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Thread: Happy 70th Anniversary

  1. #1
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Ever heard of José Carioca?

    Happy 70th Anniversary

    To the coolest guitar ever designed...

    Pretty nice video by the company

  2. #2
    Forum Member jmallard's Avatar
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    Re: Happy 70th Anniversary

    That was cool.


  3. #3
    Forum Member Laker's Avatar
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    On da lakeshore in Wisconsinski

    Re: Happy 70th Anniversary

    Back around (I believe) 1985 my son purchased this 25th Anniversary Strat from a good friend of mine who was the original owner. My son played it a couple of years and then sold it to an old bandmate of mine to raise money to purchase a new 335 Gibson. As we move ahead 25 years or so I purchased it back, had it restored by a local luthier and gave it to my son for Christmas five years ago. What’s cool is it is still the original finish.

  4. #4
    Forum Member phantomman's Avatar
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    Re: Happy 70th Anniversary

    Quote Originally Posted by Laker View Post
    Back around (I believe) 1985 my son purchased this 25th Anniversary Strat from a good friend of mine who was the original owner. My son played it a couple of years and then sold it to an old bandmate of mine to raise money to purchase a new 335 Gibson. As we move ahead 25 years or so I purchased it back, had it restored by a local luthier and gave it to my son for Christmas five years ago. What’s cool is it is still the original finish.

    I had one of those a few years back. It was the heaviest Strat I've ever seen (15+ lbs) but it had the strattiest Strat tones I've ever heard. A nice guitar but I just couldn't use it onstage. It was akin to toting an M-60 machinegun.
    "When injustice becomes law then rebellion becomes duty."

  5. #5
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Re: Happy 70th Anniversary

    I passed on the 70th Anniversary Strat. I do have a 40th and 50th Anniversary Strats and a 60th Anniversary Tele (my avatar).
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  6. #6
    Forum Member Laker's Avatar
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    Re: Happy 70th Anniversary

    Quote Originally Posted by phantomman View Post
    I had one of those a few years back. It was the heaviest Strat I've ever seen (15+ lbs) but it had the strattiest Strat tones I've ever heard. A nice guitar but I just couldn't use it onstage. It was akin to toting an M-60 machinegun.
    Yeah, it’s a heavy guitar but a really nice sounding guitar. My son’s main axe now days is a Les Paul so the Strat is a backup if something happens to his main guitars. I still wish he was playing the 335 more. To me, that is one of the best guitars produced.

  7. #7
    Forum Member
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    Re: Happy 70th Anniversary

    I bought a 70th Anniversary Ultra II Strat. It is the first Strat I have ever owned in my 72 years of age. The neck felt different than any guitar I have played but after playing it for over a month it has become a very comfortable guitar to play. The Trem has a nice feel to it and the guitar stays reasonably in tune when using it. I got the Ultra Burst model at a substantial savings as it was on sale being a demo due to one tiny scratch that one can barely see and only if you turn the guitar up and view the bottom edge. The Hard shell Sculpted case is really nice, TSA Approved, and lighter than traditional wood cases (which I hate due to the weight and bulkiness. I only two things I changed is I went from 10?s to 9?s to get the same feel I experience on other guitars with 10?s and I lowered the neck and middle pickups to about 1/8? off the body for better tone. I built a little capacitor box (a guy posted on Youtube) that I can insert in series between the guitar and amp and have 12 selections of small caps (100pf-10nf) using a rotary switch. This was what he built to see what value worked best going across a pickup to adjust the tone of a pickup. What I found I liked to stop the ear piercing highs on the bridge pickup was a 1.5nf cap. It sweetened the bridge pickup right up. Haven’t decided if I actually want to install the cap across the Bridge pickup or just use the cap box if needed. It does have an enable/disable switch on the capacitor selection to the 1/4” jacks that has the input from the guitar tied in parallel to the output jack to the amp.

    Just added it weighs 8lb 3oz.
    Last edited by Bubbalou; 02-09-2025 at 06:40 PM.

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