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Thread: I am defecting

  1. #1
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    I am defecting

    I am the Benedict Arnold of TFF. Recently I've become completely enamored with the tone of a Gibson ES-335 style guitar. Now, I do not own one, and they are very expensive , and out of my reach at this moment, but when I AB'd a friends 335 against most of my Strats, the tone of the 335 put my Strats to absolute shame.
    Also, it took some time to get used to the terrible feedback generated , but youve just got to keep your distance.
    Man, the '335' had a neck single coil..Tone 4 days!!
    Now maybe this speaks volumes about my Starts- Ive always suspected they were kind of "tone-turdy", not being genuine Fenders and whatnot..IDK. MAn , the tone of the semi-hollow is organic, woody and sweet-everything ive been missing in the Strat and accepting a little "quack" as a substitute.
    Am I overreacting? Probably.BUT, I want a gIBSON es-335!!!
    Last edited by jerryjg; 04-04-2009 at 07:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Member Cygnus X1's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    Meh...not a problem!
    Just another pony in the stable.

    I've gone through all sorts of guitars and am currently stratless, and tele-less.
    I will come up with something I like.

  3. #3
    Forum Member Gris's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    Yeah, I went thru one of those phases and bought two fantastic 335 clones - a Samick and an Epi Sheraton, both were about $300 used and every bit as good as a new Gibson. They make great sounds, but they are different. They rule for clean chording. I only like them with a really bright, clear neck PU. I sold the Samick to a spoiled kid who has every guitar there is and it's all he plays now, LOL. My favorite guitar, which I don't own right now, is a hybrid - Tele Thinline. For me, they react perfectly to high volume lead work - completely controlled feedback. Damn, I need to start making another one.

  4. #4
    Forum Member Custom 5's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    I dig those Thinline Teles too. Those big chrome wide range humbuckers (the originals) have a unique sound all their own. The low notes are real big but never muddy and the high frequencies just sing without getting too harsh. I think they're also the most difficult Telecasters to make sound good.

  5. #5
    Forum Member Don's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    After playing a Fender regularly for a while I'll pick up a Gibson and think how it kills the Fender tone-wise. Then I'll play a Gibson for a while and when I go back to the Fender I'll think how it kills the Gibson tone-wise.

    Nice problem to have!

  6. #6
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    Re: I am defecting

    Well, and to be fair, I'm not sure you can really call your Strats tone-turds if you constantly turn them into EVH-style super strats with every high gain pickup you find on the Internet.

    It occurs to me after this post that you have probably never liked actual Stratocasters. You have never posted a "genuine Strat" since you've been a member that I can recall.

    I'm not being mean--everyone likes what they like and I too am a child of the 80s, so I remember Super-Strats with some fondness. I'm just saying.

    Also... you say the 335 you played had a single coil neck pickup. (?) So I assume you realize that's not a "genuine 335" either.

    Again, just saying. I love Strats and 335s; comparing them is apples and oranges. You're comparing highly modified apples with a type of oranges I've never even seen.

  7. #7
    Forum Member Gris's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    Wow, lay off. He said his Strats were not 'traditional' ones. Sheesh.

  8. #8
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    Re: I am defecting

    Quote Originally Posted by Gris
    Wow, lay off. He said his Strats were not 'traditional' ones. Sheesh.
    Quote Originally Posted by pc View Post
    I'm not being mean--everyone likes what they like and I too am a child of the 80s, so I remember Super-Strats with some fondness. I'm just saying.
    If I were you Gris, I wouldn't look to pick a fight where there's none to be picked.

    He posted this in the Clone zone, so I know he knows his Strats aren't traditional. He likes them that way, and that's great. I was pointing out that it really isn't defection since he really isn't leaving Stratocasters per se.

    Plus, if he likes a 335 with a single-coil neck pickup versus Strats with stacked or side-by-each humbuckers, there may be other things for him to consider before he saves up for a Gibson 335 and is disappointed.

    BTW, by single coil Jerry, do you mean standard single coil like typically in a Strat, or maybe a P-90? If so, maybe trying a humbucker sized P-90 in one of your Strats might be a worthy experiment.

  9. #9
    Forum Member wingnut1's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    If I were you I'd look for a used Heritage H535. It will be a lot easier on your wallet than a Gibson ES335 and a great guitar.

  10. #10
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    Re: I am defecting

    I don't think it's a matter of defecting, unless you've decided you just don't dig any traditional Strat or Telecaster. Maybe *then* you're on the wrong board, but there's nothing wrong with wanting something that's not a Fender. I love my Strat, and I want a Tele eventually, but I think my next guitar's going to be a semihollow. Not a Gibson 335, probably, but a good guitar with all the same ingredients, like one from the Ibanez Artcore line.

    It's all about having different tools for different sounds or styles. Most of my favorite guitarists are best known for playing Strats, but B.B. King and Larry Carlton are mostly associated with semi-hollow Gibsons. And of course Clapton played a 335 on a lot of his most famous recordings. So it makes sense to me to have a 335, or something like it. When I finally cave in and get one, I won't feel like a traitor to Fender or the board. Just a guy who knows what he wants and knows he can't get it all from one maker.

  11. #11
    Forum Member FrankJohnson's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    Well I am not going to take any shit from anyone on my Epiphone Dot. I have a Good one, and it has a GREAT Neck, and I installed wax potted Les Paul pickups that were given to me by a good friend.

    Good Gawd that is one nice guitar!

    FWIW - Its probably ok to cheat on Fender here and there....I mean after all - its not like we're all married!
    Kenny Belmont

  12. #12
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    Re: I am defecting

    Quote Originally Posted by pc View Post
    If I were you Gris, I wouldn't look to pick a fight where there's none to be picked.
    Both Counselours please approach the Bench!

  13. #13
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    Re: I am defecting

    Quote Originally Posted by jerryjg View Post
    Both Counselours please approach the Bench!
    Jerry... that was awesome.

  14. #14
    Forum Member Cygnus X1's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    I'm here for the amps.
    Leo is GOD.

    But...saying next purchase will probably be a Tele.
    I've danced with them long enough to know I
    ought to go ahead and get married to one sometime.

  15. #15
    Forum Member Gris's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    Quote Originally Posted by Cygnus X1 View Post
    I'm here for the amps.
    Leo is GOD.

    But...saying next purchase will probably be a Tele.
    I've danced with them long enough to know I
    ought to go ahead and get married to one sometime.

  16. #16
    Forum Member chuckocaster's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    gotta have your cake and eat it too. horses for courses amigo!
    "don't worry, i'm a professional!"

  17. #17
    Forum Member demioblue's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    I wouldn't say that you're defecting... I'd say that you have always wanted a fatter, clearer tone. Something that a strat might or might not be able to provide. But I'd advise you not to rule out any options. I've owned a lot of various guitars. But when I want a certain tone, only a certain guitar can deliver it. I cannot get a strat tone from an LP. I've split my LP's coils. The orientation is the same as that of a natural single coil. The tone is similar, but not the same. A strat tone is a strat tone, and nothing else will deliver the same shape. Not even my beloved EBMM Silhouette Special which is far better made than any strat I've played/owned would deliver the same vibe. It's a different guitar overall.

    So, while you are now after an ES335, I wouldn't say it out tones your strat, as they are completely 2 different guitars. A comparison is not fair.

    As for non-genuine strats being tone-turds, my DIY partsocaster I posted earlier would highly disagree with you.

  18. #18
    Forum Member Mesotech's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    I went through that whole "I need a 335" phase. So, I got one. As it turns out, I was right!

    While it is far removed from the sounds of any Fender guitar I own, it fills the gaps I need that the Fenders don't cover. It and a Tele can do nearly everything I need. I still bring Strats and Les Pauls out to play with, but those combinations (while good) still don't cover as much ground.
    POO DAT!!!

  19. #19
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    Re: I am defecting

    Quote Originally Posted by Mesotech View Post
    I went through that whole "I need a 335" phase. So, I got one. As it turns out, I was right!

    While it is far removed from the sounds of any Fender guitar I own, it fills the gaps I need that the Fenders don't cover. It and a Tele can do nearly everything I need. I still bring Strats and Les Pauls out to play with, but those combinations (while good) still don't cover as much ground.
    That's a beauty!

  20. #20
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    Re: I am defecting

    check out the new ES-339

  21. #21
    Forum Member phantomman's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    Indeed......if they's a nicer-lookin' -335 out there I haven't seen it.

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  22. #22
    Forum Member clayville's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    Quote Originally Posted by Mesotech View Post
    I went through that whole "I need a 335" phase. So, I got one. As it turns out, I was right!
    Dang. That's gorgeous!

    +1 on checking out the ES-339s -- they're a great "deal" in CS Gibson's. Tone in spades, and not much bigger than an LP. Substantially smaller than a 335, but it shares the same center-block/pressed ply sides construction.

    If I didn't already have a CS-356 that I love -- back and sides routed out of one piece of mahogany, carved maple cap like an LP with f-holes -- I'd be all over a 339.

  23. #23
    Forum Member rudutch's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    don't give up your citizenship, you will be back
    do I look like I know what I'm doing?

  24. #24
    Forum Member Doc W's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    I don't understand the conflict. If you are trying to get that huge humbucker overdrive sound out of a Strat, well, you are perhaps wasting your time. My main guitar for years was a 345 (same as the 335 but with some cool EQ options) but I really felt the need for a Strat for a clean sound. I loved the Gibson for pushing the amp into the distress zone but for quiet, clean passages, it didn't have the character I wanted. There is just nothing like a Strat for tone at low gain. Humbuckers just don't have that chimey character.

    Maybe you were always looking for that big, beefy humbucker sound and that is what disappointed you about Strats. If that is the case, the 335 is a great guitar for you. As pc said, however, you might want to check out the same guitar with a neck humbucker.

    The 335/45/55 is not really a semi-hollow, in my opinion. With that huge hunk of mahogany running through the body, there just isn't enough "hollow," although the hollowness it does have makes it sing like a bird with the right amp at the right volume (embrace feedback with a 335. It is your friend). A 335 is more like a Les Paul with some storage space.

    For the record, mine is a mid 60s cherry red 345 with some non-original parts, including a pair of early 60s PAF's. It is somewhat beat up with repairs and holes here and there but it plays like a dream and sounds killer. I should take some pics.
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  25. #25
    Forum Member Don's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    Yes. You should!

  26. #26
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    Re: I am defecting

    Well, the "335 Style " i played was an old Harmony Rocket. Sounds fantastic with the old Single coil Dearmond. Very noisy.
    Doesnt play very well at all.I'm thinking I would be happy with an older 335 style guitar with a neck Single coil( not a P-90) and hopefully a bridge pickup, possibly a Gretsch, but i really don't know if Gretschs play as nice( fast, low) as Gibbos.
    I do very much like the Filtertrons though.
    For some reason noone ever talks about Rickys.I've never played one, but folks do not seem to love them, but I dont know.
    Quite possibly theres a cheaper guitar with fast action I would like..Maybe old Framus or Yammie? Sure wish't i had that old Framus i sold along time ago. I ssem to remember it played very well... Sounded good.

  27. #27
    Forum Member Gris's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    The Samick Artist series, model 650 I believe. Do a search on here for my old thread on it. If you want a less bluesy, more jazzy sound go for the 90s Sheraton II. I owned both after mucho shopping around. Both were every bit as good as a guitar costing thousands.

  28. #28
    Forum Member Cygnus X1's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    Ibanez makes some great ones also.

  29. #29
    Forum Member refin's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    Quote Originally Posted by FrankJohnson View Post
    Well I am not going to take any shit from anyone on my Epiphone Dot. I have a Good one, and it has a GREAT Neck, and I installed wax potted Les Paul pickups that were given to me by a good friend.

    Good Gawd that is one nice guitar!

    FWIW - Its probably ok to cheat on Fender here and there....I mean after all - its not like we're all married!
    My Epi 335 Dot is my go-to guitar for big fat cleans---a pair of '57 Classic pups make this a great axe.Agreed on the great neck!
    We are across the hall from our Gibson lovin'/preferin' brethren.There's no denying both companies have a great deal of respect for each other,looking at the way they've copied each other over the years.
    Give me a good stock strat through a Super Reverb,or a great Lester through a Marshall----or vice versa.
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  30. #30
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    It's just a matter of what sound you're looking for. A word to the wise though about thinlines. The current Wide Range Humbuckers only LOOK like the originals. They sound nothing like the great ones of the 70's. Playing a Telecaster with original WRHBs is a life-changing experience!
    "No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim

  31. #31
    Forum Member Gris's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    Quote Originally Posted by Offshore Angler View Post
    It's just a matter of what sound you're looking for. A word to the wise though about thinlines. The current Wide Range Humbuckers only LOOK like the originals. They sound nothing like the great ones of the 70's. Playing a Telecaster with original WRHBs is a life-changing experience!
    WURD. Glad at least one other soul recognizes this. Been shouting it in the woods for years. I just bought another orig CUNIFE for a lowly $250 in this depressed market. They were up to $400 each.

  32. #32
    Forum Member Doc W's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    Quote Originally Posted by jerryjg View Post
    Well, the "335 Style " i played was an old Harmony Rocket. Sounds fantastic with the old Single coil Dearmond. Very noisy.
    Doesnt play very well at all.I'm thinking I would be happy with an older 335 style guitar with a neck Single coil( not a P-90) and hopefully a bridge pickup, possibly a Gretsch, but i really don't know if Gretschs play as nice( fast, low) as Gibbos.
    I do very much like the Filtertrons though.
    For some reason noone ever talks about Rickys.I've never played one, but folks do not seem to love them, but I dont know.
    Quite possibly theres a cheaper guitar with fast action I would like..Maybe old Framus or Yammie? Sure wish't i had that old Framus i sold along time ago. I ssem to remember it played very well... Sounded good.
    jerry, I am not sure I completely understand what you are talking about. Neither a Harmony Rocket nor a Gretsch is a "335 style" guitar. Both are hollow bodies with single coils and completely unlike a 335. It sounds to me that what want is a hollowbody electric and a 335 is one (sort of) but a very specific kind. If that is the case, there are a lot of choices out there, but just keep in mind that the only guitar that sounds and plays like a 335 is a 335 (including some pretty good repros and approximations that have the big centre block).
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  33. #33
    Forum Member NeoFauve's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    Quote Originally Posted by Gris View Post
    The Samick Artist series, model 650 I believe. Do a search on here for my old thread on it. If you want a less bluesy, more jazzy sound go for the 90s Sheraton II. I owned both after mucho shopping around. Both were every bit as good as a guitar costing thousands.
    A hearty +1 on the 90's Sheraton II's.
    The necks current MIC Sheratons pale in comparison.
    If you have to put up a few dings or worn off gold plating it's worth it.

    I've been auditioning a bunch of slimline hollows lately, semis too.
    There are a lot of pretty, but functionally lackluster guitars of this type out there.
    It makes the good ones stand out, pretty much as soon as you get one in playing position on your lap.
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  34. #34
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    Quote Originally Posted by Gris View Post
    WURD. Glad at least one other soul recognizes this. Been shouting it in the woods for years. I just bought another orig CUNIFE for a lowly $250 in this depressed market. They were up to $400 each.
    Yep. I had a chance to play a Tele with the Telenator repros and it absolutely nailed the sound of the originals. It was a blast. Seems like once a year I pick up a new thinline, plug it in, and then put it back in disgust. Why, oh why Fender is allowing this to go on is beyond me. A Tele with original WRHB's is a TOTALLY differnt animal than the current replicas, and one of the best sounding guitars ever. The new ones are rediculous.
    "No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim

  35. #35
    Forum Member Don's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    Last year I played a Hamer Echotone that I fell in love with. It was cheap, too.

    I went home without it, and when I changed my mind and went back to the store to buy it, it was gone!!!

  36. #36
    Forum Member Jonnda's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    I'm mostly happy with my Ibanez AS-73, now and then I dream of seeing what happens if i install gfs pickups, but it hasn't happened yet. Not a big priority once I messed with pickup and pole piece height, for the same money i'd rather get the reverb tank on my amp replaced and working.
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  37. #37
    Forum Member Wilko's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    The Ibanez Artist guitars are right up there with 335s in feel and sound. Specially mid 70s through early 80s.

    I just sold an 82 AM-50 which is essentially a 339. Very cool guitar.

  38. #38
    Forum Member as90's Avatar
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    Re: I am defecting

    You should try the Epiphone Elitist Sheraton, mine is amazing...

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