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Thread: Chord Families - Useful for substitutions

  1. #1
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Yorktown, VA

    Chord Families - Useful for substitutions

    I borrowed part of this old thread (Music Theory 101) from my friend dotcom. It has lots of useful info in it worth reviewing from time to time.

    Chord Families: You can think of there being three basic families of chords: Tonic, Sub-dominant, and Dominant. You can use chords from the same family as substitutions for each other. Also, learn to recognize (hear) when the chord family changes, you should be able to tell just by "listening" what family is being played at any given point in a song. This will improve your ear training.

    I - Cmaj7 - Tonic
    II - Dm7 - Sub-dominant
    III - Em7 - Tonic
    IV - Fmaj7 - Sub-dominant
    V - G7 - Dominant
    VI - Am7 - Tonic
    VII - Bm7b5 - Dominant

    Tonic Family: I, III & VI (Cmaj7, Em7 or Am7) All 3 may sub for each other.

    Sub Dominant Family: II & IV (Dm7, Fmaj7) Both may sub for each other.

    Dominant Family: V & VII (G7, Bm7b5) Both may sub for each other.

  2. #2
    Forum Member moonpie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Somewhere Between Right and Wrong

    Re: Chord Families - Useful for substitutions

    Thanks Nick:yay
    If you leave the house, you're just asking for it.

  3. #3
    Old Tele man
    Last edited by Old Tele man; 10-15-2004 at 08:37 PM.

  4. #4
    fezz parka

    Re: Chord Families - Useful for substitutions

    Quote Originally Posted by Algernon
    I borrowed part of this old thread (Music Theory 101) from my friend dotcom.
    Ah yes, good old dotcom. It's good to have friends, although sometimes the best friend you have is yourself. ;)

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