I recentley bought a Les Paul Standard to handle my humbucking needs. I would now like to turn my "Fat Strat" back into a proper Strat.

The "Strat" pickups that I've tried so far have been the stock Tex Mex pickups and Dimarzio's Virtual Vintage 2 pickups. In my opinion I found the stock pickups to be a tad weak and a bit too bright and the Dimarzio's to be a tad too dark and a bit too strong. What I would like to find is something that's in the middle between the mentioned pickups.

I'm using a Fender DRRI with two speakers (the main and the extension) both housed in a 2X12 cabinet with a partial opened back.

I'm not a brand snob so I'm open to all suggestions from "vintage" to hum cacelling.

One more thing. It sure would be nice to find some pickups where ALL of the pole pieces line up with ALL of the strings because it does make a differance in output.

Thanks for your help.