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Thread: Where Do I go from here?

  1. #1
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Where Do I go from here?

    I stoped taking lesson cause I was unhappy with my teacher and I am buying a house so I need every cent I can spare.
    He never told me what I was playing and only showed me where to fret. And he spent a lot of time playing around with the guitar software he had on his computer which did not always work right. A lot of lesson time was eaten up with him trying to get the computer to work right.
    But I am going back to being self taught. I learned more from books anyway. I have learned what notes I play in the scales and what scales I'm playing from books. So any suggestions about what to do now. I am also going to learn songs and timing by using a drum machine.

  2. #2
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    between 7 and 8 on the volume knob

    Re: Where Do I go from here?

    For what its worth, my :2c

    Good teachers are hard to find, bad one are easy to find. If the guys is worth his salt, you should be able to take one "complimentary" lesson to see if you two are on the same wave-lenght. The last two guys I took lessons from had no problems with this, in fact, it was their idea. They asked what my goals were, then taught accordingly. The guy I'm with now is a Berkley Jazz guitar graduate, so he's no slacker!!!

    Other than that...if you are between instructors, listen to you favorite music and try to copy it. When you get to working on solos (keep it simple at first) figure out what the backing progression is doing first. That way you can see how they fit they it all together. It also helps with your phrasing so you have a starting point for improvising later on.

    And then, make sure you're having fun, otherwise what's the point. IMHO.

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