lads, my sincerest apologies, about so-far NOT having to be able to've given you all "an update".

    What I did NOT explain in my original-post, above....

    Is that THIS guitar came 'onto the market', as a direct result of a bereavement

    The bereavement in question, involved a younger lad, WAAAAY below the age of thirty (-30)

    IIRC, without pressing the issue (with Jim), as it would've been "insensitive", IIRC, that lad was aged 24-26 - Far too young a loss !

    Anyways, it came into Jim's (rather unwilling) possession & remember, he knows "bugger-all" about guitars !

    Hence as to 'why' I opened this particular thread here, early last July '21

    He currently has a thread going on 'watches' - over on the aviation-forum that we both frequent.

    So, rather gingerly, I asked him (politely), "if" he could perchance give us an update ?

    I'd advised Jim (as others had), to "take it to a luthier, to get it checked-out"

    He showed it to a few musicians, who ALL came to the same conclusions that WE (all) did = "That It Was Fake"

    Fake, but a GOOD fake, made up from 'bitz' - components, rather like a 'Frankenstrat'

    Even given the above, I guess I was rather hoping that he'd get about $150-$175 in USD, maybe more, even ?

    Being as Jim is//was/is (still), a "Guitar Ignoramus" - His intent was always going to be, donate the money to an animal-sanctuary

    As it came about as a bereavement, I just wanted to 'let the dust settle', before asking for an update - Today, this is what he said....

    Reply #110 posted 29 minutes ago Hornchurch likes this
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    Post by Jim on 29 minutes ago

    "Hi Hawny yes it sold, I guy that runs a bar in town bought it, he likes to jam with some of his customers, so he paid me £100 for it.

    (PS ; THAT EQUATES TO JUST $131.00 in USD, as of early April 2022)

    After much messing around and seeing a whole bunch of Guitar nuts the general opinion was its a copy but a good one.

    One chap I showed it to ( a profesional musician ) said the thing was all wrong ,

    but that it was still worth a £100 if you wanted to try to impress the uninformed.

    I think in total I had about 8 people look at it and all gave the same opinion nice but fake.

    I pulled it apart (I wish I had left the bugger alone but I needed to be sure).

    Nothing on the base of the fret/neck at all, the dials and switches were not correct either.

    Plus I was told and the lettering was very obviously fake too.

    General consensus was fake but a nice one so the cat rescue place got a £100, not bad really.

    I have forgotten now but I think it was decided it was made in China!"

    So, there ya have it folks - That kinda "wraps up" this thread

    Figured he MIGHT've gotten a bit more, but, what with the world (in general) "tightening it's belt" money-wise..... C'est La Vie !


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