Yeah, one of these:

What a truly remarkable little amp! Of course, for an MSRP of US$499 it ought to be.

I'd been needing a small bass amp for years because all my other amps were huge, but I could never find a deal on one that wasn't cheap junk. I was cruising Guitar Center one evening and caught them tagging gear for a sale next day and saw one for US$158.99, brand new. I snapped it up and I have to say that I have rarely been as impressed with a piece of gear. How it manages to sound as great with as many different basses, I can't say. It's just a mystery.

When I first got it, I thought it must have been a fluke, but when I asked around among well-experienced, adult bassists they all assured me that it wasn't my imagination - it really is a great small amp that they widely recommended to their students and often used themselves as a practice amp and even for studio work.

It isn't widely purchased because the MSRP is only $100 less than that of the much more popular BA-115, which is a substantially larger amp with twice the power, slightly more control features, a 15" speaker and a tweeter. With a differential in street price of only around fifty or sixty bucks, people naturally go for the BA-115 and the BA-112 doesn't get much of a hearing. That's too bad as the BA-112 is a great amp in its own right.

If you get a chance to get a long deal on one, spring for it. You won't be disappointed.