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Thread: "Witness the power...

  1. #1
    Gravity Jim

    "Witness the power...

    ... of this fully armed and operational Death Star!"

    The plan was to wait til December, but once it arrived I started fooling with it... didn't seem so hard to run... plugged it in as a second interface... seemed even more logical... and then I had a couple of days where I knew I'd just be waiting around for clients and making calls, so I tore out all the wiring, swapped the new Tascam for the 02R, plugged it all back in (minus about 10 pounds of unneeded rat's nest), and stated passing real work-type audio through it. I've already tracked and mixed one entire piece and produced a set of Foley SFX for a game... so, Bob's yer uncle, about six weeks early.

    Best of all, it actually did what I wanted... Sounds way better than the old rig. Lisa was in the studio this morning, and even though she rarely listens in the studio and tends to downplay any kind of gearlust, she was blown away by the accuracy and dynamic range...and when your wife can instantly hear the difference, you know it's real!

    It also has a pile of cool productivity features, all of which are a bonus next to the awesome sonics. I got almost 12 good years from the 02R and 2408 rig, and I can easily see myself running this rig until I am ready to hang up my headphones for the last time. Sweeeet.

  2. #2
    Forum Member clayville's Avatar
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    Re: "Witness the power...


  3. #3
    Forum Member Don's Avatar
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    Jul 2002

    Re: "Witness the power...

    That's slick!

  4. #4
    Gravity Jim

    Re: "Witness the power...

    Clay, I fear I may whisper that on my deathbed.

    Don, it IS slick... Awesome audio, groovy automation with touch-sensitive faders, deep routing capabilities (for instance, any physical input can be routed to any fader in any layer), transport and mixing control of my DAW from the console, built in TC reverbs and really great sounding dynamics control... and a bunch of stuff I'm forgetting. I'm an old dog with a hundred new tricks to learn!

  5. #5
    Forum Member phantomman's Avatar
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    Ten miles from the Mexican Frontier, in Arizona

    Re: "Witness the power...

    Damn impressive, Jim!

    Hot enough to double as an "EgFryer".

    "When injustice becomes law then rebellion becomes duty."

  6. #6
    Forum Member Kap'n's Avatar
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    Re: "Witness the power...

    Very, verrah nice!
    Several guitars in different colors
    Things to make them fuzzy
    Things to make them louder
    orange picks

  7. #7
    Forum Member Cygnus X1's Avatar
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    Re: "Witness the power...

  8. #8
    Gravity Jim

    Re: "Witness the power...

    Roger, Kap'n, Cygnus, thanks... It's just a gas to hear it. Next year I'll be cranking my best recordings ever. I could have commissioned a Masterbuilt Strat for the price, but this makes everything sound better, and I doubt a MB guitar would make me sound better!
    Last edited by Gravity Jim; 11-05-2011 at 07:22 PM.

  9. #9
    Forum Member NeoFauve's Avatar
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    in interesting times

    Re: "Witness the power...

    But I thought you weren't supposed to put beverages near fancy electronic gear like that.
    Nice mug too.
    "Well, I used to be disgusted, now I try to be amused..."
    Elvis Costello

  10. #10
    Forum Member Rickenjangle's Avatar
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    Re: "Witness the power...

    Looks like that mug is sitting in a recessed "anti-spill, anti-slide" well, like you might see on a boat? True??

    BTW where can one order a Gravity mug?

    Also BTW I am still passionately in love with my Egnater Tweaker. You should be happy as an endorsing artist that your endorsement was what opened my eyes to this lil' amp. It sounds great with anything I throw at it...

    "I'm gonna find myself a girl
    that can show me what laughter means
    And we'll fill in the missing colors
    In each other's paint-by-number dreams..."

  11. #11
    Gravity Jim

    Re: "Witness the power...

    Neo, all the cool kids have a Gravity Music mug.:)

    And in 16 years of sitting at a console, I've never had a liquid accident. Of course, the Mugs are chosen for their low profile... It'd be pretty damn hard to knock one over.

    RJ, I am really pleased that you're enjoying that Egnater so much: I love my Rebel all to pieces. You seriously want a Gravity mug? Drop me an e-mail....

  12. #12
    Forum Member Rickenjangle's Avatar
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    Re: "Witness the power...

    Quote Originally Posted by silent j. View Post
    Neo, all the cool kids have a Gravity Music mug.:)

    And in 16 years of sitting at a console, I've never had a liquid accident. Of course, the Mugs are chosen for their low profile... It'd be pretty damn hard to knock one over.

    RJ, I am really pleased that you're enjoying that Egnater so much: I love my Rebel all to pieces. You seriously want a Gravity mug? Drop me an e-mail....
    Jim, will do. Everything I can throw at the Eggie, she can take it. And the amp sounds so REAL at a reasonable volume. I mean, some amps you have to crank to get 'em into the sweet spot; I can just flip the clean/hot switch, switch from Fender to Marshall, and change tight to loose and get that old-SG-into-a-Marshall velvet-glove grind that Steve Earle's guitarists get so nicely.

    "I'm gonna find myself a girl
    that can show me what laughter means
    And we'll fill in the missing colors
    In each other's paint-by-number dreams..."

  13. #13
    TFF Stage Crew
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    Re: "Witness the power...

    That studio...

    So. Damn. Cool.

  14. #14
    Forum Member
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    Re: "Witness the power...

    When you talk about the infinite routing capabilities it's amazing. Years ago a fellow in town had an 8 track studio, that I built a patchbay for.
    I guess he had infinite routing too, but it was sure easy to get it wrong!

  15. #15
    Gravity Jim

    Re: "Witness the power...

    Thanks for the drool, PC. :)

    Bill, a patch bay is still physical, but the routing in this console is totally virtual. Imagine what you wired, only every patch point can be moved to any point in the bay, or even inserted between two others...

    The things I learned today about the automation system blew my mind. The last time I saw this kind of depth of control was on a real Flying Faders system installed on a Neve console in a studio in Indy I use sometimes. This thing rocks.

  16. #16
    Gravity Jim

    Re: "Witness the power...

    If you're curious about the new gear at Gravity, I produced this 2.5 minute movie for clients: shot on iPhone, edited in iMovie, music from a game project I did earlier this year... Two hours from taking pictures to upload.

  17. #17
    Forum Member Cygnus X1's Avatar
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    Re: "Witness the power...

    Really now!
    Awesome production work Jim.
    And, congrats...

    BUT you have given me serious GAS for a working board.
    As little as I record I waste far too much time patching and goofing around with cables and mics than actually playing.
    By the time I get a recorded sound I can live with,then my playing ability suffers (even worse than normal...which is on par is BAD, not good bad but BAD bad...)

  18. #18
    Gravity Jim

    Re: "Witness the power...

    Cygnus, even a small, cheap mixer that lets you keep everything plugged in for rapid access is a wonderful things to have. A desktop Mackie, a used Yamaha or Tascam analog board... Lots of good choices.

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