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Thread: The Sunday Thread - Nov. 10, 2024

  1. #1
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    The Sunday Thread - Nov. 10, 2024

    I held off for a bit to see if someone else would start a Sunday thread, but my patience ran out, so here we go. By the time I hit send, I'll probably be too late.

    I think the change from Daylight Saving Time has finally settled in. I got to sleep last night at the normal time and woke right as the sun was coming up. That's just the way I like it!

    It's a normal Sunday, but I feel like there's something I need to do. Maybe I'm just anticipating a nice drive with my daughter Tuesday, as we go visit a house she and her flipping partner are inspecting. It will be nice to spend some father-daughter time.

    The usual today: Church, lunch, handegg, practice, and maybe some outdoor exercise. It's supposed to rain today, though. We need it. We haven't seen rain in 36 days, which is a record for our area. So, rain yes, outdoor exercise, no.

    Have a great Sunday!
    Striving to be ordinary

    Proud to be a TFF Dumbass!

  2. #2
    Forum Member Tele-Bob's Avatar
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    Re: The Sunday Thread - Nov. 10, 2024

    Going to an acoustic jam today for a few hours.
    Resurrecting some old tunes for an audition Saturday. Should be fun.
    Maybe work on a few guitars that need attention.
    Short walk in the afternoon.
    Nice, easy day in the land of retirement.
    If you're bored, you're not groovin'.

  3. #3
    Forum Member Laker's Avatar
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    Re: The Sunday Thread - Nov. 10, 2024

    My wife and I are headed out for our usual Sunday morning breakfast with friends after church, and then I have to load up my amp and bass to head out for a 2:00 o?clock gig this afternoon. I thought this show was cancelled four months ago so I have absolutely no prep done making this a very long, painful afternoon attempting to play material I am marginally familiar with. Oh well?the show must go on.

  4. #4
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: The Sunday Thread - Nov. 10, 2024

    still recuperating from that back injury of 2 weeks ago. Definitely better but a ways to go. Resigned myself to having to have the guy doing the construction help me move my stuff tomorrow. I really don't like anybody else handling my music gear, much of that stuff is 30, 40 years old or more. Expensive to replace IF it can be. Guess I'll be wrapping up my half stack with blankets and stretch film. I'm going to try to get my guitars and recording rig upstairs today. If I can do that without triggering any new spasms, I'll call it a win. There won't be any jamming this week and I probably won't see any games until tonight as I'll be busy, and also want to take advantage of the weather for a walk. It gets dark way too damn early now.

    Brisk breezy and mostly sunny, we had some pretty nice days for November this past week. Time to go ice my back. Y'all have a great weekend.
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

  5. #5
    Forum Member gibsonjunkie's Avatar
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    Re: The Sunday Thread - Nov. 10, 2024

    Good day - late to the party, but at least I'm on the right side of the dirt! Spent yesterday working with a board of education - they had a some issues to resolve - made a lot of progress. It did wear me out, but I still managed to keep busy after I got home. Replaced the electric start on my snowblower. Didn't really need it, but it didn't work so I looked into replacing it. The shop wanted $600. Thanks to Youtube I realized it was a really simple repair, so I bought a new starter for about $60 and replaced it in about 20 minutes.It was 4 screws..the lawn needs a final mowing but we also haven't had any rain in forever and I'll just kick up dirt.

    Today I replaced the condensate pump on my heat - the HVAC guy replaced it a month ago but it started leaking and he's been hard to reach so I just bit the bullet swapped it out myself. Hopefully that takes care of it for a while..

    Annual convention is this week - a busy week, but a lot of fun. It's hard to call it work!
    "We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness." Mark Twain

  6. #6
    Forum Member blackonblack's Avatar
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    Re: The Sunday Thread - Nov. 10, 2024

    Yesterday was some errands and work. Took in the CS 60 Tele to have a 4 way switch put int, a slanted switch panel plate and flip the plate (so neck towards lower bout will be V, T, S). Really don?t have time to dig out my soldering stuff and do it myself. Went to play my Martin EC 000-28 and the battery bag came off the neck block. Back to the music store I went.
    Today it?s raining. Did some work, did church from home, did more work. Now getting ready to run some errands. Have a bass gig later today.

  7. #7
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: The Sunday Thread - Nov. 10, 2024

    Cheerful Sunday down here.

    It's our 4th Anniversary, so I started the day early providing flowers and breakfast for my wife.

    Church (I'm not particularly into congregating, but I do enjoy a good service, and as a Christian I feel well being more active. The "new" church I'm attending is very good to me) and later on Brazilian style BBQ.

    Still a bit sore from yesterday's workout (BJJ after 40 years old is good for general health but It does HURT). I'm finally getting back in shape.

    No guitar playing this weekend, but my next single will be mastered in a couple days, and I intend to take some time this week to work on the next ones.

    I'm about to open the first Bud of the Sunday evening, and some homemade lasagna is being prepared by my wife for dinner.

    Wish you all a great week!

  8. #8
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: The Sunday Thread - Nov. 10, 2024

    Quote Originally Posted by blackonblack View Post
    Yesterday was some errands and work. Took in the CS 60 Tele to have a 4 way switch put int, a slanted switch panel plate and flip the plate (so neck towards lower bout will be V, T, S). Really don?t have time to dig out my soldering stuff and do it myself. Went to play my Martin EC 000-28 and the battery bag came off the neck block. Back to the music store I went.
    Today it?s raining. Did some work, did church from home, did more work. Now getting ready to run some errands. Have a bass gig later today.

    Mark, please check your inbox

  9. #9
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Re: The Sunday Thread - Nov. 10, 2024

    Off topic, but since you're reading this thread, S., I thought I'd mention/ask: I often have travel videos as a screensaver on my TV. Yesterday, I watched one about Alagoas, Exploring the Pristine Beaches of Brazil's Hidden Gem. It was quite striking, and I'd never heard of it. Are you familiar with Alagoas?
    Striving to be ordinary

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  10. #10
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: The Sunday Thread - Nov. 10, 2024

    Quote Originally Posted by OldStrummer View Post
    Off topic, but since you're reading this thread, S., I thought I'd mention/ask: I often have travel videos as a screensaver on my TV. Yesterday, I watched one about Alagoas, Exploring the Pristine Beaches of Brazil's Hidden Gem. It was quite striking, and I'd never heard of it. Are you familiar with Alagoas?
    Yes, it's not too far from where I live. The beaches are quite beautiful indeed, though I myself prefer to drive to other nearby states.

    Browse "Praia da Pipa" or "Pipa Beach Brazil". I go there pretty often.

    Fernando de Noronha has been elected one of the world's most beautiful Islands more than once.

  11. #11
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Re: The Sunday Thread - Nov. 10, 2024

    Quote Originally Posted by S. Cane View Post
    Yes, it's not too far from where I live. The beaches are quite beautiful indeed, though I myself prefer to drive to other nearby states.

    Browse "Praia da Pipa" or "Pipa Beach Brazil". I go there pretty often.

    Fernando de Noronha has been elected one of the world's most beautiful Islands more than once.
    I watched a few of the videos on YouTube. Is Praia da Pipa really the most famous beach in Brazil?

    Honestly, I think I like beach TOWNS more than I like the beach, but Praia da Pipa seems to have both. It would be interesting to see if there is a flyover video like I usually have on my TV as a "screensaver." Thanks!
    Striving to be ordinary

    Proud to be a TFF Dumbass!

  12. #12
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Ever heard of José Carioca?

    Re: The Sunday Thread - Nov. 10, 2024

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