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Thread: High E buzz on bends

  1. #1
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    High E buzz on bends

    High E string buzzes on bends from 5th fret up. No buzzing from 12th. The action and neck relief is good. No other strings buzz.

    Damn strings are so old that they are black. Maybe old strings are causing this problem? I was repairing a MIM neck so I left the old strings while shimming and fixing the action and relief. Everything is just right. I just can't figure what's the problem.

  2. #2
    Forum Member Don's Avatar
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    Re: High E buzz on bends

    Replace the strings first.

    What's the relief and action right now?

  3. #3
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    Re: High E buzz on bends

    The action is 4/46 and the relief is .010+ (can't measure it exactly).

  4. #4
    Forum Member Don's Avatar
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    Re: High E buzz on bends

    I'd replace the strings first.

    Also, I wouldn't usually set the action that low on a Strat or Tele (I assume you meant 4/64"). You gotta let the guitar tell you what it's minimum action is.

  5. #5
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    Re: High E buzz on bends

    Quote Originally Posted by Don View Post
    Also, I wouldn't usually set the action that low on a Strat or Tele (I assume you meant 4/64"). You gotta let the guitar tell you what it's minimum action is.
    Do the strings just buzz when you bend, or do they fret out (stop ringing completely)?

    If they're just buzzing a little bit its OK unless that's not what you like. Typically, I don't measure anything while doing a setup, because measurements are all arbitrary and will change from guitar to guitar.

  6. #6
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Re: High E buzz on bends

    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    The action is 4/46 and the relief is .010+ (can't measure it exactly).

    Is that a typo which should read 4/64's?

    If it is, that's a really low action for a Strat. I don't think any of mune would play that low.
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  7. #7
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    Re: High E buzz on bends

    Quote Originally Posted by grandturk View Post
    If they're just buzzing a little bit its OK unless that's not what you like.
    I agree with that, but only to a point. Fret buzz that isn't audible through your amp can still kill sustain. If the string is making *any* contact with a higher fret -- even if it's not enough that you can hear it when you play without an amp -- it's not going to sustain as well as it could.

    It took me a while to figure that out. I used to raise the saddles just to the point where I couldn't hear the string buzzing...but now I raise them just a little higher than that, because I can definitely detect the added sustain I get when I do that.
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  8. #8
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    Re: High E buzz on bends

    Quote Originally Posted by elicross View Post
    It took me a while to figure that out. I used to raise the saddles just to the point where I couldn't hear the string buzzing...but now I raise them just a little higher than that, because I can definitely detect the added sustain I get when I do that.
    Then its the question - how much sustain do you NEED?

  9. #9
    Forum Member passfan's Avatar
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    Re: High E buzz on bends

    Doesn't buzzing in the center of the neck only, indicate a back bow? I usually set my neck's with a slight upbow which eliminates almost any buzzing. What shape are your frets in and does the neck have any twist in it at all?
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