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Thread: Gasp! It's Sunday. Again. 2024-12-08

  1. #1
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Gasp! It's Sunday. Again. 2024-12-08

    There's another Sunday thread two down on the list. We're not a very talkative bunch, are we?

    So, here we are, just a little over two weeks out from Christmas. I find with some amazement that I've already completed my shopping! All that's left is to address some cards. I guess that now I'm retired, little tasks and chores like this come easier to do. So, a slight break in the weather today, which means I plan to spend a good deal of it outdoors. No handegg of interest today, but I'll probably watch some, anyway. My little guitar practice reminder tells me I've gone 72 straight days. I'll make it 73 today. I'm kind of throwing darts at my song list, picking at random ones I want to practice, and it's kind of fun going over old material!

    Wishing everyone well. Have a great Sunday!
    Striving to be ordinary

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  2. #2
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: Gasp! It's Sunday. Again. 2024-12-08

    a cloudy cool day here but not freakishly cold. We've had shovel-able snow this week, thankfully it wasn't much because it was slush. Sigh. Got a dusting last night but the streets are already melted clear, might clear the drive just to keep from getting sheer ice from freezing run off.

    Nothing this week on the basement construction. Got the HVAC guy in here and bro is on board, yay. The sweetener was finding out he could get his own head unit for his room so he and his GF can sleep in a fridge if they want to (they do). We'll go with two head units in the basement. The electrician is due next week and we have to assess whether the current mains panel can carry the extra outdoor unit. If things get pushed out while these are sussed out, I'm fine with that.

    Have noticed it being rather dry lately with the cold weather. Going to have to supplement the humidifier of the HVAC with the console unit, which needs to be cleaned. I'll do that while the game plays in the background, we're probably going to lose anyway. I went out last night and saw 3 different bands. Yow, it was like the old days. Driving was easy because the roads were dry and when I left the last place, it had started to snow. I much rather drive in snow than rain. May have to go slower but I can see better without the headlights reflecting off the road, most of the time.
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

  3. #3
    Forum Member Tele-Bob's Avatar
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    Re: Gasp! It's Sunday. Again. 2024-12-08

    Ha! I finished my Xmas shopping in 1984. Haven't done any since. So liberating!

    Been doing a lot of finger picking these days. Starting to get almost a bit good at it. Lots of fun.

    Just going for my daily winter walk today, play some guitar later, not a whole lot more of anything else.

    Things slow down in the cold...
    If you're bored, you're not groovin'.

  4. #4
    Forum Member Laker's Avatar
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    Re: Gasp! It's Sunday. Again. 2024-12-08

    I went out and shoveled our little snowfall on Thursday morning and scraped the windows on my wife?s car (4 car garage and hers stands outside🙄), but today it has all melted away with temps in the low 40?s. As a kid I remember going to my grandparents for Thanksgiving and having 3 foot high snow banks in their yard and driving home in a blizzard. Times have changed.

    I changed the stuff around in the garage so now the snowblower is positioned behind the Corvette in preparation for the anticipated snow to make it easy for use when that snow that is inevitable here behind the Cheddar Curtain arrives.

    Hope all have a great week.

  5. #5
    Forum Member gibsonjunkie's Avatar
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    Re: Gasp! It's Sunday. Again. 2024-12-08

    Holy Smokes - I just realised it's Sunday. Things have been a bit nuts here for the last couple weeks. Ann and I both caught COVID - my symptoms were pretty mild, but it lasted three weeks. Ann, on the other hand, ended up in the hospital for 5 days. She developed blood clots and needs to be on blood thinners for 3-6 months. The clots in her legs are hurting pretty badly.

    I've pretty much taken over her basement garden. It's quite an involved process, between mixing the nutrients and keep all the plants watered at the right times and trimmed properly. We have a bunch of the plants in vegetative state and 4 in the flowering tent. Keeping it all in order is a PROJECT!

    Tomorrow is my first day back to work after three weeks. It will most likely be a pretty busy week. That's OK - I actually miss work. Hopefully things will start to get back to normal soon.
    "We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness." Mark Twain

  6. #6
    Forum Member blackonblack's Avatar
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    Re: Gasp! It's Sunday. Again. 2024-12-08

    Well I notched a big one on the stock today, 60. I've been fretting it, but it has come and gone.
    Took a long weekend (1st thing resembling a vacation since 2019). We headed about 2 hrs north to Carmel IN and visited an European Christmas Market. It was great, but the wing was so harsh we cut it shorter than desired. We woke the next day and went another 2 hrs north to Ft Wayne IN.

    I visited Sweetwater. Great company, awesome campus, awesome people.

    Got there shortly after opening and took in the layout quickly. Quickly learned that early they have a smaller crowd but a good share of really good guitarists there. By a couple hours later it gets crowded and is your typically weekend GC wankfest.

    Demoed a lot of high end gear. Glad to find out that a Martin D-28 Authentic isn't that much better than my Martin D-28. (My 71 had previously smoked a current D-28 and HD-28).
    Projection between the 71 and Authentic are the say. I may choose to scallop the braces a touch on my 71 (it's straight braced as Martin people will know).

    12 string basses and me don't work. My fingers aren't fat enough to hold down 3 courses of strings at a time.

    I really like Staple P90s in the neck. Rather than buying a Gibby CS 54 LP Custom, I will have a conversation with Jason Lollar about my current qty 2 P-90 guitars.

    Here's the standout that surprised everyone, even the worker that got them out of stock.

    Adam Audio DV3. Its a desktop computer speaker. WOW!!! Had it plugged into a Roland Phantom 03 that already had a full range sampling in it.
    We were all stunned. Especially by bass response. Keep in mind they were just brought in and set on stools by the keyboard. Accurately played everything at a 90+ db level with no distortion. Each is slightly larger than your palm. A pair is $300. Accurately represented bass down to 28hz They also can have a SW to further extend this.

    We then realized EQs weren't tweaked (we never did tweak them) or get them on a solid surface. Placed them on the floor and got more extension and a bit more volume. They could easily give nearfield monitors a challenge. Lesser quality nearfields will crawl away in shame.

    I am ordering at least 1 set as they will go into case for grab and go jams that are 90db or less (which is most of them) to pair with my Helix. May order the sub for when the grab and go is bass.

  7. #7
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: Gasp! It's Sunday. Again. 2024-12-08

    Quote Originally Posted by blackonblack View Post
    Well I notched a big one on the stock today, 60. I've been fretting it, but it has come and gone.
    Took a long weekend (1st thing resembling a vacation since 2019). We headed about 2 hrs north to Carmel IN and visited an European Christmas Market. It was great, but the wing was so harsh we cut it shorter than desired. We woke the next day and went another 2 hrs north to Ft Wayne IN.

    I visited Sweetwater. Great company, awesome campus, awesome people.

    Got there shortly after opening and took in the layout quickly. Quickly learned that early they have a smaller crowd but a good share of really good guitarists there. By a couple hours later it gets crowded and is your typically weekend GC wankfest.

    Demoed a lot of high end gear. Glad to find out that a Martin D-28 Authentic isn't that much better than my Martin D-28. (My 71 had previously smoked a current D-28 and HD-28).
    Projection between the 71 and Authentic are the say. I may choose to scallop the braces a touch on my 71 (it's straight braced as Martin people will know).

    12 string basses and me don't work. My fingers aren't fat enough to hold down 3 courses of strings at a time.

    I really like Staple P90s in the neck. Rather than buying a Gibby CS 54 LP Custom, I will have a conversation with Jason Lollar about my current qty 2 P-90 guitars.

    Here's the standout that surprised everyone, even the worker that got them out of stock.

    Adam Audio DV3. Its a desktop computer speaker. WOW!!! Had it plugged into a Roland Phantom 03 that already had a full range sampling in it.
    We were all stunned. Especially by bass response. Keep in mind they were just brought in and set on stools by the keyboard. Accurately played everything at a 90+ db level with no distortion. Each is slightly larger than your palm. A pair is $300. Accurately represented bass down to 28hz They also can have a SW to further extend this.

    We then realized EQs weren't tweaked (we never did tweak them) or get them on a solid surface. Placed them on the floor and got more extension and a bit more volume. They could easily give nearfield monitors a challenge. Lesser quality nearfields will crawl away in shame.

    I am ordering at least 1 set as they will go into case for grab and go jams that are 90db or less (which is most of them) to pair with my Helix. May order the sub for when the grab and go is bass.
    very interesting about those Adam Audio DV3. I sold my JBL 308P, they were still in the box, I've never opened them in 5 years. When the music room is done, all I currently have are a pair of Eris 3.5. They're sort of alright, get what you pay for. I'll give my guy at SW a call about those.
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

  8. #8
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Re: Gasp! It's Sunday. Again. 2024-12-08


    Before you spend too much on Lollars remember that the '54s were hog-tops and sound different than the maple caps. To my ears they are bit more mid-rangy, so if you have pups wound for a maple top you may need to consider that. And of course, a maple necked Lester is a different animal again -and I love 'em!

    54's are pretty unique sounding. I remember a certain forum member here who left his either '54 or '55 - I can't remember which at the restaurant we had lunch at and we had to go back and retrieve it, lol! Oh, the stories from back in the day.

    "No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim

  9. #9
    Forum Member blackonblack's Avatar
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    Re: Gasp! It's Sunday. Again. 2024-12-08

    Oh that?s definitely in mind. I?m calling Jason before I order anything. Actually the staple would be going into a SG.

  10. #10
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Re: Gasp! It's Sunday. Again. 2024-12-08

    And also bear in mind the 54's aren't chambered, so if your axe is it will lose even more mids. I have P94's in one of my modern LPs and I'm very happy with them.

    You know as well that pickups will not change the guitar's sound all that much. They don't affect the unplugged sound and that's where it all starts. A guitar either has "it" or it doesn't. With an LP it's that "zing" you get unplugged. With a good Lester the pickups really don't matter that much.

    "No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim

  11. #11
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Re: Gasp! It's Sunday. Again. 2024-12-08

    Ya'know, the horse is dead but I'll still beat it a little more, lol. Besides being a hog top, non-chambered body, the 54 will have an ABR1 bridge traditionally mounted and most modern LP's have the Nashville style bridge stud mounted and that contributes a lot to the sound.

    My advice, if you want it to sound like a 54, get a 54. They are vastly different than a modern version.

    "No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim

  12. #12
    Forum Member blackonblack's Avatar
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    Re: Gasp! It's Sunday. Again. 2024-12-08

    I think you missed the point. I was curious in a staple vs reg P90. I am totally familiar with LPs owning a 79 std (under 9 lbs), a R9, an Oxblood Std and a Supreme.

    I was more curious in how a staple acts. Yes it?s a little tamer. I may desire that. Currently I have 2 p90 guitars, a SG Special and a Heritage 530.

    I find the SG neck pup can get muddy at times. Was curious if the staple could address it. It seems it can.

  13. #13
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Re: Gasp! It's Sunday. Again. 2024-12-08

    An SG Special is pretty neat, and one of the fun things you can do with one to change the neck is put a mini-humbucker in the neck without changing the routing.

    Mini's are pretty unique sounding and may be the sound you're looking for. Might want to discuss that with Jason. And if you want ot get really clear you might even see if a Firebird pickup would make you happy.

    All that said, SG Specials are starting to push up the value curve and keeping it original might be worth the price of an EQ stomp box to keep it that way. An EQ and a compressor can cure more ills than most people imagine. :)

    "No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim

  14. #14
    Forum Member blackonblack's Avatar
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    Re: Gasp! It's Sunday. Again. 2024-12-08

    Already got a Firebird covered. The SG Special is no collector as it?s fairly new and I could retro back to the P90 without any trouble.

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