im looking to get a little more sustain and tuning stability out of my american deluxe strat. ive never been more satisfied with the feel and sound of a single guitar my whole life and i wouldnt trade it for any other guitar. with that said, id like to squeeze just a tad more sustain out of my guitar and was thinking a callaham replacement trem block might do just that. has anyone here used one? how do they compare to the stock blocks?
next thing is that i have more tuning problems than i feel i should have with this guitar. im going to be ordering an earvana OEM replacement nut and some graph tech graphite replacemnt saddles to combat this problem. finally, im curious about the hipshot tremsetter. is it used in place of each tremolo spring or only one? i get a decent amount of ringing delay style reverberation from using all 5 springs and heavy strings so im leery of installing a tremsetter for fear of losing this. does the tremsetter have any negatives that anyone here can report on? thanks in advance