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Thread: Wacky Tobacky:

  1. #1
    TFF Stage Crew
    Cogs's Avatar
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    Burpleson AFB

    Wacky Tobacky:

    So this is what I'm taking with me for my Sunday-go-to-meetin gig. Sorry for the huge image:

  2. #2
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Southern NH

    Re: Wacky Tobacky:

    Love the Gibson. 339?

    That reminds me, I should get a guitar ready for tomorrow ... er ... later today In 2020 I was going to my friends' for our annual corned beef dinner. I was running late so I didn't bring my guitar stuff. We were going to get together the following night.

    The following night, the state got shut down.

    It's been over 2 years. I think I've played my acoustic once in that time. Thinking I might go with the Tele, but sadly the champ is ailing and not available. It'll probably be the Princeton Reverb RI and the Tele.
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

  3. #3
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Northern Virginia, USA

    Re: Wacky Tobacky:

    I was guessing ES-330, but with different pups. I'm not a burst fan, but I can always make exceptions. Those are two fine-looking guitars!
    Striving to be ordinary

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  4. #4
    TFF Stage Crew
    Cogs's Avatar
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    Burpleson AFB

    Re: Wacky Tobacky:

    It's actually a CS-336. Same dimensions as an es-339 but different construction. This is more like a Les Paul, having a mahogany body & a 2 pc. maple top. Before they glue the top to the body, they hog it out w/a router; not chambered, but fully hollow.
    The body really "breathes", & as soon as I start getting any appreciable volume going through it, I can feel the air moving out of the f-holes across the hairs on my forearm.
    It also sustains quite well, & the feedback is nice & controlled. Think Trey Anastasio, but without a compressor.
    The p'ups are Wolfetone Legends. Low output, full spectrum. Great clean tones

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