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Thread: Volume pot, switching, and wiring. Am I asking too much?

  1. #1
    Forum Member
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    Edmonton AB

    Volume pot, switching, and wiring. Am I asking too much?

    Ladies and Gents,

    I bought a Bullet Strat and Frontman 10G amp for $200 CAD... it was a good deal.

    I bought them with the intent to build a "monster" Strat to my liking. The amp was just a bonus.

    I have some big sandwich clamps on me, so the hardtail of the Bullet is perfect. I rarely desire a trem.

    My intent is gold hardware (ordered), a dark green colour (researching), some Dunlop 6100 frets (have experience with), and an interchangeable sound, between HB and SC.

    Ultimately, I am looking to put HB/SC switchable pickups in each position. Ideally, I would like to have 3 volume pots, one-per-pickup, instead of the Vol-Tone-Tone... something like the S-1 switches already available... Button out-SC, and button in-HB, or similar kind of idea....

    I have never used a tone pot at anything less than "10"- Strat, Tele, J-Bass, Les Paul, SG, or ES 335... I honestly have wondered why Tone pots are even installed on a guitar. I am sure that there are a few knowledgeable people that could tell me how to use a tone control, but I digress...

    I am taking up this "build" as a new hobby.

    I kindly ask you for help to find components that I can make a combination SC circuit and HB circuit work well. SSS, or HHH, and any combo.

    I don't really need "2" and "4" position sound... I am definitely NOT SRV...

    In the end, I would love to find S-1-like switches that are 250k and 500k per PU, in order to switch between SC and HB, and I only feel that I need is a 3-way switch... Neck, Mid, or Bridge. A 5-way is a bonus.

  2. #2
    Forum Member phantomman's Avatar
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    Re: Volume pot, switching, and wiring. Am I asking too much?

    In all candor such byzantine wiring will likely result in a guitar whose sole claim to fame will be 'a jack of all trades and a master of none'. As well the substandard furniture and hardware of an entry-level instrument will only compound your dissatisfaction and frustration with the effort.
    "When injustice becomes law then rebellion becomes duty."

  3. #3
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Re: Volume pot, switching, and wiring. Am I asking too much?

    I'm having trouble comprehending not using the guitar tones. Why not? They make a guitar a lot more useful.

    I suspect that the magic you're searching for isn't in a guitar, but in a good amp.

    And honestly, if I was going to spend all that money on upgrades why start with a Bullet? Not exactly the best piece of wood ever to come out of a low cost region. Besides it sounds like you'll be doing some routing on the body.

    You didn't ask for my advice but here it is anyway: Save your money and buy a really good amp. Before you do all the above and end up with what will probably be a disappointment go play an R9 and a CS Tele into a Princeton Reverb or Deluxe Reverb. Then reevaluate your strategy. Let me know what happens.

    Gibson has made some 3 HB guitars but by and large there's a reason they never caught on.
    "No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim

  4. #4
    Forum Member
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    Edmonton AB

    Re: Volume pot, switching, and wiring. Am I asking too much?

    Thanks for the perspective, gents.

    Yes, I am very ambitious about the wiring. Hearing a couple seemingly experienced dudes (I don't know who you are and am new here) put the brakes on some of this helps.

    But to clear things up- the only things that will remain of the original guitar will be wood of the body and wood of the neck. Every last piece of metal on this will be replaced with quality hardware. Frets, bridge, switches, PUPS, jack, neck plate, tuners... etc.

    I have a number of quality amps.

    I have a number of quality guitars.

    Yes, phantomman, I AM looking for a jack of all trades and master of none. If I can find the pieces to make the circuit, I wanna try. If I have to rein it in, then I will. That is one reason I started with a Bullet. Another is cost.

    This project is not for stage work. It is for showing up to kitchen parties (Canadian East Coast tradition) and entertaining family that has been drinking... lol

    If I wanted a "dream guitar," frankly, it wouldn't be a strat.

    The journey is the goal. If it all comes to shit, at least I'll have some good spare parts for my other guitars.

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