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Thread: Creedence Clearwater Revival Sound

  1. #1
    Forum Member
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    Creedence Clearwater Revival Sound

    How can I get the CCR sound - like the intro to Suzie-Q or Fortunite Son? I play an Americam Strat HH through a Blues Deville 4 x 10. This guitar is pretty versitle, but I am having trouble nailing the sound. I have tried various pickup combinations, drive levels on the amp, and also included my Tube Screamer - all to no avail. I would assume there is some effects pedal and/or a certain amp setting that I need. Any advice will be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Forum Member
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    Re: Creedence Clearwater Revival Sound

    Perhaps a more transparent amp would help - maybe the DRRI?

  3. #3
    Forum Member chuckocaster's Avatar
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    Re: Creedence Clearwater Revival Sound

    "the sound" is a rickenbacker tuned down a whole step, capoed at the second fret, with a gibson humbucker in the bridge slot, ran into a kustom amp.

    you should be able to get close with an amp just this side of breakup, and either a p90 or a tele type guitsteel. with a strat, well i'd rewire it to have a tone pot on the bridge pup.

    most of the john fogerty sound is bridge pup, nice and bright but ballsy without being distorted. i think you can do that with your amp, but you'll need to tweak the EQ and drive (less gain). most of the time we dial in too much distortion for the sound we're looking for.
    "don't worry, i'm a professional!"

  4. #4
    Forum Member Mesotech's Avatar
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    Re: Creedence Clearwater Revival Sound

    This is one of those questions that has about a hundred answers and none of them are right and none are wrong at the same time.

    I find that the guitar tones in several CCR tunes are quite different. It really depends on the song as to what works for me. Sometimes I can get real close using a Tele and my Blues Deluxe with no pedals. Other songs require my LP Custom's bridge pickup into my Mesa Boogie Mk1 clone cranked. With other songs I get close with my LP Jr's P90 into either the Blues Deluxe or the Blues Jr. Then there are some songs I can't get "the sound" because none of my amps have trem/vibrato but I can still get close with a PodXt on a tweed setting.

    Watching Fogerty on TV, it's common to see him use a 56 RI LP with P90's, a LP Custom, and a Tele or Strat. Then again, he'll also come out with the 'baseball' bat guitar, a PRS, or a Peavey. His backline looks to be tweed Fenders and Mesa's, but I've seen Carvins onstage as well.

    The one most elusive element to Fogerty's tone that remains consistent to whatever gear he's using and whatever song he's playing are his hands. He sounds like himself no matter what he's doing.
    POO DAT!!!

  5. #5
    Gravity Jim

    Re: Creedence Clearwater Revival Sound

    Quote Originally Posted by Mesotech View Post
    The one most elusive element to Fogerty's tone that remains consistent to whatever gear he's using and whatever song he's playing are his hands. He sounds like himself no matter what he's doing.
    Yep. That sound is made by pick attack and angle, by left hand muting at the right time... in short, it's how he plays. I think you could come pretty close with virtually any guitar and amp if you figured out how to play the sound.

  6. #6
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    Re: Creedence Clearwater Revival Sound

    I dig the tone, Fezz. What gear were you using?

  7. #7
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    Re: Creedence Clearwater Revival Sound

    Sorry, I meant to ask which amp you were using. I'm a

  8. #8
    Forum Member
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    Re: Creedence Clearwater Revival Sound

    Thanks for the info everyone. I will give some of this a try and see how it comes out.

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