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Thread: July 5th bass fest -

  1. #1
    Forum Member Motojunkie's Avatar
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    Goodyear, AZ

    July 5th bass fest -

    This is a re-post from the Dude Pit. Rhian Batson originally posted this - he did such a nice job, I stole it for here.....:)

    Me n' fellow pitter Tom (MotoJunkie) from Arizona got together today to check out some ABQ music stores, eat some great NewMexican food (a must) and most importantly check out the bass gear and have fun and chill. Anyways here are some pics and notes.

    Here's Tom smiling while playing his skyline 44-02. That bass freaking KILLS. I need one.

    This is myself thumpin on my 78 ash P. I like that DP baseball T - It's comfy.

    Here's Tom packing up his contributions (again all smiles) to the very small but very successful & fun ABQ mini-DP-fest.

    Here's my only non-funky/tard/Im constipated/Im drunk bass face pic.

    This is Toms Lakland Skyline 44-02 and his MIA Spector. Also in the pic is this SWEET lil GK combo that he scored at the local Music Go Round for 150 bucks. It REALLY puts out - a sweet find & he talked em down 25 bucks which for those of you who go to MGR's know, they very rarely deal.

    Here's my bald road-warrior SVT810e and my HA5500 bass head. Thats my main touring/gigging rig.

    Here's a pic of all the basses attending: 78 ash Pbass w/ EMG P/J pups & BA2, stock 97 Pbass deluxe, 83 SQ squier P w/ BA2, PBR1 & Dimarzio pup, 01 burst MM sig J w/ Uretro, 89 MIJ 57ri, stock 98 MIA J, Skyline Lakland 44-02 & MIA Spector.

    Here's the other gear were playing through, vintage SVT410, GK 800rb, UE-405 analog multi-FX unit, 70-somethin' bassman4x10 combo, SVT3pro & SVT810e, and my pedal board.

    Schtuff that we didnt get pictures of that Tom was kind enough to being and let me try out was a EBS pedalboard system that had some really cool pedals on there (my favs were the octave bass, reverb, chorus/flanger and OD/dist pedals). Too bad they're so damn expensive! He also brought his Line6 Basspod which was really cool and was quite a bit moreflexible and indepth than I had thought. He also brought this neat lil studio unit called an Adrenaline. I guess this one was for guitar and not bass, but it had some nice programmable FX + a beat/drum machine and the FX were always automatically in beat with the drum loop. Not something I could see using live, but it would be great for a home studio.

    I have to say I really liked Toms 44-02. That bass set flat had 3 distinctive and extremely useable tones just from switching the coil tap switch on the bass alone. The build quality and action also was the shizzle - Freaking amazing bass. After playing that bass I now see how Lakland is REALLY giving Fender a run for their money. The only current production Fender basses I've played recently that stand up to the Lakland stuff are their current deluxe line.

    Anyways, I know Tom has some more pics so he'll probably chime in tomorrow when he gets back. We had a great time

  2. #2
    Forum Member Motojunkie's Avatar
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    Goodyear, AZ

    Re: July 5th bass fest -

    Here's some pics that I added -

    Here's "Serial Killer Rhian" -

    And his bipolar twin -

    Some shots of the gear -

    And another of me -

    It was fun, I can't wait to do it again!

  3. #3
    Forum Member
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    Jul 2002

    Re: July 5th bass fest -

    Very cool! Looks like a fun time. :wail2

  4. #4
    Forum Member Motojunkie's Avatar
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    Goodyear, AZ

    Re: July 5th bass fest -

    I should have added that Rhian has more chops that a butcher! Man can the dude play! I was very humbled listening to him. Great motivation to get to practicing.

    the 44-02 looks like a killer
    Thanks, I love it!!

  5. #5
    Forum Member shoebox22's Avatar
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    Re: July 5th bass fest -

    They're REAL anyway.....

  6. #6
    Forum Member doc540's Avatar
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    Re: July 5th bass fest -

    Christmas lights and cinder blocks....a rare look inside the BASS CAVE!
    Ayatollah of Dumbassollah

    facebook: Stephen Doc Watson

  7. #7
    Forum Member JM3's Avatar
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    portland or

    Re: July 5th bass fest -

    Cool basses

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