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Thread: Newbie SSS or HSS choice

  1. #1
    Forum Member Hal's Avatar
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    Newbie SSS or HSS choice

    Hi guys for a while I've been under the impression that I should get the HSS coil configuration on my "forever intermediate guitar" as the best allrounder, however, the more YouTube videos I watch, the more I like the cleaner single coil tones.

    My possibly stupid question (as I know nothing) is …..

    were I to get a SSS configuration yet occasionally want the humbucker type sound, would it be possible to simply use some sort of effects pedal ?

    thanks for any feedback
    An Old Beginner - Squire Stratocaster affinity CII, Brown Sunburst, S/S/H

  2. #2
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie SSS or HSS choice

    Hi Hal, welcome to the forum! In a single word, yes. In more than one word: You might actually find you like the SSS sound of a "real" Strat (careful, my bias is showing).
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  3. #3
    Forum Member phantomman's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie SSS or HSS choice

    My best Strats are all equipped with DiMarzio Virtual Vintage noiseless pickups. Visually they resemble a conventional Fender single-coil and sound plenty spanky and quacky when I want a traditional Strat vibe. But when funneled through a Fulltone OCD and my Zoom amp simulator they yield that sustainy, womanly tone that guitarists like Slash, Carlos, and Bonamassa are known for.
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  4. #4
    Forum Member Hal's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie SSS or HSS choice

    Thanks guys, I think SSS is the way ahead for me.
    An Old Beginner - Squire Stratocaster affinity CII, Brown Sunburst, S/S/H

  5. #5
    Forum Member phantomman's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie SSS or HSS choice

    Regardless of pickup brand or configuration, I find the most ear-pleasing value for tone caps is .022 or .033 mfd with the PIO my preferred type. The Russian-made milspec axials are ideal. They seem to offer a smoother transition from treble to bass and present less insertion loss into the control circuitry.
    "When injustice becomes law then rebellion becomes duty."

  6. #6
    Forum Member jrgtr42's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie SSS or HSS choice

    There isn't really just one answer to that question - it depends on a lot of things - your playing style, amps, any effects etc.
    Really there isn't a pedal that will turn a single coil into a humbucker, and conversely, even a coil-split humbucker won't act exactly like a single coil.
    I'd say to play both types, see what really floats your boat.
    Personally, I prefer playing clean tones with the neck pickup, but depending on my mood, I'll flip around.
    With high-gain amp or pedal, you can get a pretty good roar out of the single coils, but again, it's not exactly the same.
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  7. #7
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie SSS or HSS choice

    Quote Originally Posted by phantomman View Post
    My best Strats are all equipped with DiMarzio Virtual Vintage noiseless pickups. Visually they resemble a conventional Fender single-coil and sound plenty spanky and quacky when I want a traditional Strat vibe. But when funneled through a Fulltone OCD and my Zoom amp simulator they yield that sustainy, womanly tone that guitarists like Slash, Carlos, and Bonamassa are known for.
    Roger, cool to know you use the Fulltone OCD. I am a Fulltone fan myself, the Octafuzz being one of my favorite tools, but I never tried the OCD. How does it compare to a Tube Screamer?

  8. #8
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie SSS or HSS choice

    Sérgio, I have the Fulltone OCD, too. I used it before I got my Fulltone Robin Trower. I also have the Fulltone DejáMinivibe 3 v2. They are all terrific products. When I get into a Robin Trower mood, these are my go-to pedals.
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  9. #9
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie SSS or HSS choice

    Quote Originally Posted by OldStrummer View Post
    Sérgio, I have the Fulltone OCD, too. I used it before I got my Fulltone Robin Trower. I also have the Fulltone DejáMinivibe 3 v2. They are all terrific products. When I get into a Robin Trower mood, these are my go-to pedals.
    Very cool. Have you ever compared it to a tube screamer or a klon-type circuit? I am very interested in getting one myself!

  10. #10
    Forum Member Don's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie SSS or HSS choice

    The OCD is very different than a Tube Screamer. The clipping devices (diodes in the TS and mosfets in the OCD?) are in a different part of the circuit. The TS overdrives a cranked amp and doesn't shine into a clean amp. The OCD sounds good with a clean amp. The TS fattens up bass and mids. The OCD sounds a little more "natural".
    That's my experience with them (I just tried my Full-Drive and OCD with my Ditto looper).

  11. #11
    Forum Member phantomman's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie SSS or HSS choice

    Quote Originally Posted by Don View Post
    The OCD is very different than a Tube Screamer. The clipping devices (diodes in the TS and mosfets in the OCD?) are in a different part of the circuit. The TS overdrives a cranked amp and doesn't shine into a clean amp. The OCD sounds good with a clean amp. The TS fattens up bass and mids. The OCD sounds a little more "natural".
    That's my experience with them (I just tried my Full-Drive and OCD with my Ditto looper).
    That's been my observation as well. The OCD offers a more organic payoff and provides enhanced tonal flexibility. As well, it has a better S/N ratio, at least when powered by an 18-VDC "brick".
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  12. #12
    Forum Member Don's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie SSS or HSS choice

    Quote Originally Posted by phantomman View Post
    That's been my observation as well. The OCD offers a more organic payoff and provides enhanced tonal flexibility. As well, it has a better S/N ratio, at least when powered by an 18-VDC "brick".
    I wasn't even considering how the OCD sounds at 18 volts. I imagine the difference is more dramatic.

    My go-to OD is a Prince of Tone. When I want to fatten up a Strat I use a Full-Drive or SD-1. When I want harder rock I use a Rat. When I want rock with a more organic, touch sensitive sound, I use an OCD. They're all colors on your palette.

  13. #13
    Forum Member Hal's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie SSS or HSS choice

    well HSS it is
    affraid it's a Schecter Nick Johnston Traditional HSS and not a fender

    An Old Beginner - Squire Stratocaster affinity CII, Brown Sunburst, S/S/H

  14. #14
    Forum Member Don's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie SSS or HSS choice

    Very nice! I like it. I have very limited experience with HSS pickup config in a Strat, but recently traded one of my amps for a Music Man Cutlass with a bridge humbucker and I like it a lot.

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