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Thread: Korg AX1500G??

  1. #1
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Korg AX1500G??

    Say, I'm new to electric guitars and love the sound of different guitar effects. What do you guys think of the Korg AX1500G? Is it worth buying?

  2. #2
    Forum Member chuckocaster's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    spanish for lard.
    how much does it cost? if it is in the 150 range i would say go for. look around a little too. guitar center might have a couple competing brands that you could try out side by side. all in all i think the multi effects boxes are great for jamming around the house, and for beginning guitarists. no sense buying a bunch of pedals and then discovering that all you really like are distortion and phasers. they are good learning tools. just remember that you aren't going to sound exactly like the record you're playing along with, or what have you. cause certain shortcuts are takin to cram all that stuff in a little box. but hey, if it is just for practice and you like it, then go for it.
    "don't worry, i'm a professional!"

  3. #3
    Forum Member Lemniscate's Avatar
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    Sep 2003
    Im not one for effects,really,but, recently went from a rarely used Zoom 505II to a Korg Ax100G. Only had it couple of weeks,but, it has some useful tones from vintage to hi-gain. It has a usable wah pedal,as good as any generic wah,sampling,etc. Tuner isn't as good as the zoom's though.

    These guys can give you all you want on this.

    The video is a pretty good indication of what you can do,of course this guy is a pro so he makes it seem fantastic - the bastard- but it's pretty near what it can do. The manual is quite large and he features take some figuring out,but, there is more too it than most units of it's price. It's mostly pot [knob] controlled rather than switch controlled with a seperate master vol knob and even a switch for Single coil or humbucker.

    A fine starter unit i'd say.
                                                      99% Pure Dumbass. 2% stupid.

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