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Thread: Had to share this.

  1. #1
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Ever heard of José Carioca?

    Had to share this.

    Just read this over at the Fender "official" Forum.

    You don't need drugs to play.

    I haven't ever smoked a cigarette, much less a joint. I used to drink, but I gave that up, too. My playing and songwriting improved greatly.

    If you want/need to "open your mind", go out in the country and watch the sun rise. Stay there all day and watch the sunset. Look at the stars that night. If you live in the city you forget about how beautiful the night sky can be. It's a great high, legal and no hangover.

    Go volunteer to help an elderly person with household tasks--and sit and listen to them talk about their experiences. That will open your mind to times and places that you'll never be able to see. Then listen to a child talk about their dreams and hopes. That will take you to new places you haven't seen before, either.

    Take the person(s) you love to a park, sit under a tree and just breathe. Count how many different types of flowers are there. Feed the squirrels. Watch the ants. You'll realize God gave this stuff to us for our enjoyment...and you'll feel as small as "Alice" ever was.

    If you need to take your music to a dark place, that's fine. Concentrate on the injustices of the world, the pain and suffering all around you and then let the feelings flow into your music. Cry if you have to. Scientists have analyzed tears of sorrow and tears of happiness. Sad tears clear bad chemicals from the human body. Tears of happiness come from the release of good endorphines, and are akin to a good, relaxing high. Either way, you'll feel "clearer" than any pill, leaf or liquid can make you.

    Grab your guitar and go crazy. Moan, scream, holler and yell--you'll get a release like you'll never feel from drug or drink. Let the wah pedal cry for you, let the distortion grind your bad feelings down and let the fuzz warm you. Turn on the rotary, close your eyes and let it spin you around like a whirling dervish. Get lost in the reverb. Set the tremolo on your amp to the rate of your heartbeat and pulse your way through to a higher plane.

    But you don't need drugs to play music, and anyone who does is lacking in spirit."

    Actually it was a thread about psychodelic music, not exactly drug use or anything, but this user just nailed it...

    Here's the source

  2. #2
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Re: Had to share this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sérgio View Post
    Just read this over at the Fender "official" Forum.

    You don't need drugs to play.

    I haven't ever smoked a cigarette, much less a joint. I used to drink, but I gave that up, too. My playing and songwriting improved greatly.

    If you want/need to "open your mind", go out in the country and watch the sun rise. Stay there all day and watch the sunset. Look at the stars that night. If you live in the city you forget about how beautiful the night sky can be. It's a great high, legal and no hangover.

    Go volunteer to help an elderly person with household tasks--and sit and listen to them talk about their experiences. That will open your mind to times and places that you'll never be able to see. Then listen to a child talk about their dreams and hopes. That will take you to new places you haven't seen before, either.

    Take the person(s) you love to a park, sit under a tree and just breathe. Count how many different types of flowers are there. Feed the squirrels. Watch the ants. You'll realize God gave this stuff to us for our enjoyment...and you'll feel as small as "Alice" ever was.

    If you need to take your music to a dark place, that's fine. Concentrate on the injustices of the world, the pain and suffering all around you and then let the feelings flow into your music. Cry if you have to. Scientists have analyzed tears of sorrow and tears of happiness. Sad tears clear bad chemicals from the human body. Tears of happiness come from the release of good endorphines, and are akin to a good, relaxing high. Either way, you'll feel "clearer" than any pill, leaf or liquid can make you.

    Grab your guitar and go crazy. Moan, scream, holler and yell--you'll get a release like you'll never feel from drug or drink. Let the wah pedal cry for you, let the distortion grind your bad feelings down and let the fuzz warm you. Turn on the rotary, close your eyes and let it spin you around like a whirling dervish. Get lost in the reverb. Set the tremolo on your amp to the rate of your heartbeat and pulse your way through to a higher plane.

    But you don't need drugs to play music, and anyone who does is lacking in spirit."

    Actually it was a thread about psychodelic music, not exactly drug use or anything, but this user just nailed it...

    Here's the source

    I'll stick with the sex and drugs, thank you very much.
    "No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim

  3. #3
    Forum Member harleytech's Avatar
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    Re: Had to share this.


  4. #4
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: Had to share this.

    Who said anything about being without Sex?!

  5. #5
    Forum Member melody's Avatar
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    Re: Had to share this.

    Alcohol I can do without,that shit is poison. Cannabis is where it's at..

  6. #6
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: Had to share this.

    Quote Originally Posted by KennyF View Post
    It sounds like something a recovering drug addict or alcoholic would say...
    That's the idea

  7. #7
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: Had to share this.

    Quote Originally Posted by melody View Post
    Alcohol I can do without,that shit is poison. Cannabis is where it's at..
    Amen. I don't even smoke it anymore and I'm probably more into it than ever before.

  8. #8
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Re: Had to share this.

    Quote Originally Posted by KennyF View Post
    Just what the world needs, a judgemental, recovering addict, telling normal people how they should be living their lives...

  9. #9
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Re: Had to share this.

    Quote Originally Posted by KennyF View Post
    Just what the world needs, a judgemental, recovering addict, telling normal people how they should be living their lives...
    Yeah, that will get you really far in the music community.
    "No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim

  10. #10
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    Re: Had to share this.

    So tubes are out and hookers and blow are off the table? I can't keep up with you kids anymore...

  11. #11
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Re: Had to share this.

    I remember reading an article on alcoholism many (!) years ago in the Washington Post. It reported that an estimated one out of ten people has a problem with alcohol. To your point, @KennyF, it went on to say that THREE OUT OF FOUR people were adversely affected by someone else's alcoholism. Oof!

  12. #12
    Forum Member ch willie's Avatar
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    Re: Had to share this.

    I'm lucky that, even though alcoholism has affected many on my mother's side of the family, I've always been able to drink in moderation. However, I was not able to smoke ganga in moderation. When I quit 8 months ago, I was spending a fortune, smoking all day and evening and not to get high but just to feel normal. The first two months without it were hard. I quit because of the expense, but also because it wasn't helping my anxiety, actually increased it.

    But man, smoke weed if you can control it. I couldn't. It really did hurt my ability to write songs and do my job properly. Since I quit, my writing has come back in full force, and my teaching this semester was the strongest that it's been in a couple of decades.

    Admittedly, I'm not writing much with the guitar, but I have been able to do so on the piano.
    If we'd known we were going to be the Beatles, we'd have tried harder.--George Harrison

  13. #13
    Forum Member VibroCount's Avatar
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    Re: Had to share this.

    I find it interesting how many ways people can misspell psychedelic. There is neither an a nor an o in the word.
    Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don't. -- Pete Seeger

  14. #14
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: Had to share this.

    Quote Originally Posted by KennyF View Post
    Just what the world needs, a judgemental, recovering addict, telling normal people how they should be living their lives...

    Thing is, I don’t think the post was addressed to “normal people” (btw what’s normal again?), but to those who are about To become addicts themselves.

  15. #15
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: Had to share this.

    Anyway, I don’t need to smoke or drink anything To play or write Music and get high on it so I dig the post I quoted there...

  16. #16
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: Had to share this.

    Quote Originally Posted by KennyF View Post
    Don't take this the wrong way... I'm truly not trying be argumentative... What I'm saying is, the opinion of a recovering addict is worthless, regardless of who they're addressing...

    At any rate... This subject is a major sore spot to me, and something that I've had a lot of experience with... My opinion of how to properly address this situation is 180° out from the medical professionals, meaning, they're WRONG!!! In fact, they're probably making the problem worse...

    No problem, I can see that

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