Has anyone used one of Mike's chorus pedals?
Has anyone used one of Mike's chorus pedals?
You can never have too
much music in your life.
It's the BEST Chorus pedal EVER! I got mine in a trade for a Diaz Fuzz box, it was the best trade I ever made. It does everything from a nice shimmer to a full out Leslie. The best analog chorus made today. And no I don't work for Mike, just another satisfied customer. And if your into fuzz check out his Sunface Fuzz....mmmmmmmmm.
I don't work for Mike either and I will second that. Great chorus tone that is not sterile like the TC. It has a little grit and a lot of warmth and will indeed do the fast leslie thing like nothing else Ive heard besides a.......leslie
Whish one did you guys get?
if you mean mono or stereo???????
I got the mono.
You can never have too
much music in your life.
Sorry I should have specified that I meant mono or stereo.I'm thinking of getting the mono one,I only use one amp so I don't think I need the stereo one.
I also got one in trade. I've always liked chorus pedals, but could never find one that was understated enough to really provide just a nice wash. Analogman hit the nail on the head with this pedal. You can leave it on and still have your tone. It can go crazy into Leslie like tones, but I prefer to just add a bit of shimmer to my clean rhythm parts.
Look to that grito character, he rocks!