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Thread: 79 Mesa boogie story.

  1. #1

    79 Mesa boogie story.

    Back in 2015 I met a fella who collected guitars and in his basement he had this old amp and I was just in awe of it . I ended selling guitars for him and ended up getting enough cash from extra made off the guitars to take her home .

    Now here’s the big story ��
    February 25 was both a joyful yet sad day for me . I have discovered there are somethings I’m a little more attached to than I should be and my old Mesa is one of them.
    The Mesa was my first tube amp and has always been a love hate thing going on but it was mine and was my first real amp. I’ve had the Mesa for about 7 or 8 years now and really learned to love the boldness (so I thought) it had.

    My first year I had it it completely quit with no sound so the previous owner had it fixed for me and it worked as I thought (good) for another 4 year or so when I started having issues again and I ended up completely re tubing it and it worked but I couldn’t forget some someone told me ( this is one sick Mesa , it should have a lot more wallop to it” when I found someone to bias the amp he was suppose to recap it but didn’t even bother to do so.

    He messaged me it was done then anytime I went to pick it up he always made an excuse why not to be home and I had to get someone else to get it and that was a hell show and he blocked me on Facebook.

    Recently it started loosing volume in the lead channel this time so I shut it off and set it aside in another room and drug out my 74 twin reverb. Today my brother took me to the other side of our little provenance to drop the Mesa off to a retired technician who now builds them for people.

    Several other forum members vouched for him mostly the ones in Ontario since before the pandemic that’s where he was located and worked under another forum member who was a service guy for Mesa boogie.

    And then we started talking and I told him what was going wrong and he was going over everything when I heard “ there is definitely something wrong with it, it shouldn’t be humming like this . It sounds like there’s a grounding is going on , and there should be a lot more gain , my friend used to gig with two 80s boogies” then we get to the lead channel and he said “ yeah this should have a lot more volume than this”

    It’s exciting because he’s willing to go over the amp with a fine comb and brush for say and actually did into it to find out what is going on and he’s going to send pictures along the way to prove that he is actually doing the work to it .

    The sad thing is it’s only been a few hours and it already feels weird knowing it’s not here and somewhere else.

    My tech told me the Mesa was in such bad shape he couldn’t leave it as was and that my problems were most likely caused by the terrible mods done to the lead channel.

    so he confronted me about bringing it back to stock and basically had to rewire the whole amp due to the poorly done modification.

    I showed pictures to another amp tech that I originally wanted to take it to but couldn’t find away off island. He wasn’t impressed with the mess he saw and was really disappointed that a so called “tech” let it even leave like that .

    this actually found fairly upsetting because I really liked my Mesa and felt like there was something
    for years ant took it to someone to get it fixed! And my suspicions were correct.

    my tech message us the other day on the forum I found him all saying

    “Back to factory fresh and stock wiring with a couple of mods that I have added to make the lead drive / master controls more user friendy.I like perfection so...Chasing down a hum/ ground issue introduced by the graphic eq.Looks like a design flaw..hopefully we can make it quiet and useable.We? Just spent an enjoyable half hour brainstorming with.......The Boogieman.”

    the boogie man is a Mesa warranty technician in Ontario that he used to work for before retiring and moving out of the province.

    he messaged me last night that the amp is ready for pickup but I have to wait to get a little bit more cash to take it home .

    when I pick it up I’m dropping the fender off and getting the same done to [/COLOR][/FONT]
    Last edited by Jaredmacneill; 03-14-2022 at 07:33 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Nov 2002
    Southern NH

    Re: 79 Mesa boogie story.

    good luck, man. A properly running Boogie is a force of nature, especially the early stuff.
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

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