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Thread: RWRP

  1. #1
    Formerly joe mama
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    Does anyone else hear a difference in the sound when the middle strat pickups is/isn't RWRP? I've recently been through a bunch of strats at some stores.

    All the pickups with the RWRP that I've tried (Fralins, Fat 50's) seem to sound brighter/thinner in 2 and 4 on the pickup selector. When it's non RWRP, the tones sound sweeter and hollow in those positions. By sweeter, I mean it sounds like the high end was rolled off a bit. That's how vintage strats sound to me in the notch positions.

    Maybe it's just the particular sets of pickups I've tried with RWRP but it doesn't sound as good. I've read that Suhr and Fralin say there is absolutely no difference in sound. I guess they would know.

    But still, it sounds better to me when it's not RWRP. Anyone else hear it like that? Not like that?

  2. #2
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    Re: RWRP

    Quote Originally Posted by 69strat View Post
    Does anyone else hear a difference in the sound when the middle strat pickups is/isn't RWRP? I've recently been through a bunch of strats at some stores.

    All the pickups with the RWRP that I've tried (Fralins, Fat 50's) seem to sound brighter/thinner in 2 and 4 on the pickup selector. When it's non RWRP, the tones sound sweeter and hollow in those positions. By sweeter, I mean it sounds like the high end was rolled off a bit. That's how vintage strats sound to me in the notch positions.

    Maybe it's just the particular sets of pickups I've tried with RWRP but it doesn't sound as good. I've read that Suhr and Fralin say there is absolutely no difference in sound. I guess they would know.

    But still, it sounds better to me when it's not RWRP. Anyone else hear it like that? Not like that?
    Lots of super-knowledgeable people on this forum (such as Fezz Parka) say that there's more "quack" in #2 and #4 with a non-RWRP middle pickup.

  3. #3
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    Re: RWRP

    I'm not sure about "quack" other than as it applies to ducks, but I have a set of GFS 60's and it has a non-RWRP middle pup. I think that while the individual guitar and pups play a large role, the non-RWRP middle pup makes the 2&4 sound sweeter and fuller than the alternative. There seems to be less of a volume drop as well with all positions being more equal. It is a relatively small difference but noticeable and very appealing (to me at least).


  4. #4
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    Re: RWRP

    I recently installed a set of the GFS '64 Vintage stagger with RWRP middle pup. They sound great with all the 'quack' in the tweener postions I could want. As far as a vibrating string is concerned, I dont see how it could make a difference. I have no volume drop between positions.

  5. #5
    TFF Stage Crew
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    Re: RWRP

    Yeah, I don't know.

    "Quack sounds better" with RWRP I think is subjective. I definitely prefer the '2' and '4' positions on my non-RWRP CS Strat to any other Strat I've owned, but there's no way for me to accurately compare RWRP vs. Non-RWRP since I don't have those same pickups in any other guitar, nor have I tried other pickups in the same guitar. However, there still is a slight volume drop and they are NOT as bright sounding as the other positions.

    I have more "quack" --that particular sound -- in my AmDlx Tele than any other guitar I own, and technically the neck pickup in that guitar is RWRP along with the middle pickup. I.e., it hums in '4' but not in '2'. Yet more quack than any other guitar I own/ have owned.

    I really think these things are a function of the pickup type and guitar they sit in, more than the direction of the winds/polarity.

  6. #6
    Formerly joe mama
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    Re: RWRP

    I think when we start using terms like "quack" or "chime" tone it all becomes subjective, because of what people are trying to describe.

    To me, chime is bright and I still hear that with RWRP. It gets thin and bright. Still has "quack" or "cluck" all the same. On this set of Fralins and the Fat 50's, I don't notice that much of a volume drop. That could depend on pickup height and other things too. If I was playing funk or some 80's type clean tones, I'd want RWRP because of that extra thiness or chimey clarity.

    But on my old strats and a '69 relic I had which came with a non RWRP, it got rounder, sweeter and a little bit muted on the inbetweens. Like a little bit of tone rolled off, and it sounded sweeter. Very different than a RWRP in 2 and 4. Maybe I wouldn't describe it as chimey, but more of a hollow, woody tone. Because when you knock on wood it sounds a little muffled and hollow.

    Now this is with my '66 strat which sounds so much like SRV's Little Wing tone when I use neck/mid. The pickups measure around 5.4K and have that exact, muted hollow thing. No RWRP strat I've ever played did that tone.

    But that was with these sets of pickups, no matter what guitar they're in. I can't say all pickups are like this, but it sure seems like it to me.

  7. #7
    Formerly joe mama
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    Re: RWRP

    I found a post where a guy took a highway one strat that came with RWRP, and he took it apart and modded it to non RWRP, and he said the tone was thicker, darker in the 2 and 4. He used the same pickups.

    On the old highway strats, I remember trying them out and thinking, man these sound good in the inbetween positions. They used to come with non RWRP. I tried a new one and it sounded so thin in 2 and 4.

  8. #8
    TFF Stage Crew
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    Re: RWRP

    Quote Originally Posted by 69strat View Post
    I found a post where a guy took a highway one strat that came with RWRP, and he took it apart and modded it to non RWRP, and he said the tone was thicker, darker in the 2 and 4. He used the same pickups.
    I'm assuming that wasn't here, as I've never seen anyone claiming this. He completely unwound the pickup and then wound it back the other way? Hmm... I think there are many things that could have contributed to a changed sound in that scenario.

    On the old highway strats, I remember trying them out and thinking, man these sound good in the inbetween positions. They used to come with non RWRP. I tried a new one and it sounded so thin in 2 and 4.
    I had a Highway One Strat the year they came out; the middle pickup was definitely RWRP.

    EDITED TO ADD: I didn't mean that to sound like I'm doubting you--just questioning the poster you're referring to in his methodology. Believe me, I'm on the RWRP-sounds-better bandwagon, because that has definitely become my experience. I'm just not sure exactly why that is and am thinking out loud about it.
    Last edited by pc; 04-03-2007 at 11:38 AM.

  9. #9
    Formerly joe mama
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    Re: RWRP

    PC, it's from the gear page. that's very odd on the highway. A few of my students have had the earlier ones and they were not RWRP. Believe me, they were very noisy in all positions, when we played through a distorted amp.

    I seem to recall when the new highways came out Fender, that one of the new features were a RWRP middle. I could be wrong.

  10. #10
    TFF Stage Crew
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    Re: RWRP

    The Highway One I briefly had was also a "Texas" type model, so maybe they were different? Don't know. I'm sure Marcondo could tell us.

  11. #11
    Formerly joe mama
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    Re: RWRP

    My buddy keeps trying to sell me his set because he knows I don't want RWRP. He pulled them out of his HW strat a few years back. Those pickups seemed extra noisy though. But I thought they sounded decent.

  12. #12
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    Re: RWRP

    I've never noticed a difference in the 2 & 4 positions with a rw/rp or a non rw/rp middle pickup. I'm not saying there isn't a subtle difference, but I've never noticed it.

  13. #13
    Forum Member Don's Avatar
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    Re: RWRP

    The stock middle pickup in my Hwy-1 Strat was not RWRP. It had a very nice bright plucky 2 & 4 sound. I found myself playing early '70s Clapton all the time. I did not like the pickups alone though.

    The middle pickup in the Fralin Vintage Hot set that's in it now is not RWRP. I don't like the 2 & 4 sound as much. It's darker, but they're darker in general and sound much better by themselves.

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