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Thread: How would you handle this situation....

  1. #1
    Forum Member funkyguitar's Avatar
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    How would you handle this situation....

    One of my bandmates was a little out of tune with his acoustic the other night. I checked my tuning and was dead on and the bass player checked his and was okay. I asked the acoustic player, who does most of the lead vocals if he wanted to check his tuning as he sounded a bit off and held out my tuner for him to use.

    He refused to take it, and replied, it's okay, I'm good.

    I really suffered through the last set because I can't stand playing when something sounds out of tune. I didn't say anything more, only because we have several more gigs booked and I didn't want to start an argument that might cause him to quit and leave me with finding a replacement on short notice.

    We've done about six gigs together and this was the first time that I really noticed the "out-of-tune" and it was only one or two strings.

    Is there a tactful, nice way to handle this or do you just insist he tune the dang thing ?

    Thanks in advance !
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  2. #2
    Forum Member curtisstetka's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    Sounds to me like he's got a bit of an ego problem if he can't stand for somebody else in the band to make a suggestion as basic as tuning up his guitar. Ask somebody to tune and they quit the band? You don't want to deal with this prima donna long-term.

    My bass player was allergic to tuners. He'd say, "Eh, it's good enough for rock 'n roll." I'd refuse to play until he tuned his instrument. It used to drive the keyboardist out of his mind because he has perfect pitch.

    Of course, I've known the guy for 20 years so we can say stuff like "Dude, your playing on that last song totally sucked. Why don't you take some lessons? Are you drunk or just that stupid?" and there's no hard feelings.

    You could try this approach at the next band practice. "Listen, buddy, at the last gig when I offered you my tuner... I wasn't trying to insult you. I respect you a lot and you really sound great. I know it's sometimes tough to hear at the gig when you're a little out. If we're going to make this band work, we've got to rely on each other a bit for stuff like that. If you tell me I'm out of tune, I trust your ears and I'll grab my tuner. Okay? Trust me to do the same for you."

    If there's hard feelings over tuning up, it might be time to look for a new player.
    s'all goof.

  3. #3
    Forum Member funkyguitar's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    Thanks for your reply and I think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned ego problem. The guy is a very talented vocalist with a good range, his acoustic playing is good, but not as good as his vocals, but his ego has no end.
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  4. #4
    Forum Member Kap'n's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    If I'm out of tune, I want to know. Especially since I can't always hear vocals/bass as well as I'd like to - more of a rhythmic reference.

    Everybody else feels the same way.

    ....that I should know when I'm out of tune. :lol
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  5. #5
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    Next time have a final "group" tune up befor you start. That way everyones involved and at least you will all be in tune as a group.

  6. #6
    Forum Member FrankJohnson's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    Let him see you tune to standard and then ask hm for his E, just to make sure "you" are in.....
    Continue through if needed......

    You will still be wearing a white hat (remember the good guys always wore em?)
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  7. #7
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    funkyguitar, if it only happened once out of six jobs and it was only a couple strings I'd say you're way over-reacting. Sometmes when you're in a band you have to deal with stuff like that. In the big scheme of things it means nothing. It probably upset you more than anybody else in the club. As long as nobody is covering their ears and running for the exits it doesn't matter. Just do your job. If the guy can sing and shows up on time and knows his stuff a little tuning problem is a nit.

    Ask yourself this: are you more upset about the tuning or that he rejected your advice? If it really is the tuning then one out six gigs is way too early to be getting cheezed.

    If it continues just use some very light good natured pressure and if the guy isd a team player he'll come around.

    Relax. It will all work out. If I went to the forum and posted everytime somebody in the band was out of tune I'd have gotten carpal tunnel a long time ago.

    When you gig, your job is to support the lead singer. He's the front man and the focal point.

    That said, if a singer cops a 'tude I know how to hang him out to dry bwahhahhahhaa!
    "No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim

  8. #8
    Forum Member LPDonkey's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    Well they don't call it LSD for nothing. Singers are notorious for ego, it may even be a prerequisite...I digress. Do you have access to his guitar? Just tune them all, or make a show of tuning many and include his. You're doing him a favor, at least in his mind, and you're really doing yourself a favor, kind of a win/win thing. If it really is an ego control thing he'll get off on you tuning for him. Then you don't have to
    That's a Robin move...Batman never woulda done that...

  9. #9
    Forum Member FenderBoy's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    This I really don't understand other than there's obviously a communication problem going on here.

    Besides that, I'd REALLY need to ask what the hell kinda singer this person can be if they can't tell when their own friggin guitar is out of tune.

    Cripe. Ya gotta have a good ear to be a good singer.

  10. #10
    Forum Member Wilko's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    And you can't argue if there is an impirical method to check the facts. You're either in tune or you're not.

    "i'm good" is not enough.

  11. #11
    Forum Member sabby's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    "No, dude. I hate to be the prick, but you're not good -- and it's driving me freakin' nuts. Here's a tuner. Do it for me. It's an act of kindness for which you'll be rewarded in the after life. Eighty virgins just waiting for you. Seriously. Take the tuner." :rolleyes:

  12. #12
    Forum Member tenebrae's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    Do you record your sessions? If so, play it back when everyone's present. The "I'm good" attitude to tuning will be present to everyone and you can all explain to your singer the shortcomings of such an approach to refusing a tuner. That way, the "voice of the band" will be responsible for informing the out of tune one and not you singly. The dude would have to have a hell of an ego to go the non-compliance route after the entire band had suggested that the use of a tuner is, in actual fact, quite the rock'n'roll thing.


  13. #13
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    WOW! I'm in total disagreement with the majority. Hey, the show must go on. Personally, as long as it's managable, I'd PREFER we keep going. One guitar with a couple strings off won't kill a show. And that's WAY more preferable than the stop the show and tune deal. That's a buzz killer every time and a signal to the dancers to take a break. You just don't do it. In some shows you don't get a chance. What are they going to do? Stop the drummer's click so you can have another player tune becuause it bothers you? Get real. Shut up, do yor job, take the money and go home.
    "No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim

  14. #14
    Forum Member Mikey's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    Nothing worse than that tuning thing between every song. Just puts a damper on the whole vibe. Once in a while? OK. Every song just kills it. I also hate it when people meedle between songs. but that's just me?
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  15. #15
    Forum Member tenebrae's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    Well, I'm with you on this one, OA. The scenario I posted above would involve no member of the paying public whatsoever. Don't get me wrong, the "I don't wanna tune" thing has to be addressed but if it can't be taken care of quickly and painlessly on stage then save it for later. It looks bad.


  16. #16
    Forum Member Phil M's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    I'm with you Mikey. I don't like it when people noodel between songs. I played in a band with another guitarist who used to do that constantly. No wonder that band never played out!

    As for this tuning issue, I'd have to hear if for myself. And was this a gig or a rehearsal? If it was a gig I can see his attitude for some of the reasons Offshore Angler states. If it was just rehearsal, it would behoove him to just tune up.

  17. #17
    Forum Member Kap'n's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikey
    Nothing worse than that tuning thing between every song.
    Well, it's better than being out of tune for every song except the first. :lol

    Seriously, I don't even consider a guitar that doesn't stay in tune. If I actually have to adjust it more than once a set (unless I'm whammying), it's toast.
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  18. #18
    Forum Member Mikey's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    All I've got to say is this...
    I'm glad my drums stay in tune. Imagine what it'd be like if the drummer had to tune up between songs!
    Kap'n, I agree.
    The other thing OSA is browsing around is the fact that 99.6% of the audience is never gonna hear an out of tune guitar unless it's way,way out on every string. Just play the darn thing and fix it when you can.
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  19. #19
    Forum Member Mesotech's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    Isn't this what sound guys are supposedly for?

    If someone is severely out of tune and doesn't check it between songs, then the person running sound can lower their output some so that it's not nearly as noticable to the audience.

    I saw a local band performing one night and the second guitarist wasn't heard all night. He was wearing an earbud and could hear himself, but no one else could hear him at all. I also thought it was interesting that he didn't use an amp at all, but plugged his Strat straight into the board, the lead guitarist piped through a PODxt into the board. From the audience perspective, it was a one guitar band. This guy wasn't necessarily out of tune, he simply wasn't a good player, but he apparently was a good stage manager and booking agent, so he got to stand in front of the folks and play like he was part of the band. He even sang backup to a dead mike!
    Last edited by Mesotech; 03-24-2011 at 03:03 PM.

  20. #20
    Forum Member funkyguitar's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    I think there is a misunderstanding from reading some of the posts, maybe I should mention that this was right before the final set and not between songs. We were just coming off break and had about another 5 minutes before we started the last set.
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  21. #21
    Forum Member Mikey's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    No excuse then. The sucker should have tuned up!
    If, at first you don't succeed, don't try skydiving.
    Two leaps per chasm is fatal!

  22. #22
    Forum Member Rickenjangle's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    Quote Originally Posted by Offshore Angler
    That said, if a singer cops a 'tude I know how to hang him out to dry bwahhahhahhaa!

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  23. #23
    Forum Member moonpie's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    Tune up or knit me a sweater!

    If you leave the house, you're just asking for it.

  24. #24
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    I still think that my final "group tune up" befor sets is worth a try. Like I said, it involves everyone as a group.

  25. #25
    Forum Member FrankJohnson's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    The funny thing about standard tuning......

    Your either in, or your out
    Kenny Belmont

  26. #26
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    Well, before is a little different. But remember. Most of the time the singer can't hear his guitar that well because he's in the vocal monitor. And he's concentrating on his singing as well.

    Sure, we all have a string break or a ball slip once in a while. In that case you turn down and shadowbox. Or just pick up the backup and continue. Dropping out for 10 seconds to fix a problem isn't a big deal. But never tune during a set unless you have a muted tuner. In fact, never tune on stage without muting.

    My question is, how did you know he was out of tune before you started playing?

    Like I said before though, one set out of six gigs and it's only happened once? I'd just forget about it. It ain't that big a deal.

    Rickenjangle, don't worry. I would never do that to you. You're way to nice a guy, and even if you weren't a singer like you we need to keep happy!
    "No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim

  27. #27
    Forum Member curtisstetka's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    Quote Originally Posted by Offshore Angler
    Sure, we all have a string break or a ball slip once in a while.

    I hate when my G string breaks and my balls slip.
    s'all goof.

  28. #28
    Forum Member moonpie's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    I figured early on....if anyone complains about tuning, I grab my tuner.
    Doesn't matter whether I know it's the other guitarist or bass player......when anyone mentions tuning, I grab my tuner.

    Takes about 15 seconds, even if you have to unplug...plug in the tuner...tune up...and plug back into the amp.

    This gives the offensive party a chance to save face, but sometimes they aren't smart enough to get the hint.
    At the end of the next song, when anyone mentions tuning, I grab my tuner......cause I don't want to have to testify as to what I saw when my bandmates kill the perpertrator........

    "Didn't see a thing....I was tuning up."
    If you leave the house, you're just asking for it.

  29. #29
    Forum Member FenderBoy's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    Quote Originally Posted by Offshore Angler
    One guitar with a couple strings off won't kill a show.

    This probably explains, besides distance, why we'll never be in a band together, Chuck.

  30. #30
    Forum Member dez's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    Tuning up before each set is really simple. Yet more often than not I've been in bands with idiots who don't do it. I leave those situations shortly thereafter.

  31. #31
    Forum Member moonpie's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    The smart thing to do is tune up after each set.
    If you leave the house, you're just asking for it.

  32. #32
    Forum Member funkyguitar's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    Quote Originally Posted by moonpie
    The smart thing to do is tune up after each set.
    Except for the last waltz, eh ? ;)
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  33. #33
    Forum Member telecast's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    Buy one of these and wear it to the next show

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  34. #34
    Forum Member Timbo's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    Quote Originally Posted by dez
    Tuning up before each set is really simple. Yet more often than not I've been in bands with idiots who don't do it. I leave those situations shortly thereafter.

  35. #35
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    fenderboy, you ignorant slut. Again you've missed the point completely.

    Yes, I want the band in tune. Often, I'll even tune RJ's axes for him while he does other tasks. But once in while if somebody has a set with a couple off a little thats 2 out of 22 strings and we can cope with that! maybe we're just THAT good!, he, he,he.
    "No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim

  36. #36
    Forum Member cooltone's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    I had the opposite problem with a singer from a former band. This guy refused to tune his own guitar and while he was fraternizing with the ladies, he'd hand me his guitar and say "here, tune this".
    I told him to screw himself and enjoyed every single out of tune moment.
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  37. #37
    Forum Member FenderBoy's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    Quote Originally Posted by Offshore Angler
    fenderboy, you ignorant slut. Again you've missed the point completely....
    Offshore Angler, you miserable deaf whore. What you suggest would not go over very well with a certain Telecaster player who shall remain nameless.

    And for "the point"...HERE!...take my size 10.5 Tony Lama boot point.
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  38. #38
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    "No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim

  39. #39
    Forum Member Kap'n's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    Quote Originally Posted by FenderBoy
    Offshore Angler, you miserable deaf whore. What you suggest would not go over very well with a certain Telecaster player who shall remain nameless.
    Fer Pete's sake, lighten up boy! ;)
    Several guitars in different colors
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  40. #40
    Forum Member FenderBoy's Avatar
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    Re: How would you handle this situation....

    Quote Originally Posted by Kap'n
    Fer Pete's sake, lighten up boy! ;)

    I'm old enough to be your father, Kap'n.

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