Hey all, new the forum
. Would greatly appreciate some input, no pun intended.
This probably has been beat to death but any info would be appreciated.
I'm going to build a 1x15 cab and a 2x12 as an extension for my fender amp heads a bf'ed ab763 BMR, and a pre master volume Dual showman reverb. I'm pretty sure I'm going to mod the cabs to be used as open and closed back, ie: an easily removable back panel.
I was considering an eminence commonwealth 15 and eminence commonwealth 12's for the 2x12.
I've read that they were designed after the jbl D-130.
I'm kinda torn
between a warmer less effcient speaker with nice cone breakup and compression or a loud, clean, bright efficient type speaker which is how I imagine the jbl type speaker would sound.
I want to be able to get a vibroverb 1x15 tone (assuming the vibroverb was openback) with the open back 1x15 using my bmr, and close the back to get a bass heavy dual showman reverb tone.
With the 2x12 I would like to get an open back twin reverb sound with dual showman reverb, and then mix and match them from those starting points.
My aim is versatility which is why I opted for heads instead of combos.