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Thread: 3rd string sound weird

  1. #1
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    3rd string sound weird

    Hi guys 'n dolls...First off let me introduce myself. Im from south africa and new to this site....and also GLAD to be onboard :-)

    I have a Strat 60th Anniversary with Tex Mex pickups. Its my 3rd string. The sound that comes out of it is like a "screamy distorted" sound compared to the other strings. The closest sound that i can think of to discribe it, is lets say you hit an empty tin and pluck a 3rd string...basicly the sound of a tin combined with a guitar string ( sorry for this weired discription, but its the closest i can think )...If you pluck it just a liiiiiitle too hard, it gives this weird ( unlikable ) sound..I have lowered my 3rd pole, but still the same...Relief, bridge, saddles and intonation is 100%.( it does this with different makes and gauges too )...I have a V-Amp connected to a Power Amp...What i HAVE noticed though, is when i plug it straight into my power amp, i dont hear this weird sound...I was wondering...Could it be that the Pre-Amp ( V-Amp Pro ) is maby too powerfull to be plugged into the Power Amp?..The guitar sets-up like a dream...its just the flippen 3rd string...I was thinking of changing pickups to Kinman AVn-Traditionals

  2. #2
    Forum Member curtisstetka's Avatar
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    Re: 3rd string sound weird


    So it seems that this sound is not something acoustically wrong with the guitar? Rather it is happening in the V-Amp? Do other guitars experience the same issue through this rig?

    Does it happen at every fret on the 3rd string? If your saddle really is okay, my first suspicion (if the problem truly lies with the guitar at all) is a wonky higher fret.
    s'all goof.

  3. #3
    Forum Member Plugger's Avatar
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    Re: 3rd string sound weird

    The main rule with strat pups is to start with them lowered flat to the pickguard and slowly adjust them up towards the strings to find the sweet spot. Strat pups can do weird things when set too close to the strings because of the magnetic pull on the strings... aka "stratitis", which sounds like a possibility in your case.

    Now, they're single coils, right? I ask because you say you've "lowered the 3rd pole"... pole pieces on strat single coils aren't usually adjustable...


  4. #4
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    Re: 3rd string sound weird

    I have tried lowering the pickups, but it didnt help ( the 3rd pole ive lower by punching it down stightly with a "punch"...a tip i got from another site ). If i just touch it lightly, sound is normal.The sound is quite noticable if you play with a pick.....The "stratitis" you were talking about was one of the suspicions i had, but it doesnt seem to be the prob...The frets are 100% as i had it at a Luthier who dressed it for me...The guitar sets up like a dream....If i use my fingers, the weird sound is gone...I realy dont know if this is just a "strat" sound, or weather my ears are just too
    Last edited by Robin; 06-05-2007 at 06:42 AM.

  5. #5
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    Re: 3rd string sound weird

    Quote Originally Posted by curtisstetka View Post

    So it seems that this sound is not something acoustically wrong with the guitar? Rather it is happening in the V-Amp? Do other guitars experience the same issue through this rig?

    Does it happen at every fret on the 3rd string? If your saddle really is okay, my first suspicion (if the problem truly lies with the guitar at all) is a wonky higher fret.

    1) I havnt had another guitar on this rig; 2) It happens on every fret on string 3.
    After closer inspection, it sounds as if it might just be the V-Amp

  6. #6
    Forum Member curtisstetka's Avatar
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    Re: 3rd string sound weird

    Okay, that is still rather peculiar though.

    I mean, if it's happening in the V-amp, I'd suspect a certain pitch was a problem for the processor for some reason. How the heck would the V-amp "know" if you're playing an E on the 3rd string or on the second or on the first?

    That it's localized to a string still makes me suspect the guitar.

    If you can, try another guitar through your rig - another strat if possible. Just to narrow this down.

    Do you hear the sound at all when unplugged?

    Have you tried another set of strings?

    How long has this problem persisted? Is this a new guitar to you? Have you had it years and the problem has always been there?

    Need more details!

    By the way, this forum is the BEST for tracking down crazy stuff like this.
    s'all goof.

  7. #7
    Forum Member curtisstetka's Avatar
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    Re: 3rd string sound weird

    Wait a minute. I just re-read what you wrote more closely - it only happens with a pick????

    Try another type of pick. Try turning your pick so you're playing with one of the less pointy ends. Try picking in a different place on the string.
    s'all goof.

  8. #8
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    Re: 3rd string sound weird

    There is just ONE thing that bugs me about the 3rd string...Its the only one that has a very slight "buzz" to it....even when the guitar is at maximum relief..And yes, i musta had about 15 sets of strings on it since i got it ( guitar is only 3-4 months old ). When i sent it back to the supplier ( twice ), it just came back and the guys tells me that there is nothing wrong with it, thats why, at the end, i sent it to a luthier at another city to get fixed ( i just couldnt get it setup propperly )...but thats all sorted out now....thats why he gave me a fret crowning...Also, like i said before...If i plug it "directly" in my power-amp, i dont hear the weird sound, as there is NO effects, where as the Vamp is the one with the effects...Obviously if i had another guitar, i could have eliminated the prob by now, but its so damn difficult to get another guitar...ill just have to figure it out the hard way i guess...

  9. #9
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    Re: 3rd string sound weird

    Ok...I think i found the problem...I played the guitar through a Zoom 606 and the "funny" sound was gone....BUTTT.....I could hear the "buzz" from the 3rd string over the amp...The only conclusion i could get, was that the buzz, combined with the sound of the 3rd string, made that "finny" sound through my Vamp...After inspection i found my nut was at fault so i used sandpaper to file the nut, but apparently filed too damn deep
    I'm getting it replaced now...Thanks for all the help guys.
    Last edited by Robin; 06-05-2007 at 09:08 AM.

  10. #10
    Forum Member curtisstetka's Avatar
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    Re: 3rd string sound weird

    Sounds like it might have been a vibration on the G string between the nut and tuning post?
    s'all goof.

  11. #11
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    Re: 3rd string sound weird

    I agree with Fezz on that....
    I had a guitar do that after I changed the nut out maybe it just the
    nut,could be to low on that string..I would get a bone nut on it.
    Also look closely at the nuts alienment it could shift and cause the 3rd string to buzz.

  12. #12
    Forum Member boobtube21's Avatar
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    Re: 3rd string sound weird

    I was going to suggest the nut. Funny, on one of my strats the slot for the G string is also out of whack. It's got to be about 1/16" wide, and almost level with the frets. It buzzes like crazy played open, but I don't think I've ever heard it buzz while playing any fretted note.

    I'm surprised though, if this was in fact your problem that your luthier didn't catch it. Maybe you could ask him what the hell you just paid him so much damn money for. just kidding, but he shoulda caught it IMO...

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