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Thread: David Crosby and friends

  1. #1
    Forum Member gibsonjunkie's Avatar
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    David Crosby and friends

    We saw David Crosby last night. What an amazing show. Crosby was sick as a dog but you'd never know it from the show he put on. His band was amazing - Jeff Pevar on guitar, his son, Mark Raymond is a great keyboardist. They had an Estonian girl playing bass - she was awesome!

    A buddy of mine got tickets - front row center with a "Meet and Greet" package - bling and a chance to meet him after the show. Then he couldn't go so me and Mrs. Junkie went - the tickets were insanely expensive but he wouldn't take a dime for them.

    He did some new material from his upcoming album, and stuff from his solo albums, CS, N, CPR, the Byrds... a whole David Crosby history lesson - along with gret witty banter to make you really feel kinship. What a GREAT show - probably trhe best concert I've ever seen.

    It was good to see Pevar again - we attended the same high school so I know him - the guy is a magician on guitar.

    "We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness." Mark Twain

  2. #2
    Forum Member ch willie's Avatar
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    Re: David Crosby and friends

    Great pics! I've really enjoyed his latest solo albums. I'd love to have new music from him, Stills, and Nash, but I'm happy to have such great music in those solo albums. The songwriting is still strong.
    If we'd known we were going to be the Beatles, we'd have tried harder.--George Harrison

  3. #3
    Forum Member gibsonjunkie's Avatar
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    Re: David Crosby and friends

    They gave us a copy of "Skytrails" - his newest album. Listening to it now...
    "We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness." Mark Twain

  4. #4
    Forum Member melody's Avatar
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    Re: David Crosby and friends

    Thanks for the pics GJ! I'll bet that was damn fine show...

  5. #5
    Forum Member gibsonjunkie's Avatar
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    Re: David Crosby and friends

    It sounds a bit affectaticous (is that a word?), but it was truly cosmic. It was the finest show I've ever attended.
    "We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness." Mark Twain

  6. #6

    Re: David Crosby and friends

    Awesome!! Jeff Pevar is a master guitarists. I wish I caught him live, especially one of those Guitarness shows with Scott Murawski
    Fuzz is proof God love us and wants us to be happy. - Franklin

  7. #7
    Forum Member melody's Avatar
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    Re: David Crosby and friends

    I went to a RIDES show last year Stephen Stills, Kenny Wane with Barry Goldberg on bass Chris Laton, that was kick ass performance..

  8. #8
    Forum Member gibsonjunkie's Avatar
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    Re: David Crosby and friends

    Quote Originally Posted by Franklin View Post
    Awesome!! Jeff Pevar is a master guitarists. I wish I caught him live, especially one of those Guitarness shows with Scott Murawski
    Pevar is doing several shows in Connecticut this month. He'll be at the Old Well in Simsbury June 16 (I hope to go).

    He posted this on facebook...

    So for folks who used to frequent the Hartford area music scene DECADES ago, there were a couple musicians that had bands of their own, or who were in bands, that were very, very influential during that time...certainly in my life.....It was a very fervent time for live music in those days....These musicians and bands used to pack many of the most popular venues with their/our various bands. I have long dreamed about bringing my dear friends back together to reunite and recreate music we used to play together "back in the day".
    Well..... let the festivities begin!
    On the weekend of June 16/17/18 one of my favorite guitarists on the planet, Greg Baril a/k/a "Carrot" ....along with former James Cotton Band saxist and bandleader, George T Gregory .....along with our dear pal, Peter "Zip" Zipfel on drums.... and other special guests.... are planning to play 3 reunion concerts.... The first concert will be at The Old Well in Simsbury, CT (Formerly Gemini's....formerly The Inn Place) on Friday June 16th!!..... the next night we'll play together in Plainfield, CT on Sat June 17th (venue TBA) and the 3rd show on Sunday June 18th will be in Manchester, CT @ The Hungry Tiger! These shows are not to be missed!
    So who's interested in attending.... and helping us spread the news so we can pack these clubs like the good old days? Love to all!
    "We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness." Mark Twain

  9. #9
    Forum Member gibsonjunkie's Avatar
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    Re: David Crosby and friends

    Quote Originally Posted by melody View Post
    I went to a RIDES show last year Stephen Stills, Kenny Wane with Barry Goldberg on bass Chris Laton, that was kick ass performance..
    Stills was one of my musical heroes growing up. The guy has CHOPS!
    "We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness." Mark Twain

  10. #10
    Forum Member ch willie's Avatar
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    Re: David Crosby and friends

    Quote Originally Posted by gibsonjunkie View Post
    Stills was one of my musical heroes growing up. The guy has CHOPS!
    I love CSN (and sometimes Y). Stills is a great player, and Crosby isn't shabby. What I most appreciate, though, are the melody lines and harmonies they come up with. I admit that I am worn out on the five CSNY songs they play on the radio. But I still can listen to and love the album tracks that are rarely played, and I have Spotify and CDs, so I can avoid the songs I know longer want to hear.
    Last edited by ch willie; 06-04-2017 at 07:46 AM.
    If we'd known we were going to be the Beatles, we'd have tried harder.--George Harrison

  11. #11

    Re: David Crosby and friends

    Quote Originally Posted by gibsonjunkie View Post
    Pevar is doing several shows in Connecticut this month. He'll be at the Old Well in Simsbury June 16 (I hope to go).

    He posted this on facebook...

    So for folks who used to frequent the Hartford area music scene DECADES ago, there were a couple musicians that had bands of their own, or who were in bands, that were very, very influential during that time...certainly in my life.....It was a very fervent time for live music in those days....These musicians and bands used to pack many of the most popular venues with their/our various bands. I have long dreamed about bringing my dear friends back together to reunite and recreate music we used to play together "back in the day".
    Well..... let the festivities begin!
    On the weekend of June 16/17/18 one of my favorite guitarists on the planet, Greg Baril a/k/a "Carrot" ....along with former James Cotton Band saxist and bandleader, George T Gregory .....along with our dear pal, Peter "Zip" Zipfel on drums.... and other special guests.... are planning to play 3 reunion concerts.... The first concert will be at The Old Well in Simsbury, CT (Formerly Gemini's....formerly The Inn Place) on Friday June 16th!!..... the next night we'll play together in Plainfield, CT on Sat June 17th (venue TBA) and the 3rd show on Sunday June 18th will be in Manchester, CT @ The Hungry Tiger! These shows are not to be missed!
    So who's interested in attending.... and helping us spread the news so we can pack these clubs like the good old days? Love to all!
    Fuzz is proof God love us and wants us to be happy. - Franklin

  12. #12
    Forum Member gibsonjunkie's Avatar
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    Re: David Crosby and friends

    His drummer, Pete Zipfel is an old classmate and former neighbor, too.
    "We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness." Mark Twain

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