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Thread: Is EQing overated?

  1. #1
    Forum Member Telebluesfan's Avatar
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    Is EQing overated?

    At least as far as 'shaping' your tone? I posted this 'over there' and I'm sure many of you probably already saw it. But I'm sure many here haven't - so I'm curious as to what your opinions are regarding EQing your bass rig.

    Is EQing overated? I'm starting to think perhaps so. I've been tweaking my gear (OK - I lie - I've actually done a wholesale change from what I was playing through just two months ago), and have settled on an Avatar 2X10 w/horn over an Avatar 1X15 bottom stack - powered by a 400W SWR with 5-band EQ. Since adding the 15 bottom and having an attenuator on the horns in both cabs - I've kinda settled in on an almost dead flat EQ setting and really, really liking it. I just use the tone control on my J-Bass from there for final adjustments.

    Anyone else using a flat or close-to flat EQ setting on their amp?

  2. #2
    Forum Member
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    I think if you're serious about your tone, then EQ-ing cannot be ovverated. The "uneducated" ear will tell you otherwise, but I've spent a decade refining my tone, to the point where people know when it's me.

    They don't go "hey that sounds like a good P bass"

    They go, hey, that sounds like Ron playing a good p-bass thru a nice rig.

    If it were ever to be overrated, it would be reflected in the market's push to simplistic eq systems on amps.

    But they don't. Many manufacturers offer a plain jane 3 band, but with shelving points for each range. SVT's are "simple" in their eq, but are beautiful in their function. They're not just "tone" knobs for the different ranges, but interact greatly with the signal and the tubes involved.

    Then there's manufacturers like Trace Elliot, and Aquilar, and Genz Benz and the like that offer vast eq sections.

    Whether you want a quick dail-in, or incredible variety on shaping your sound, the basic underlying task is the same. To not sound like crap.

    No, I'm not implying your tone is crappy by default (re: your disinterest in eq'ing) but the quality of the factors in the equation have alot of play in the final outcome. Maybe you just have fantastic stuff.

    I'm not bragging about this or that, and yeah, a flat-eq setting might sound great alone, but could be completely lost in a band setting, and that's where my labors were focussed, and therefore, where they've paid off.
    Last edited by paparhino; 11-13-2003 at 08:51 AM.

  3. #3
    Forum Member Telebluesfan's Avatar
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    Originally posted by paparhino
    . Maybe you just have fantastic stuff.

    I'm not bragging about this or that, and yeah, a flat-eq setting might sound great alone, but could be completely lost in a band setting, and that's where my labors were focussed, and therefore, where they've paid off.
    No - I've got pretty 'average Joe' stuff. A SWR 4004 (400W) head with the aforementioned Avatar cabs. They're a downright steal, IMHO. And I'm with you - the gig tone is the ultimate target.

    But an interesting transformation has happened with me personally. I still love the clarity of tens - but when that was ALL I had in either my little combo or just the Avatar 2X10 - I usually dialed in a heaping helping of bottom end on the EQ. And I generally liked the results - though certain rooms always sounded better than others. But as soon as I added that 15" bottom cab, I found the 'slot' in tone I was after in my head. Nice full, meaty bottom with the clear ring of the tens/horn providing a lot of punchy timbres. And it occurred basically with the graphic EQ nearly flat. I still tweak it from room-to-room, but it just seems to be MUCH more consistent now without having to stray too far from dead center on any of the sliders.

    So I'm thinking if the gear is right for your tone desires - there probably isn't a whole lot of work the EQ needs to do. I'm kinda thinking that I was using the EQ controls to try to overcome shortcomings in the gear I chose to gig with - a poor application. With the 2X10/1X15 stack - I'm liking the results a lot and not needing (nor desiring) a lot of adjustments to it.
    Last edited by Telebluesfan; 11-13-2003 at 09:03 AM.

  4. #4
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    Bravo then Well done. I'd quite like to check out Avatar's stuff. I think the 2 x 12 is downright purty. And the price! Awesome!

    I would get it w/o the Kappa's...I want that dubby low-end 12's give. I bet 12's sound fantastic w/ fuzzbox. I get the nice mid-thing w/ the 10's and 15, but 12's, for some reason, got it all over in that dept.

  5. #5
    Forum Member Telebluesfan's Avatar
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    Originally posted by paparhino
    I'd quite like to check out Avatar's stuff. I think the 2 x 12 is downright purty. And the price! Awesome!

    I would get it w/o the Kappa's...I want that dubby low-end 12's give. I bet 12's sound fantastic w/ fuzzbox. I get the nice mid-thing w/ the 10's and 15, but 12's, for some reason, got it all over in that dept.
    Dave's REALLY easy to deal with. He answers his emails promptly and if you can get think in terms of his timezone (Mountain, I believe) - you can usually catch him personally on the phone. He'll ship same-day-as-ordered if he can catch the FedEx truck, and includes a 14 day full-refund trial period (I think he's a bit flexible on it though, to accommodate us giggers). I viewed it as a no-risk proposition and I haven't been a bit sorry. In fact - I'm only sorry I didn't do it earlier!
    Last edited by Telebluesfan; 11-13-2003 at 09:13 AM.

  6. #6
    Forum Member Telebluesfan's Avatar
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    And another thing.........

    Most importanly though about Dave Avatar - his stuff is VERY well made and sounds great.

  7. #7
    Forum Member doc540's Avatar
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    I'd quit playing if I didn't have the flexibility of EQ in search of the Lost Tone.
    Ayatollah of Dumbassollah

    facebook: Stephen Doc Watson

  8. #8
    Forum Member Telebluesfan's Avatar
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    Originally posted by doc540
    I'd quit playing if I didn't have the flexibility of EQ in search of the Lost Tone.
    Where'd ya lose it, Doc?

  9. #9
    Forum Member doc540's Avatar
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    Lose it??

    Hell, I've never found it!

    Ayatollah of Dumbassollah

    facebook: Stephen Doc Watson

  10. #10
    Forum Member chuckocaster's Avatar
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    spanish for lard.
    i don't really eq much, usually i cut a little of low, add a little mids and high end and call it a day. these cuts and boosts are only really about 3 db, nothing crazy. i use an ampeg v4b, and either a 2x15, or 1x15 cab depending on the venue. the same goes for when i mix bands, i only ever cut the offending frequencies. and through mixing a bunch of shows i have discovered that it usually isn't a whole bunch of frequencies, but at the most 6. the other thing to remember is that cutting and boosting a whole lot of frequencies can create hot and cold spots in the sound. i work under the premise of if you have good gear, it shouldn't take much knob tweaking to get it to sound right. that being said, there are some times when i spin those knobs to all hell to get a desired "effect" tone. but that is just me, and what i do.
    "don't worry, i'm a professional!"

  11. #11
    Forum Member Telebluesfan's Avatar
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    Originally posted by doc540
    Lose it??

    Hell, I've never found it!

    Add that B115 and I'll bet you'd be REAL close.....


  12. #12
    Forum Member doc540's Avatar
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    Ok, I gotta start picking up aluminum cans along the highway or something.

    Ayatollah of Dumbassollah

    facebook: Stephen Doc Watson

  13. #13
    Forum Member Telebluesfan's Avatar
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    Originally posted by doc540
    Ok, I gotta start picking up aluminum cans along the highway or something.

    Or take the easier road - sell your body.

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