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Thread: JAX Wah?

  1. #1
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    JAX Wah?

    Guy at the studio here picked up a Jax Wah and has offered to sell it to me. He is a strange guy, never really likes to go out of his way and I dont want to ask him to bring it in unless I really want it. Its not the fuzz wah.

    Whats the word?
    P e a c e KYC

    Strat or Tele out of a 5E3 .

  2. #2

    Re: JAX Wah?

    I Like the Vox HW or the T-Rex Gull Wah myself

  3. #3
    Forum Member Kap'n's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Where phony hippies meet

    Re: JAX Wah?

    JAX, I think was a prececessor to the folks who made the Univibe. Collectible, for sure, but I have no idea how they sound.

    I picked up a couple wahs recently: a NOS Uniwah - kind of wierd, no pot; and a Paraclete Productions Vol-Wa, which is a chrome plated private label Foxx. That one needs some fixing.
    Several guitars in different colors
    Things to make them fuzzy
    Things to make them louder
    orange picks

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