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Thread: 80s Strats

  1. #1
    Forum Member Gtrplyr's Avatar
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    80s Strats

    It wasn't until a few months ago reading in these forums that I double checked my '87 Strat and discovered that it had the dreaded bathtub route. I can live with that since it still sounds like a Strat and plays well but of course I was a bit bummed that it has that routing.

    What else can anyone tell me about the construction and materials for the late 80's Strats? Adler, multi-piece body with veneer top? Type of Finish?

  2. #2
    Forum Member detuned's Avatar
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    I got one too...

    My #1 gigging guitar is an '87 strat. Great guitar, sounds good, plays good, what else would you want?

    Personally, I've never heard what all the fuss is about over the "Swimming pool" rout, & I think that people who worry about this stuff to distraction should probably play theur guitar more...

    But that's just me.

    Alder, yes; multi-piece body, yes (varies as to how many pieces), poly finish.

    My experience with these is that some are gems, some are dogs, but most of them are solid instruments. Cheap too, on the used market, for what you get.

    Hope that helps...
    Master of Disaster on the Stratocaster

  3. #3
    Forum Member Gtrplyr's Avatar
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    Thanks Detuned-
    My Strat has also been my main gigging guitar as well and it has done well by me. I really like the neck on it too. I didn't actually pay all that much for it brand new, as I recall I bought it on a weekend giveaway sale at a GC.

    Was just curious if there were any other surprises in store like it was actually a plywood body or something. ;-) I didn't realize that Fender used poly on those Strats though. When did that start?

  4. #4
    Forum Member curtisstetka's Avatar
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    Gtrplyr, I intend no offense whatsoever by saying this but I think your post is kinda funny. And it's indicative of the insanity that afflicts so many of us gear-obsessed dumbasses.

    I mean, you were happy with this guitar, yes?

    All of a sudden you find... THE DREAD SWIMMING POOL ROUTE!!!!

    Everyone just KNOWS that the DSPR utterly DESTROYS tone, right?

    Again, I'm not trying to mock you. I just think it's a little funny.

    I mean, if the guitar sounds good and you enjoy playing it, what does it matter? I'd play a guitar made out of fossilized cow shit if the thing played right and sounded good.

  5. #5
    Forum Member LightninBoy's Avatar
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    Originally posted by curtisstetka
    I'd play a guitar made out of fossilized cow shit if the thing played right and sounded good.

    Fossilized cow shit??? What's gotten into you Curt. You should know that fossilized horse shit is the only choice for real players...
    "The lord will take two things so much alike that he would not mind choosing from them blindfold - and then for a great jest he will allow the slaves to choose."

  6. #6
    Forum Member Gtrplyr's Avatar
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    I mean, you were happy with this guitar, yes?


    All of a sudden you find... THE DREAD SWIMMING POOL ROUTE!!!!


    Everyone just KNOWS that the DSPR utterly DESTROYS tone, right?

    Not sure what DSPR is. Dual, Single Routing? If that's the case I wasn't aware that it killed tone. I was actually getting GAS for a newer Strat with an SSS/SSH route

    Again, I'm not trying to mock you. I just think it's a little funny.

    I know its one of those quirks. At least I can laugh at myself as well.

  7. #7
    TFF Stage Crew
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    DSPR = Dreaded Swimming Pool Route

    Don't think twice about it. Enjoy your guitar.

  8. #8
    Forum Member curtisstetka's Avatar
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    Horse / Cow?

    Are we going to touch off one of those Rosewood / Maple debates here?

    Believe it or not, I saw some post asserting that the swimming pool route was the KEY to SRV's tone in some song.

    I imagine nobody has any idea what its effect on a guitar's sound really is. The only way to find out definitely would be to have a guitar with a regular route, play it, and somehow measure its output. Then, route that guitar with a swimming pool and do the same tests.

    Nobody's going to do that.

    My simple rule is that if it sounds good to me, it's good, and who cares what other people say

  9. #9
    Forum Member bzimm's Avatar
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    I think I know what you are talking about. SRVs guitar Charlie was an old strat that had been routed for a billion humbuckers or something like that. You took the pickgaurd off and it was just one big cavitiy. The owner of Charlies guitars slapped a couple of Danelctro lipsticks in it and gave it to SRV. Stevie always believed that the bell like quality the guitar had was do to the large route.

    I have an early 90s or late 80s strat with the DSPR. I know I was pretty dissapointed when I opened that sucker up for the first time. I had completely forgotten it was like that until I came across some pictures I had taken with the pickguard off. That guitar has fallen out of favor with me, not because of the route, but because of the spindly little neck (and the roller nut that keeps me from using the guage strings I want).

    If you like it play it. Thats all that really matters.

  10. #10
    Forum Member detuned's Avatar
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    Can I get a...?

    Originally posted by curtisstetka

    My simple rule is that if it sounds good to me, it's good, and who cares what other people say?



    Last edited by detuned; 10-31-2003 at 08:39 AM.
    Master of Disaster on the Stratocaster

  11. #11
    Forum Member
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    ""Horse / Cow? ""

    I personally only play the "Hammered Spotted Owl shit" ones myself (Horse and Cow can't begin to compare.) But you had better hurry and get yours before they disappear!

    All joking aside. If you like the way it plays/sounds. . . . . . end of discussion.

  12. #12
    Forum Member cooltone's Avatar
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    Horse/Cow/Hammered spotted owl shit

    Now, when you say 'fossilized' are you referring to early paleozoic or triassic period? It does make a difference in tone, you know.

    Gtrplyr- the fact that it's your 'main gigging axe' speaks volumes.
    I used a MIJ Squier 'Wayne's World' Strat (w/upgraded pups) as my main axe for a long time. People who aren't aware of what it is are blown away by the tone and playability. Party on, excellent!
    "If you're cool, you don't know nothin' about it. It just is...or you ain't." - Keith Richards

  13. #13
    TFF Stage Crew
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    Party on Wayne & Garth!

  14. #14
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    ""Gtrplyr- the fact that it's your 'main gigging axe' speaks volumes.
    I used a MIJ Squier 'Wayne's World' Strat (w/upgraded pups) as my main axe for a long time. People who aren't aware of what it is are blown away by the tone and playability. Party on, excellent! (Cooltone)""


    Once again all joking aside I've owned lot's of old stuff and new stuff and the ONLY hard and fast lesson I've ever learned is: "Just cuz it's old, don't make it good, and just cuz it's new don't make it hammered owl shit (I mean bad in this case--note that it's not Spotted Owl I refer to here)!!!!" Every year has good ones and bad ones and everything else falls in between. Don't take me wrong, there are eras that improve your chances of finding a good one but the ultimate lesson is to judge each guitar for it's own merits--I don't care if it's a '57 or a Wayne's World (yes I have played both!!.) If you walk in the room where it sits and it makes you want to pick it up and play it, rock on!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . . . . . . . . 'nuff sed.

    (One of those lessons we learn as we get to be old farts--or was that something else. . . hmmmmmm? Gotta go, my memory is starting to fade. . . .

    By the way, I still say the Hammered Spotted Owl Shit ones rule regardless of the era or that other fossilized shit!
    Last edited by AXE752; 11-02-2003 at 05:57 PM.

  15. #15
    Forum Member Gtrplyr's Avatar
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    Points well taken but I always thought those fossilized cow shit guitars played like crap. :tw59

    My first reaction to the news of the DSPR should have been to ignore it and laugh if off. Should have known better, if it made that big of a difference I would have suspected something fishy and it sounds fine to me. But still If i had my choice again I would rather have a SSS routed body.

    Actually thinking of getting some Wagner SR pups to beef things up a little. After I bought the Strat I installed a SD hot stack pup in the bridge and only put it back to the stock pup a few months ago. While they sound fine playing solo through my amps at home with a band it now tends to dissappear into the mix on some of the heavier material. I have a set of Fillmores in my LP and think the world of them so I'm thinkning the SR's should be great in the Strat. I listened to Barmuddys sound clips in another thread and it confirmed that they sound pretty good.

  16. #16
    Forum Member shoudek's Avatar
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    My 87 strat plus has the DSPR and I love it. It gives it that ES335 acoustic like quality that can't be beat.

    Ignore it and play it.
    Last edited by shoudek; 11-03-2003 at 12:10 PM.

  17. #17
    Forum Member detuned's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Gtrplyr
    Points well taken but I always thought those fossilized cow shit guitars played like crap. :tw59

    Isn't that the point?

    Master of Disaster on the Stratocaster

  18. #18
    Forum Member NeoFauve's Avatar
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    in interesting times
    I had one finished in milk fat that played like butter.
    "Well, I used to be disgusted, now I try to be amused..."
    Elvis Costello

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