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Thread: Pots and Taper question

  1. #1
    Forum Member
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    between 7 and 8 on the volume knob

    Pots and Taper question

    Here's the deal, I really HATE the volume roll off on my Strat!! In this case 10 = Dimmed and 9.5 = "Hey, where's the lead guitarist go?" This can't be normal for Strats? I believe the pots are stock. I'll open it up and look at it after work, I suspect either someone didn't know what they were doing (based on the hack job on the nut...but that's another story) or it's a poor QC pot.

    I ride the volume on my LP (RS pots and caps) all the time, so that's my point of reference as far as controlling the beast goes.

    If I replaced the pots with CTS 250K, say from Callaham, would it still be 10 = dimmed and 9.5 = etc? Or am I used to the custom RS taper. I read here that Fender 'got it right' by putting CTS 250 in their guitars, but something doesn't seem right.

  2. #2
    Forum Member phantomman's Avatar
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    Ten miles from the Mexican Frontier, in Arizona

    Re: Pots and Taper question

    I dunno, sailor. You might have better luck with a linear-taper pot. "No-load" tone pots might hepp out as well. Rip 'er open an' let us know what you find under the hood. Mebbe some pics as well......


  3. #3
    Forum Member Don's Avatar
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    Re: Pots and Taper question

    Fender typically uses CTS 250K audio Taper pots. The pots from Callaham would be the same as would the regular CTS pots from RS.

    RS Superpots have a different taper. It's still an audio taper pot but it's more liner. I like RS Superpots a lot and use them as a volume control in almost all my guitars.

  4. #4
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    between 7 and 8 on the volume knob

    Re: Pots and Taper question

    Hey Phantom, Don

    Thanks for the reply, I'm gonna get the screw driver out after I post this and have a look. I guess I'm just wondering if it's normal for the volume drop to be that drastic between 10 and 9.5. Seems off to me, but again, I'm new to Strats.

  5. #5
    Forum Member phantomman's Avatar
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    Ten miles from the Mexican Frontier, in Arizona

    Re: Pots and Taper question

    Thangs don' git real dramatic on my six Strats until I roll the volume pot down to around 8.5 or 9.0. The 12-string drops off a lot quicker but it has those crappy MIJ "mini-pots" which I'll eventually replace with CTS mil-spec. Mebbe you jus' got a bad pot. It happens from time to time.


  6. #6
    Forum Member
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    Re: Pots and Taper question

    Is this a Mex strat?

  7. #7
    Forum Member
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    between 7 and 8 on the volume knob

    Re: Pots and Taper question

    No, It's a 2000 MIA. I don't think it's stock, the guy I got it from futzed around with it a bunch. Mostly good (Callaham block and saddles), but some bad (Crappy nut job). No idea what he put under the pg aside from 57/62s. Still hadn't gotten around to opening it up, I'm probably going to order the 280K super pot from RS today to see what happens.

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