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Thread: Line 6 help

  1. #1
    Forum Member bzimm's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Line 6 help

    Ok, for all those using line 6 stuff, lend me a hand. I just recently picked up a toneport UX1 to use with my computer to do a little recording and quiet practice. I have two kids that go to bed early and I invoke the wrath of the wife if I wake them up.

    From what I understand, the UX1 provides models that are a subset of the Pod XT models. What I need, is some help tweaking the models and cab sims, and mic placement to get the sound that I want. Right now it seems like there are too many settings to mess with, and I just get lost in fiddling with the knobs instead of concentrating on getting the sound I am looking for.

    So, if someone would like to point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated. Here is what I am looking for:

    1) A nice good clean sound, think T-Bone Walker
    2) A nice smooth overdriven blues sound (Otis Rush, or yes I am going to say it, stand back - SRV)
    3) A little heavier rock sound, somewhere between ZZ-Top and AC/DC, but still retains the character of the guitar and doesn't just become fizz.

    Some of the problem I am having might be my monitors. Right now I am using either headphones (no matter what hardware I use this approach always seems to suck) or a set of computer speakers plugged into the headphone jack of the UX1. I am working towards getting a small set of powered monitors, but I still will have to keep the volume down.

    Thanks in advance for the help.

  2. #2
    Forum Member clayville's Avatar
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    Sep 2004

    Re: Line 6 help

    For me and my PodXT, it's been a matter of tweaking from the get go, and I can't claim to have a library of saved settings that will work for you -- there are really a ton of variables: from pickups and guitar settings right on through the way the knobs on the L6 device are twiddled from the base sound.

    But one thing I found helpful was to start with some of the contributed tone files at L6's Custom Tone site. Not sure if they'll work in your device, however...

  3. #3
    Forum Member bzimm's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Re: Line 6 help

    Thanks Clay. I had seen that site before but wasn't sure (since it is never mentioned) if it would work with the TonePort/Gearbox stuff. Line 6 stuff seems really cool but the documentation/support is rather lacking.

    On the line6 forum for the toneport I found some useful information though. It looks like my best bet is to try the "tones crafted by line 6". They almost exclusively use the models from the GuitarPort, all of which happen to be included in Gearbox. So I downloaded a few of them and will give them a go tonight. Hopefully I can get them loaded into the Gearbox software.

    With any luck, these will get me closer to the sound in my head (and when I used to be able to play through a real amp) and provide a closer starting point for my own tweaking.

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