We've often discussed how bad silicone based protectants are for our axes.

A friend has a Buell Thunderbolt motorcycle that he's owned since new.

He recently found the need to repaint the carbon fiber parts on the bike. The clear coat had checked, faded, and peeled.
After removing the original finish, the parts were re-finished in clear only to have fish eyes and other defects appear.

This is probably due to his use of a silicone based vinyl protectant on the Buell's seat. It seems that the product seeped through the checks in the finish and into the weave of the carbon fiber!

As has been mentioned on many occasions, these products should never be used anywhere near musical instruments (or cars even). Applying them to your case and amp will lead to the product being spread to your instruments from your hands.

Those of you who have yet to throw away your silicone protectant, please consider doing so. You and/or the future owners of your guitars will thank you.

There are other products available that will make you guitar case, amp and car's dashboard and tires look just as un-naturally shiny without the harmfull side effects of silicone.

BTW, if anyone has any recomendations on dealing with the problem on the Buell, please advise.