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Thread: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

  1. #41
    TFF Stage Crew
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Good for you. You edited it because I was taking it so personally? Good for you. Then you continue to defend its underlying premise and infer that I'm the one with a problem. Good for you.

    I play with 50 and 60-year old musicians every month who still love what they do. Good for them.

    Good, good, good. We're done here.

  2. #42
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Look, man, I can't say it any other way than the way it is for me.

    I don't want to play bar gigs. I don't have fun, for reasons previously stated. If you dig them, by all means, do them. I don't think LESS of people playing bar gigs. If they're having fun, that's all that matters. For me, with one exception, they are not fun. Drudgery is more like it.

    So I am aiming at the weekend festival circuit. I have a number of contacts for those, and while it's too late for this year, that's ok because the band I'm working with at this time is in the formative stage, and we have yet to play out. I'm sure our first few gigs will, indeed, be bar gigs, and I'll hate them. But that is not the goal of the band, it's simply a means to an end. So I'll tolerate them.

    If you and your buds are having fun, that's great. Bar gigs quit being fun for me about five years ago. If you want to remain offended, that is your choice, sir. I meant no disrespect and I apologize if you took it that way.

    EDIT: For the record, this thread was started because I needed a place to vent because the lead singer in the band has made a lot of noise about "playing in bars for my friends" and the rest of us made it clear that while there was no doubt some of that would happen, that was not the final, end-all, be-all goal of the band and she needed to get with the program.

    Any offense to persons, living or dead, was purely coincidental and and I apologize if any was taken. Weren't personal.
    Last edited by Hookerman; 07-04-2006 at 09:17 AM.

  3. #43
    Forum Member frank thomson's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Offshore Angler
    Frank just made a GIANORMOUS Freudian slip in #39!!!

    yea, she's pretty hot, too!

  4. #44
    Forum Member moonpie's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Has it been a week yet?
    If you leave the house, you're just asking for it.

  5. #45
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Yeah, Moonie, it has.

  6. #46
    TFF Stage Crew
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Moonpie, one day without you is too long. One week would be unbearable.

    Hookerman--I appreciate what you said in the last post. Thanks. Apology accepted. You never have to edit a post if I get offended, that I'm a moderator makes no difference. I have my opinions and others have theirs. If something crosses TFF rules, I will delete it and take other action as necessary. If anything happens that affects me personally but does NOT cross TFF rules, I'm going to speak my mind.

    You may not know a lot about "Forum 'Netiquette," but it is far more offensive to speak your mind, have someone argue with you, and then edit the original post to make it look like the person that the person arguing is arguing for no reason. That's where you pissed me off. Your first post ruffled my feathers because it wasn't phrased the best. When you edited it, you hacked me off but good. When you implied you edited it because I'm too sensitive and/or because you are the wisened age of approximately 50 compared to my approximately 40, that was the last straw. Big mistake.

    Your most recent post fixed my issue. Thanks.

  7. #47
    TFF Stage Crew
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Oh, and you also infuriated me when you called Steely Dan/Donald Fagen "elevator music." If you do that again I will ban you.

    (Yes, for God's sakes, I'm kidding. )

  8. #48
    Forum Member wellstrung's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Quote Originally Posted by pc
    Oh, and you also infuriated me when you called Steely Dan/Donald Fagen "elevator music." If you do that again I will ban you.
    BAN HIM! BAN HIM! And any other SD haters!

  9. #49
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    See the SD thread for my reply.

    Haven't changed my story. =:-O

  10. #50
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Quote Originally Posted by wellstrung
    BAN HIM! BAN HIM! And any other SD haters!

  11. #51
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hookerman
    PC - No offense intended...but when you've been doing it as long as I have, it's tiresome. Beyond tiresome.
    Hookerman, the issue seems to be that you need to remember that as a community, we all have diverse opinions here. We also have all levels of experience. I'm pretty comfortable in saying I've been gigging as long as many here and probably a lot longer than most. When you make a statement like the one above, and treat it as an absolute, you'll raise hackles. Just so you know, there are some pretty impressive CV's for players amongst us.

    You asked a question, got intelligent, cogent replies, and then made what several people, myself included, took as a pretty condescending statement.

    It doesn't make you a bad guy. I'm as guilty of Foot in Mouth Disease as anyone. But just because it's tiresome for YOU, doesn't mean that it is for the rest of us.

    Very much to the credit of the membership of this place, I beg you to notice that the arguents and replies where made in a civilized, adult manner. In many similar places, a flame war would have erupted that sent you out of town on a rail.

    In any event, it's all good, and we hope yor new direction works out for you. If you need any advice on booking bigger venues we'll be glad to help you out.

    "No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim

  12. #52
    Forum Member frank thomson's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    not me, .........i'm kickin his ass!


  13. #53
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    I wanna play madison square garden..
    Until then The mouse Trap will have to do..
    If Im able to play out I do it,I dont mind the drunks that much,
    as long as they are tiping buying the sauce and having fun,
    thats what matters to me it's entertainment.
    I imagine im at madison square garden every time I play out,
    LOL!!!!! it seems to make me play better.
    If you get tired of it well thats the breaks of being in a band,
    Kinda like becoming the president then complaining about wearing a tie...

  14. #54
    Forum Member detuned's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    "Do you guys know any Slayer?"

    That's funny.

    Next time someone asks you that - hit them with your tele.
    Master of Disaster on the Stratocaster

  15. #55
    Forum Member Guitar_Mc's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    "Do you guys know any Slayer?"

    That's funny.

    Next time someone asks you that - hit them with your tele.
    Or, if they ask you if you know any rolling stones tunes - hit them with your B.C. Rich.
    Music will always find its way to us, with or without business, politics, religion, or any other bull$hit attached. - E.C.

  16. #56
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    I hate the,,,
    Play some skinner, free bird ya whoo whooo..
    Yee Haaww,sweet home alabama,hey earl go get the shotgun,
    we'll make'em play the damn thing...
    That one's cute,,can I take'm home and play with'em Paaa...
    How could you get tired of that...

  17. #57
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hookerman
    I've played a bazillion bar gigs, but at my advancing age ('50s) I find I have about zero enthusiasm for playing them any more.

    I play a bar gig and the next two to three days, I'm a basket case. Tired, aching, cranky, listless.

    But more than that, I'm sick of having to run a PA, I'm tired of being fucked with by asshole club owners, having to drag people away from the stage gear because their mamas didn't teach them to keep their hands off other people's things, I'm tired of idiotic requests ("Do you guys know any SLAYER?"), I'm tired of butt-ugly pole-dancing hobags, who are determined to shag one of the band guys, doesn't matter which (look, I'm old enough to know better, took a while but I am), I'm tired of no stage, indifferent audiences and finally, I'm tired of drunken assholes who just HAVE to sit in with the band.

    EDIT: Anyone else trying to get out of bars these days?
    Agree entirely. I'm in my 50s as are my bandmates. Played those shitholes for 25 years and finally said to heck with it. We just decided it wasn't worth it anymore, so while we still play the odd good one, mostly its other kinds of gigs. We play less but enjoy it more. Then again, we don't do it for a living anymore. The gig money all goes into gear these days for me.

  18. #58
    Forum Member Plugger's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    I take umbrage at anyone who is at all condescending towards elevator music, and muzak in particular. Damn snobs -- everywhere you go...


  19. #59
    Forum Member telecast's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Isn't Umbrage a town in Northern England?
    A friend in need is a good reason to screen your calls.

  20. #60
    Forum Member Kap'n's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Quote Originally Posted by telecast
    Isn't Umbrage a town in Northern England?
    Sure, it straddles the river Um.

    The Um Valley is very nice, in a pig-latin kind of way.
    Several guitars in different colors
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  21. #61
    Forum Member telecast's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Hmm. So, to get across town you have to take the UmBridge?
    A friend in need is a good reason to screen your calls.

  22. #62
    Forum Member Kap'n's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Quote Originally Posted by telecast
    Hmm. So, to get across town you have to take the UmBridge?
    Sure. There's a relatively well known town that straddles the river Cam, too.

    One of the bridges is known as The Bridge of Sighs.

    It's analogue in Um is known as The Bridge of Ums.
    Several guitars in different colors
    Things to make them fuzzy
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    orange picks

  23. #63
    Forum Member Plugger's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Somehow, I don't think you guys are taking my fair and reasonable complaint about the pervasiveness of elevator music snobbery very seriously.

    In situations like these, I put my fingers in my ears and hum "The Girl From Ipanema" to myself. Very loudly.

    Um, um, um, um, um-um um um...


  24. #64
    Forum Member Kap'n's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plugger
    In situations like these, I put my fingers in my ears and hum "The Girl From Ipanema" to myself. Very loudly.

    Um, um, um, um, um-um um um...
    I thought I was the only one who did that.
    Several guitars in different colors
    Things to make them fuzzy
    Things to make them louder
    orange picks

  25. #65
    Forum Member Rickenjangle's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    I like to sing Billy Don't Be a Hero as loudly as possible over the Muzak.

    "I'm gonna find myself a girl
    that can show me what laughter means
    And we'll fill in the missing colors
    In each other's paint-by-number dreams..."

  26. #66
    Forum Member telecast's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plugger
    Um, um, um, um, um-um um um...


    Brage, brage, brage, brage, brage-brage brage brage...
    A friend in need is a good reason to screen your calls.

  27. #67
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    "Girl From Ipanema" is a kickin tune to play though!

    Fmaj7, G, F#, F#m,...
    "No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim

  28. #68
    Forum Member NeoFauve's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plugger
    I take umbrage at anyone who is at all condescending towards elevator music, and muzak in particular. Damn snobs -- everywhere you go...

    I take the stairs.
    On the way up, sometimes I drum on the railing. It's aluminum tubing, and sounds pretty cool. The sound changes, depending whether I tap with my fingers or my nails, in the middle of the rail or near a bracket. Tone is in the attack.
    On the way down I tend to whistle.
    "Well, I used to be disgusted, now I try to be amused..."
    Elvis Costello

  29. #69
    Forum Member Kap'n's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Quote Originally Posted by NeoFauve
    On the way down I tend to whistle.
    Several guitars in different colors
    Things to make them fuzzy
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    orange picks

  30. #70
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    i have never been and will never be anything but a common bar room blues guitar player. been at it for damm near 30 years and still love it.

  31. #71
    Forum Member Gtrplyr's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Even some bigger name acts are playing bar gigs these days it seems. I run into both good and bad bar gigs and have been playing clubs for 30 years.

    It's usually after a crappy gig that I may feel tired of the club scene but then like a drunk who swears they will never have another drink I find myself gettng excited about the next one.

  32. #72
    Forum Member detuned's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Guitar_Mc
    Or, if they ask you if you know any rolling stones tunes - hit them with your B.C. Rich.

    HA! :-P

    The tele'd still be in tune tho'...
    Master of Disaster on the Stratocaster

  33. #73
    Forum Member Mikey's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    I just love the one who asked us 4 times to play some Dave Matthews..

    Shit! Is she blind? Here we are, all sorts of different clothes on including a western shirt, cowboy hat and gas station stuff, a band with two teles and and rock-a-billy DeArmond thing twangin' all night and she wants Dave Matthews...even after we all puked the first time she asked?

    Some folks just won't ever get it!
    If, at first you don't succeed, don't try skydiving.
    Two leaps per chasm is fatal!

  34. #74
    Forum Member Kap'n's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikey
    Some folks just won't ever get it!
    In the acoustic duo, I had a request for Earth, Wind and Fire once.
    Several guitars in different colors
    Things to make them fuzzy
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    orange picks

  35. #75
    Forum Member Mikey's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    If, at first you don't succeed, don't try skydiving.
    Two leaps per chasm is fatal!

  36. #76

    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gravity Jim
    pc - well, I can tell you the reasons. No deep buried trauma here.

    In Fort Wayne, playing in a band means one of two things: you're either a half-assed nobody with your nose in the air playing "originals" (or as I prefer to call them, "derivatives") in a band of guys who are marginally capable but who have attracted a medium to large following of impaired fans who tell you that "you rule all" once a day on MySpace - or you're in a cover band that doesn't play in tune or in time. You make some money as the latter (none as the former), but you do it by playing dive bars, doing 10 minute jams on "Sweet Home Alabama" for crowds that came for dollar pitchers of Miller Lite.

    I'd love to play in a band that A) played great material B) real well C)thereby generating enough excitement that a bar crowd might actually look in your direction a couple times a night. The fact that no such outfit exists in my town tells me that my supposition is correct: if you started such a band, you'd be out 3K for a PA system and wouldn't find a gig anywhere in the county.

    So I'm for sure not going to play crappy just to get out in front of people, especially a bunch of drunk people who don't care. Because for me, performance is not what it's all about. Composition, melody, harmony, recording technique is equally what it's all about. I busted my ass on the road for five years, six night a week, four hours a night and that was plenty.

    But I agree... I don't think this is a higher calling or that you're not hip to the truth if you're gigging and loving it. I know the situation can be different in a larger town.
    "Derivatives". Nice! Remember that musicians borrow and entertainers steal. We make no bones about sounding like an '80s band. It's a conscious effort. That said, playing original music here can be as much fun as surgery. We deal with bad neighborhoods (although the "entertainment" district has nearly shut down recently), low crowds, even lower pay (pay? what's that?), and all of that.
    However, I still do this because I love playing, and I like what we do. We've begun a campaign to bring original music to the suburbs around here, and we've marketed it pretty well. Still no crowds to speak of, but we get a guaranteed fee, which never happened downtown in the "indie" scene. The couple times a year we play to a larger crowd at Southgate House makes some of the other jobs a little more tolerable.

    Hey Jim - was it you that ditched the bust of James Dean behind the police station there?
    Youth and skill are no match for old age and treachery

  37. #77
    Forum Member Dr. Jimmy's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    I love playing out, it does get a touch frustrating sometimes, but it beats working. Ya just can't let it all get to you and enjoy your time out doing your thing. Either that or give up gigging altogether (one less band for me to compete with for gigs )

  38. #78
    Forum Member frank thomson's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kap'n
    In the acoustic duo, I had a request for Earth, Wind and Fire once.

    funny stuff

    see, most people don't have a clue

  39. #79
    Gravity Jim

    Re: Anyone else tired of bar gigs?

    I used to play "That's The Way Of The World" in my solo acoustic act. A great song is a great song, and if you get the chords right, you can carry the entire impact of that record withone guitar and voice.

    gweimer, your 80's band is so far beyond the average "originals" band in this area, there's no comparison. I'd go through a lot of trouble to play in a band that cool. :)

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