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Thread: Converting my Fat Tele to a standard Tele

  1. #1
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Mechelen, Belgium, Europe, Earth, Galaxy

    Converting my Fat Tele to a standard Tele

    I know plenty of folks rave about the Fat Teles but it's just not working for me. I bought it second hand and the pickups had been replaced. I have tried different pickups in it and it's still not working. I like the neck and it has a nice acoustic sound so I'm going to get a set of single coils and a new pickguard and convert here to a standard Tele.

    So here I am wondering what pickups to get. The guitar has a rosewood board andis made in '99. At first I was thinking about the Texas Specials but they might have to much output for my liking so the '52 Vintage pickups come in the picture. What other pickups can you guys recommend? Keep in mind that I live in Europe so not all stuff is available here.



  2. #2
    Forum Member Tonebender's Avatar
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    Jul 2002
    The Nocaster and Vintage Neck pickups are definitely a pair to consider........They match well and are very versatile.

  3. #3
    Forum Member
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    I have two MIM Fat Teles...I bought one used and I liked it so much I bought another (both very cheap). As time has gone they've both sort of evolved. One now has a SD Pearly Gates HB in the neck paired with a Fralin Steel Pole 43 in the bridge (built like a P-90 with some of the same flavor). I really really liked the Fralin in the bridge. So rather than have two identical guitars, I decided to make the other Fat Tele into a "normal" Tele with the Fralin Steele Pole 43s in both the neck and bridge. This is not a twang guitar, but it is a bright, gutsy, bluesy guitar.

    I'd try to find these where you are or call if you can (it's tough to get ahold of them via e-mail). I know that he ships all over the world.

    ps - I use 500K pots with these...I like them bright.

  4. #4
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Mechelen, Belgium, Europe, Earth, Galaxy
    I know Fralin Steel Poled, I have a set of them in my Strat and they sound great!! Didn´t know he made them for teles as well, gotta check that out!!



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