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Thread: Fender Standard Series

  1. #1
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Fender Standard Series

    I guess the universal question is "Why?"

    It's basically a Squier level import with the Fender logo on it. Nobody has had anything good to say about them. The consensus seems to be that they're a poorly made import with an upcharge for the Fender logo. Not even built by Fender. Basswood, ceramic bar mag pups, all the cheapness.

    Are the Telecaster and the Stratocaster officially dead now?

    I mean, time was when you could go buy a well-made USA instrument for a working guitarist for a very reasonable price. There was a really good value proposition to a Fender guitar. Today you can have cheap Asian imports that are beginner level at best, Mexican-built models that are pretty dubious on materials and quality, or an overpriced Custom Shop guitar at a price point where there are better options.

    Are you telling me Fender can't build a decent guitar for under $2000 USD and make money? Hell, Gibson can make USA Les Pauls for under $2K with a nitro finish. WTF?

    "No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim

  2. #2
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Re: Fender Standard Series

    I'm with you, Chuck. Maybe even ahead of you. I haven't seen any real improvement in either Fender's or Gibson's core lineup. Mostly just "reissues" or "renames." I haven't been tempted by a Strat or a Tele in years, and worse, I've become totally confused over the difference in "series" price points.

    These days, I'm looking more to companies like PRS, Reverend, Harmony, Charvel and what are commonly referred to as "boutique" guitars. You know why they're "boutique?" Because they aren't just doing the same thing over and over. Their QA is superior, and they are drawing the attention of the money-maker artists.
    Striving to be ordinary

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  3. #3
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Re: Fender Standard Series

    Well, I disagree on the Gibson thing. I find the Modern Series of Les Pauls to be quite nice. Yes, they still make the Standards and Customs and then the Reissue series, but they DO offer modern guitars. And they have phenomenal quality at a reasonable price. Plus you get the Mod Shop guitars which are really fun. You can have your own personal one-off Gibson for a very modest premium.

    And less we forget, Gibson got pretty far "out there" during the Henry J. years and were soundly put in place by the market who didn't want innovation.

    PRS - meh. They still have crap pickups from the factory in my opinion and many other people's too. PRS has been openly trying to address this lately but they still have a way to go. Their latest thing is to establish "the PRS sound" to make them unique. My Mayers are pretty OK sounding but making a vintage style Strat pickup isn't exactly rocket science, and even at the high price point for a PRS - all three pickups are the same, they just reverse the wiring on the middle. For what I use them for they're OK but don't sound as good to my ears as my Fenders. Look up "replacing pickups in PRS" and you 'll be amazed. That's not a ringing endorsement for an expensive guitar. Plus they have no binding, they just mask off the cap. Cheap. I see no reason why a PRS should cost what it does. OK, if you have a Dragon Burst on a "10 top" that's a premium guitar, but most working players aren't using that onstage. And at that price you're into Gibson Custom Shop with a quilted Bengal Burst Custom and Burst Buckers. No comparison.

    Charvel is part of Fender. It's their pointy 80's guitar line and mostly made in Mexico. Some in Japan and a few in USA. Reverend? Yeah, they have a cult following but you get what you pay for.

    But back to Fender, what the heck are they aiming for? Simply entry level players now? My guess is the people running Fender are more into selling a brand than musical instruments.

    Again, why don't they make a quality, inexpensive USA built guitar at a reasonable price, say around $1800 USD? You know they can and be profitable. G&L does it. My guess is they just don't see a demand for "real" guitars anymore.

    Last edited by Offshore Angler; 02-04-2025 at 03:12 PM.
    "No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim

  4. #4
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Re: Fender Standard Series

    Quote Originally Posted by Offshore Angler View Post
    Again, why don't they make a quality, inexpensive USA built guitar at a reasonable price, say around $1800 USD? You know they can and be profitable. G&L does it. My guess is they just don't see a demand for "real" guitars anymore.
    G&L ? I have both an S and a T type. The Tele is nothing short of stupendous. And I mentioned Harmony: US made, $1499.
    Striving to be ordinary

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