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Thread: FMR Audio RNC 1773

  1. #1
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Yorktown, VA

    FMR Audio RNC 1773

    Anyone use one of these? Have any personal experience with one?

    I hear they're pretty nice. I have a Boss CS-3 Compressor/Sustainer pedal that I use sometimes but don't think all that much of it.

    The FMR 1773 costs about twice as much as the Boss pedal did but if it really does what they claim then it might be worth it. Supposedly all the top players use them. It's a half-rack type unit though, not a pedal.

  2. #2
    Forum Member
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    Yorktown, VA

    Re: FMR Audio RNC 1773

    I finally got a chance to try one of these RNC 1773 compressors. I used standard 1/4" jacks and hooked it up in the effects loop of my Tech 21 TM-60 since it is an unbalanced line level device.

    It took me a little while to figure out what the knobs do and how they effect the signal but after a while it was easy. They are labeled with what they actually do.

    I really liked it. It does what a regular compressor like a Boss does but differently and more and much better. The signal and tone didn't get sucked away like the Boss can do.

    I got some great sustain out of it and with a perfectly clean signal. It has both a threshold (amount of signal taken away) and gain control (volume of signal you put back in once it's been compressed).

    It was easy to get Santana type sounds and many others. The sustain was really cool. I felt like I could literally hold a note for as long as I wanted to.

    Anyway, it works nicely for guitar but there's no footswitch to switch it on and off. I'd probably leave it on all the time anyway. It fattened up my raw signal real nice. Here it is for $175 plus free shipping plus two free cables as well:

  3. #3
    Forum Member Tele-Bob's Avatar
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    Re: FMR Audio RNC 1773

    Compressors can be a lot of fun to work with. Just be careful not to remove too much of your attack. The sound can become very sterile and "hi-fi" if it's over-compressed. (which is sort of a cool effect in itself)
    If you're bored, you're not groovin'.

  4. #4
    Forum Member
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    May 2004

    Re: FMR Audio RNC 1773

    The RNC is a studio compressor rather than a stompbox. I'm glad to hear that it works well in an FX loop. I use mine for recording with an RNP, which is a great 2-channel recording combo for a moderate price.

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