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Thread: Troy T. Calls It Quits!!!

  1. #41

    Re: Troy T. Calls It Quits!!!


    i know exactly where you're coming from.

    We quit gigging this summer.

    Tired of empty room. We had no problems getting gigs and getting paid.

    But we ran ourselves ragged. drove our gear and vehicles into the ground for what 10-15 people at the bar??

    So we have been saying that we'd rather play for free to a full house than get paid to play to nobody.

    It's all very disenchanting to think that we put in all this time for nothing.

    Now we are going through a personel change and whether the band survives it is still in the air.

    It really sucks but what are you gonna do.

    I am really content right now working in my little home studio and recording and writing all my music.

    We were *JUST* about to start recording material for a CD when all this went down.

    So I have not even got to play with the basic tracks we have in the can.

    Good luck with your endeavors and if you ever head to upstate NY drop me a line, we'll jam.

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  2. #42
    Forum Member Troy T. Blues's Avatar
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    Re: Troy T. Calls It Quits!!!

    Hi Johnny & Hugh! :)

    Hugh...will do, I would love to jam with you. Your words hit home and that is exactly how I feel. I have three gigs remaining with the Troy T. Blues Band and I have had some time off lately as well, which has been great. I have been practicing alot and learning some material for the upcoming band I'm gonna join, at my own pace. Again, very low maintenance and I'm happy about that, I will still get my playing out fix, but nothing crazy...We'll see what happens.... thanks for chiming in. You guys are great! :)

  3. #43
    Forum Member Troy T. Blues's Avatar
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    Re: Troy T. Calls It Quits!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by gibsonjunkie
    Dear Troy T,

    I hope you'll keep us posted on where you're playing.

    "A Fan"

    Will do Nick. I want to thank you for the support you gave us throughout the Troy T. Blues tenure. We had a blast! You are da man! :blbros

    BTW, you have to see my new '04 LP Standard, it's a beaut!

  4. #44
    Forum Member gibsonjunkie's Avatar
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    Re: Troy T. Calls It Quits!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Troy T. Blues
    Will do Nick. I want to thank you for the support you gave us throughout the Troy T. Blues tenure. We had a blast! You are da man! :blbros

    BTW, you have to see my new '04 LP Standard, it's a beaut!
    Bring it to the New York Jam in December!!!
    "We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness." Mark Twain

  5. #45

    Re: Troy T. Calls It Quits!!!


    My email is always on.
    If You Choose To Criticize...
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  6. #46
    Forum Member The Nazz Are Blue's Avatar
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    Re: Troy T. Calls It Quits!!!

    Hey man, I don't know you but i'm a 15 year old kid who loves to play the blues and this is not very encouraging news. I'm unhappy enough with the music scene i'm growing up in (what with the Hilary Duffs and the Good Charlottes) but now the bars and clubs are getting empty? I don't live in conneticut. In fact, i live in canada. The only blues place that there was in my town closed a few years ago. Luckily, there are others my age who see the rift in the music industry and are all into the classic rock (as i am also, on top of the blues) so IMO a classic/southern rock band would do quite well with the right venues. And who's stopping you from playing a blues in the middle of the set? Play something (i dunno, Killing Floor or Three Times a Fool, some blues thing that lets you go nuts) in between Black Dog and Smoke on the Water? Whats there to lose? Hope you get back on the scene sometime. I haven't even gotten on mine yet.

    Love them blues :blbros


  7. #47
    Forum Member Chet's Avatar
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    Re: Troy T. Calls It Quits!!!

    Troy: Come down to the Dec. 19th NJ Jam.

  8. #48
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    Re: Troy T. Calls It Quits!!!

    Just keepin' it alive here T-squared. You ever get to The Boxcar in Southport? Would love to hear you again. My wife even commented on your chops a few Beacon-Falls-jams ago. Keep us posted.
    "I got murder in my heart for the judge."

  9. #49
    Forum Member Troy T. Blues's Avatar
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    Re: Troy T. Calls It Quits!!!

    The Nazz...yes. times are changin'!

    Chet, unfortunately I can't make it that night...that sucks.

    Mark, thanks again for the kind words. Things look good and I will be still be playing some, so I'm happy. I'm practicing more than ever and I think I have more fire in my soul than ever. I will still be around...either at some Blues jams or fillin' in with my friends band. I can kind of cherry pick the kinds of things that I want to do....which is nice.

  10. #50

    Re: Troy T. Calls It Quits!!!

    The Nazz, you'll get your chances soon enough. When you do play out, enjoy every minute of it.
    It's when it becomes too much like hard work that it becomes an issue.

    Troy, stop down and jam with us any time. Tonight would be perfect! Our Friday show is in Bridgeport and that's a lot further for you to drive....

    Fuzz is proof God love us and wants us to be happy. - Franklin

  11. #51
    Forum Member Dr. Jimmy's Avatar
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    Re: Troy T. Calls It Quits!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Troy T. Blues
    In the future, I hope to join an established band that plays all styles like Blues, Classic Rock & Southern Rock.
    You mean both kinds of music, Country AND Western.

    Quote Originally Posted by Troy T. Blues
    I want to be in a situation where is is a little more low maintenance.
    I hear ya, the scene here in CT is awful. The blues scene died out a few years ago, and the rock scene is fading fast.

    Good Luck.

  12. #52
    Forum Member Kap'n's Avatar
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    Re: Troy T. Calls It Quits!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Jimmy
    I hear ya, the scene here in CT is awful. The blues scene died out a few years ago, and the rock scene is fading fast.
    Well, at least it's not all hair metal, like it used to be.
    Several guitars in different colors
    Things to make them fuzzy
    Things to make them louder
    orange picks

  13. #53
    Forum Member gibsonjunkie's Avatar
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    Re: Troy T. Calls It Quits!!!

    sounds like he landed on his feet. He'll be playing with a new band in Meriden on Feb 18. Rock on Troy!
    "We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness." Mark Twain

  14. #54
    Forum Member Annie D.'s Avatar
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    Re: Troy T. Calls It Quits!!!

    Dear Naz:

    There are "Blues Festivals" all over the place. It's hot, then it's not. It's up to you and your homies to keep this American Music alive and pass it on. Many generations did that for you. Carry it on. Make it your own and follow your bliss, son.

    These "standard" musical styles come and go in cycles. Don't be afraid to explore or create other avenues when the bridge washes out.

    Swimming up stream makes you strong and fierce, although last night I saw three kids from work at The Blues Jam. Today they were verrrrrrrrrrrry nice to me. One Never Knows/Keep The Faith/Pass It Forward *smooch*
    Shine your light.

  15. #55
    Forum Member The Nazz Are Blue's Avatar
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    Re: Troy T. Calls It Quits!!!

    Wow thank you Annie. Some very uplifting words. I'm trying to get a band up and running as soon as i can, cause you know how Rory says it: If you wanna play the electric blues, you need a drummer. He also says you need to direct your playing somewhere unless you want to be like a painter who doesn't show his paintings to anybody (i like that one :) ) Problem is, the only part of a band i can't find is a drummer. Man are they ever hard to come by. When i do find one, he'll probably think i'm a loser until i play for him (not building myself up here, but i think i may be very persuasive with a guitar in my hands). Anyhow, i'll keep on the search. Now more than ever after hearing the stuff you and some others have said. (Not that i was about to give up :toobad )

    Cheers Annie, Bluesbarn, Troy T, and everybody else. :ahem
    You guys rock.

  16. #56
    Forum Member Annie D.'s Avatar
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    Re: Troy T. Calls It Quits!!!

    Have you explored your local Blues Society? Betcha there IS one.

    The jams can be Trainwreck City, but you can usually pick-up a drummer there. Think of it as a secret audition. They don't even know you're holding one.

    You don't have to join to check 'em out or play once in a while if you can stand the slop. The beginners usually play first, then intermediate, then The Big Boyz. Don't know if they hold them in a place where minors can attend. They can come to the first couple of hours at ours but have to leave at 9:00 pm.
    Shine your light.

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