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Thread: Bought a Fender Jazz Bass, mucho pics!

  1. #1
    Forum Member Endless Pain's Avatar
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    Bought a Fender Jazz Bass, mucho pics!

    as usual, nothing made in USA felt right or was worth the price being asked and not suprisingly, the MiM were amazing. straight off the shelf this thing was the best bass i had touched since i played a rickenbacker. even all of the warwicks and spectors i had played didn't compare!

    i picked up this Jazz Bass Deluxe w/ Noiseless Actives in it and i have to say it's the most versatile bass i've owned. i'm thinking about possibly putting a tiny bypass switch in it so i can use the pickups passively if i want (sort of like a marcus miller bass setup). the only things i'm thinking of possibly doing are maybe putting a badass 3 bridge on it and looking into the possibility of getting a horse shoe thing for the neck pickup.

    i love the colour, the action, the active pickup sound and just everything about it. amazing.


  2. #2
    Forum Member curtisstetka's Avatar
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    Re: Bought a Fender Jazz Bass, mucho pics!

    Very, very nice!

    I'm just getting into bass playing (been a guitarist for 20+ years) and that's the same model I've been playing (it's a loaner at church). I like the feel of the neck though I haven't quite sussed out all the controls yet.
    s'all goof.

  3. #3
    Forum Member FrankJohnson's Avatar
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    Re: Bought a Fender Jazz Bass, mucho pics!

    I have one of those too....mine is a little older, got it From Marcondo -

    It doesn't have hte Noisless pups, and has large single pole pieces.

    Nice bass......

    Everyone has their own way of dealing with active EQ's

    I get "my sound using the bridge pup THEN rolloin the neck to taste.....I use a lot of bass but not maxed, mids, slightly more and roll highs to taste.....


    I think almost all of my stuff had flats except those with the black nylon wrapped 9120s....

    Your creme colored monster looks really does.

    You shouldn't have to change a thing, except eventually strings.....I believe...

    Forgot to mention - mine is DEAD silent - no buzzing even near lights and PC monitors
    Last edited by FrankJohnson; 02-06-2009 at 06:50 AM.
    Kenny Belmont

  4. #4
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    Re: Bought a Fender Jazz Bass, mucho pics!

    Very cool, indeed! I was playing one of those at GC a few months ago and yes, I found the electronics to be amazing. Lot's of variation. My personal favorite is the P-bass with a J-neck that has the P&J pickup combination with those electronics.


  5. #5
    Forum Member Marcondo's Avatar
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    Re: Bought a Fender Jazz Bass, mucho pics!

    Yes those are great Basses! The one I sold Frank was really nice. One of the best values in the Fender Bass lineup you can make it sound all kinds of different ways and I had a hard time finding any sounds that didnt sound good.

  6. #6
    Forum Member Endless Pain's Avatar
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    Re: Bought a Fender Jazz Bass, mucho pics!

    awesome responses. i'm glad other people feel the same way. and yes, it's so universal in the soundscope. couldn't ask for a better bass.

  7. #7
    Forum Member chuckocaster's Avatar
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    Re: Bought a Fender Jazz Bass, mucho pics!

    what is a badass 3? i've only ever used the 2 model.

    that bass looks really nice, great color. you should be able to add a bypass switch pretty easily. let me know if you need a schem for that.
    "don't worry, i'm a professional!"

  8. #8
    Forum Member Endless Pain's Avatar
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    Re: Bought a Fender Jazz Bass, mucho pics!

    Quote Originally Posted by chuckocaster View Post
    what is a badass 3? i've only ever used the 2 model.

    that bass looks really nice, great color. you should be able to add a bypass switch pretty easily. let me know if you need a schem for that.
    if you could supply me with one, that'd be awesome! i've been checking out for badass 2 bridges but it seems like they only stock this new badass 3?

  9. #9
    Forum Member FrankJohnson's Avatar
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    Re: Bought a Fender Jazz Bass, mucho pics!

    Is the 3 with pre-cut grooves?
    Kenny Belmont

  10. #10
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    Re: Bought a Fender Jazz Bass, mucho pics!

    Badass III is for the "String through body"
    basses. I should get one for my Jazz Bass
    i have the string through body

    They come in Slotted and Unslotted

  11. #11
    Forum Member
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    Re: Bought a Fender Jazz Bass, mucho pics!

    The Hipshot Kickass is a great substitute bridge for Fenders .

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