Not sure if I should post this in the Whammy Bar, but this ks gig talk, so... Besides I wanted to post this close to my gig threads.
Man, I miss the gigs. Playing every other week was routine, and therefore a comfort. Playing guitar live is something I fought a LOT to be able to do, and I hold that part of my life very dearly. My close friends know just how much I do.
I love everything about playing rock n' roll. Everything there is to it is poetry to me. Even the hassles.
Loading the trunk of my car with amp, pedal case, a brown canvas backpack with clothes, hygiene necessáire, sandals and every other little thing I need for a 2-day stay in a motel or a cheap inn... The average weekly 90 mile drive... The "pit stop" at the next gas station for a fill up and a cigarette... The shitty burgers/grilled cheeses and ice cold Coca Cola at roadside bars... Putting the rig together for soundcheck. Ripping Gaffer's tape and checking every pilot light while the tubes warm up... The thrill of listening to the drummer's tempo clicks before the first strike of my pick. The beers afterwards and the 3 a.m. meals with the bandmates. Checking the cell phone and reading the social media inbox messages from girls that saw us play (not useful anymore, I'm in a relationship, but it was fun back in the lone wolf days). That "after party" feeling is priceless.
Hope this pandemy is handled at last so we all can get back in the saddle.