I just bought a Fulltone Deja Vibe rotary pedal. Where do you guys put your rotary pedals in the FX chain?
I just bought a Fulltone Deja Vibe rotary pedal. Where do you guys put your rotary pedals in the FX chain?
If we'd known we were going to be the Beatles, we'd have tried harder.--George Harrison
The Uni-Vibe isn't really a "rotary" pedal. That was the goal, but not the end result. I put rotary pedals like the Rotosphere or Rotochoir in an effects loop whenever possible (though most of my amps don't have an effects loop). They're even better in a stereo setup. Uni-Vibes don't work as well in a loop.
When I use my Deja Vibe, it's usually in a simplified Hendrix influenced setup with wah-->Fuzz Face-->Octavia-->Deja Vibe. Sometimes I run it after the wah so my Fuzz Face affects it and makes it grindy. Run after the Fuzz Face it has a more pure Uni-Vibe sound.
My set up now is amp<volume<delay<phase<wah<Rat<Fulltone OCD<tuner<guitar
Where would you put it in that chain?
If we'd known we were going to be the Beatles, we'd have tried harder.--George Harrison
If you like your sound now, I'd try it where the phaser is. The Uni-Vibe is actually a phaser. I'm no expert on effect order, though.
would that help me get the robin trower kind of sound?
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