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Thread: Fender Bass Amps

  1. #1
    Forum Member ch willie's Avatar
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    Fender Bass Amps

    Debated whether to post under "Basses," but it is an amp question.

    I've noticed that Fender offers mainly hybrids and solid states, but one tube head, the Bassman Pro 300.

    Are they following industry trends? Are the new hybrids as good as the old tube amps at providing a deep, warm, and beautiful bass tone?

    I once had a bassgasm through an old Ampeg SVT, and I can't imagine that a hybrid could rumble with it.

  2. #2
    Forum Member phantomman's Avatar
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    Re: Fender Bass Amps

    Much as it pains me to say this, I ain' nevah heared me a Fender tube bass amp that was worth a fiddler's f*ck with the exception of a 400PS plugged into three SUNN 2000S cabs stuffed with K-145s.

    That rig coulda been adapted by those DARPA boys into the next generation of sonic weapons!

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  3. #3
    Forum Member Cygnus X1's Avatar
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    Re: Fender Bass Amps

    Everyone knows Bassman's are built for guitars...not basses.

    At Least Jim Marshall knew it!

  4. #4
    Forum Member ziess's Avatar
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    Re: Fender Bass Amps

    I've tried a couple of Fender bass amps and liked them.
    Isn't the Bassman 300 the old Sunn 300 in slightly modified form?

  5. #5
    Forum Member ch willie's Avatar
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    Re: Fender Bass Amps

    I used to play through a 70s Bassman 50, tube. It was a good amp, but a few years later, when I played the Ampeg SVT, I couldn't believe how deep and toneful my Rickenbacker 4001s could be. Still have the bass, and one day, I'm going to get that Ampeg--with an 18" speaker cab.

  6. #6
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    Re: Fender Bass Amps

    I bassplaying friend of mine had the fender version of the sunn 300, it worked fine for a little over a year, but it used slip on connectors in heater feed to the power amp section of the board and they started to make a poor connection.I then clipped the connector off and soldered the heater wires to the pins standing up off of the board. Three months latter after giging every week end his amp lost heater power yet agian! to the output board, this time solder around the 2 heater feed pins was bad and the circuit board trace was bunt. At that point I cut the heater trace back from the first three output tubes and wired them direct to the pins, and I let the last three output tubes get their heater voltage from the circiut board trace!
    Man I hate humpin heavy amps amps like this up the three flights of stairs to my place!
    I any one is interested ,I may be talked into selling my Fender PS400 and its 4-12" gauss loaded showman or bassman cabinet?For all these years I could never find out what Fender amp this cabinet was made for?

  7. #7
    Forum Member refin's Avatar
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    Re: Fender Bass Amps

    Alot of McCartney's greatest bass tones (SGT. Pepper,Magical Mystery Tour,White Album,Revolver) were recorded on the band's cream Bassman.
    I find that at the volumes they were designed to be played at,Fender tube bass amps sound pretty good.
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  8. #8
    Forum Member ziess's Avatar
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    Re: Fender Bass Amps

    Yup. You can get a damn good sound out of a tweed Bassman so long as it's not so loud. We recorded all the bass (and most of the guitars) on our last album on one with the bass control turned down and the volume at 3. Sounds killer.


  9. #9
    Forum Member ziess's Avatar
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    Re: Fender Bass Amps

    - Double post -

  10. #10
    Forum Member Totally bored's Avatar
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    Re: Fender Bass Amps

    Okay, this kinda Dumb but........

    A Fender Bassman 4 x 10 ( That killer guitar amp thingy ) can make a decent Bass amp ? Wouldn't you be hurting them 10'' speakers with all that Bass thumping ?

    I wonder this as my Peavy Bass amp that I use in my studio for rehearsal died and I was thinking of picking up a Bassman someday to replace her. I also wonder if you could do a Bar Gig on Bass with one ?

  11. #11
    Forum Member ziess's Avatar
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    Re: Fender Bass Amps

    Only at low volume. It'll flap out at gigging volume.

  12. #12
    Forum Member
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    Re: Fender Bass Amps

    belive it or not, but used my late vibro champ thru a external 15 to record bass for some tracks two years ago and it sounded great and had just enough clean volume to record with.

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