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Thread: It's the "Rise & Shine" Thread for the Sunday Before Christmas/Chanukah, 2024

  1. #1
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    It's the "Rise & Shine" Thread for the Sunday Before Christmas/Chanukah, 2024

    Christmas and Chanukah fall on the same day this year, Wednesday, December 25. And if you don't celebrate either, just celebrate life. Which in the end, is the same thing.

    I've wimped out this week. The weather has turned biting cold, and today it's not supposed to get above freezing, and the wind chills make it insane to go outdoors. So, I've become a "mall walker," which allows me to not only get in some exercise, but also gives me the opportunity to look for last minute gifts.

    Today, no mall walking for me. I'm going to hunker down after church and lunch, get in some quality playing time (I've nearly got two Christmas instrumentals down pat) watch some handegg, and keep my eye on the humidity in my guitar room as the weather is making it tough to maintain a good RH level. Wishing everyone a good Sunday, and a Merry Christmas (or what have you)!
    Striving to be ordinary

    Proud to be a TFF Dumbass!

  2. #2
    Forum Member Laker's Avatar
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    On da lakeshore in Wisconsinski

    Re: It's the "Rise & Shine" Thread for the Sunday Before Christmas/Chanukah, 2024

    We finally got our first real snowfall of the year on Thursday evening (it?s gonna be a white Christmas after all) and it was enough that I had to fire up the snowblower for the first time since last winter.

    Last night I cooked up a very tasty chicken stir fry that put the wife and me into a food coma for the rest of the evening so I?m raring to go this morning. After church we?ll head out to our usual Sunday morning breakfast with friends and who knows what the day will bring after that. I did pick up a standing rib roast yesterday for our Christmas dinner and was surprised at paying $17 per pound. I don?t recall, but think I paid around $6 last year. Oh well, time marches on.

    Hope all have a great Christmas, Kwanzaa or Chanukah.

  3. #3
    Forum Member blackonblack's Avatar
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    Re: It's the "Rise & Shine" Thread for the Sunday Before Christmas/Chanukah, 2024

    Well got almost all the wrapping of presents done yesterday. Only 2 to go. Made an acquisition yesterday, a CS 52 Tele I?ve been eyeballing for 1/2 year. Just finished playing a set at church with the CS 60 Tele and another 1 to do in a bit.

    Later it will be finish wrapping presents, fill the truck up and do some work in preparation for 2025 of one of our metrics reports. Hopefully some handegg.

    PS I’ll post a pic of the new Tele once I get it hosted.

  4. #4
    Forum Member Telenator's Avatar
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    Re: It's the "Rise & Shine" Thread for the Sunday Before Christmas/Chanukah, 2024

    0 degrees in Otis MA.
    Furnace quit last night.
    50 degrees inside right now.
    Hope the landlord gets someone here soon.
    Taking the acoustics to a warmer place.
    Great start to a snowy Sunday!
    We've got the CuNiFe

  5. #5
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Re: It's the "Rise & Shine" Thread for the Sunday Before Christmas/Chanukah, 2024

    5?F for the load out last night. -1?F when I walked the dog this AM. Should be ice on the lakes soon if this keeps up.
    "No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim

  6. #6
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: It's the "Rise & Shine" Thread for the Sunday Before Christmas/Chanukah, 2024

    I was out last night, saw two shows. Should have left the pizza in the car, it would have been fine. Instead it got left on the kitchen table and found this morning. Dang.

    Jockeying for some washing machine time with my brother, trying to get some laundry done before I start the cleaning of the house for the upcoming gathering on Wednesday. Keeping eye on FB for guitar I have listed. Over 500 clicks and no real bites, I swear the # of clicks is less than it was yesterday is that even possible? FB is such a wonky platform.

    Insulation is up in the ceiling of the music room, we got quotes from the HVAC and the electrician says the mains panel can handle it. Now to coordinate with the builder. Nothing is being done until after Christmas. I have a feeling it won't resume until after next week in the new year.

    Going to put my new ski pants on and go for a walk. Wish I knew where my ski mask was, it's pretty dang cold and windy. At least the wind chill is out of the single digits. Full sunshine but nothing's melting. My humidifier started to crap out, got a new one delivered yesterday. Going to set it up today. Combined with the central air's humidification it gives a solid 45% RH which is rocking it with a forced hot air system.

    Got comfortably numb a couple nights ago, started playing unplugged and was digging the Tele I'm trying to sell. Dangit, made me not want to sell it but it's still on the blocks.
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

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