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Thread: where are all of the 64 tele's

  1. #1
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    where are all of the 64 tele's

    i was talking with a friend last night . we have both been involved in vintage guitars since the late sixties . and we both came to the conclusion that we can't remember seeing a 1964 telecaster. our quick theory is that by 64 the tele had become known as a country western instrument and fenders focus was more on the jaguar-jazzmaster market. any coments ?

  2. #2
    Forum Member Ashcaster's Avatar
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    Jul 2002
    It seems Telecasters from about 1961 through 1966 or so are as rare as hen's teeth. I guess your theory about the C&W vibe is as good as any (heck I wasn't alive back then so what do I know?). You certainly don't see many famous musicians from that era playing Teles.

  3. #3
    Forum Member
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    Jul 2002
    97 music was huge in those years. You saw people like Don Rich, Buck Owens, Roy Nichols, etc. with Teles alot. You also saw James Burton with one alot too. Notable Tele playing Brits include Jeff Beck (okay he had an Esquire..), Dave Davies, and Pete Townshend. Billy J. Kramer's sideman, Mick Green also used one as did his session musician protege Jimmy Page. Fender sold plenty of 'em because of such players. You must not be looking in the right places.

  4. #4
    Forum Member halouis's Avatar
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    Jul 2002
    i have one. neck date is dec 64. its my #1 axe. almost 100% original. bucker route was filled (really great fill job,. you gotta look so damn hard). then refinned to fiesta Red. great axe.

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