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Thread: Ben Barnes on "60 Minutes" Sept. 12...

  1. #1
    Forum Member VibroCount's Avatar
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    Ben Barnes on "60 Minutes" Sept. 12...

    ...the former Texas official who says he pulled strings to get George W. Bush into the Air National Guard finally goes very public.

    Last week, Barnes' videotaped comments that he was "very ashamed" of getting Bush into the National Guard began circulating on the Web. He said the remorse was prompted by a recent visit to the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, where he saw the names of thousands of other young men who did not enjoy the connections of the Bush family.

    The national press, which for weeks has been amplifying factually challenged allegations against John Kerry by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, gave Barnes' stunning remarks only cursory coverage. The Washington Post, for instance, ran a brief wire story on Saturday, the same day it printed yet another exhaustive piece about allegations surrounding Kerry's war past. In a subsequent online chat, the Post reporter covering the Swift boat story suggested Barnes' comments didn't qualify as "fresh information," and consequently he wasn't interested in "simply regurgitating old controversies." The New York Times ran a brief item on Barnes' statements deep inside its Saturday news section, next to yet another lengthy profile of Kerry's longtime Swift boat nemesis, John O'Neill.

    Throughout his political career Bush has adamantly denied that he got a Guard pilot spot through preferential treatment. That, despite the fact Bush was jumped ahead of a nationwide waiting list of 100,000 Guard applicants, while achieving the lowest possible passing grade on his pilot aptitude test for would-be fliers, and listing "none" as his background qualifications.

    Barnes insists strings were pulled on Bush's behalf, and he helped pull them. Speaking to Kerry supporters in Austin, Texas, in May, he said, "I got a young man named George W. Bush into the Texas National Guard ... I got a lot of other people in the National Guard because I thought that was what people should do when you're in office, and you help a lot of rich people." Recalling a recent visit to the Vietnam Memorial, Barnes added, "I looked at the names of the people that died in Vietnam, and I became more ashamed of myself than I have ever been, because it was the worst thing I ever did, was help a lot of wealthy supporters and a lot of people who had family names of importance get into the National Guard. And I'm very sorry about that, and I'm very ashamed."

    That story is entirely consistent with the statement Barnes made five years ago, when he revealed that in 1968 he made the phone call to the head of the Texas Air National Guard at the request of the late Sidney Adger, a Houston oil man and longtime Bush family friend. At the time, neither Bush nor his campaign directly denied the story. Bush simply stressed that neither he nor his father had made a call on his behalf, and he was unaware of any other such string pulling.
    Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don't. -- Pete Seeger

  2. #2
    Forum Member grito's Avatar
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    The toasty hell known as Aridzona...

    Re: Ben Barnes on "60 Minutes" Sept. 12...

    This won't make a wave with the "liberal" news media...
    "Power don't come from a badge or a gun. Power comes from lying. Lying big and gettin' the whole damn world to play along with you. Once you've got everybody agreeing with what they know in their hearts ain't true, you've got 'em by the balls."
    Senator Roark - Sin City

  3. #3
    Forum Member shoebox22's Avatar
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    Re: Ben Barnes on "60 Minutes" Sept. 12...

    pbradt - I'm very sorry you believe that.
    They're REAL anyway.....

  4. #4
    Forum Member VibroCount's Avatar
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    Jul 2002

    Re: Ben Barnes on "60 Minutes" Sept. 12...

    Ok, it's wrong, and perhaps two months old...

    But I just saw this & even my Republican wife laughed...

    :rl :rofl :rl
    Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don't. -- Pete Seeger

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