I am new here and wanted to discuss bass amps.

I originally had an SWR Workingman's amp. It was powerful and my bass had a strong ping sound. Unfortunately it was stolen and I got Nemesis NC-200P Amplifier. The amp was fun. My music dealer at the time quit carrying SWR and so I purchased this.

I am writing to see if anyone has any opinions on either amplifier. I am semi-satisfied with it and thinking of purchasing an SWR or some thing else again. If there are any opinions or suggestions on this, I would like to know from other posters which amps they use and prefer.

I also have a Marshall Valve State VS102R. I noticed Roger Glover plays his Fender® American Precision Bass through Marshall Amplifie.
Do any bass players here do this? I guess 70's bass players used this. I have not been able to find Marshall Bass Amplifier.

For my guitar I use a Fender® Twin Reverb Amp. I read in the instruction booklet this Amp is versatile and can be used for guitar, keyboard and bass. Do any bass players use this amp regularly? I purchased this a few months ago for my Fender® Stratocaster. The reason I ask is because I do not want my bass blowing my tubes.

I play a G&L SB-2 and a LTD TA-600. I play metal,rock and blues. I am inexperience in certain matters and am asking for advice and insight.