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Thread: Sunday Morning 03/03/2024

  1. #1
    Forum Member Tele-Bob's Avatar
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    Aug 2003

    Sunday Morning 03/03/2024

    And then, Sam Ash is closing in New Haven CT. Going to the blow out sale today...
    If you're bored, you're not groovin'.

  2. #2
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Sep 2016
    Northern Virginia, USA

    Re: Sunday Morning 03/03/2024

    Oops, there goes Willie's "only one Sunday thread" riff. LOL!
    Striving to be ordinary

    Proud to be a TFF Dumbass!

  3. #3
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Southern NH

    Re: Sunday Morning 03/03/2024

    gee, late today and only third in the sunday thread

    definitely a harbinger of spring today, 60 degrees. Actually shut the heat off on the house today, just have to remember to turn it back on after sunset. Speaking of which next week DST returns, yay !!

    slept in real late today, was up late last night celebrating my birthday. Was all pumped to add some bass lines to a track I recorded the night before, only to find metal porcupine quills on the neck of the Squier mini bass I put away nearly 2 years ago. Exactly as I predicted back then

    gotta break down my recording rig and clear the bench so I can work on the bass, plus a bunch of other stuff that's been waiting for the next bench clearing.

    y'all have a good sunday, later
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

  4. #4
    Forum Member Laker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    On da lakeshore in Wisconsinski

    Re: Sunday Morning 03/03/2024

    Woo Hoo…as of the beginning of this month I’m retired for eleven years and lovin’ every minute of it!

    All of the days this week will be quite a bit above freezing so we’ll maybe able to get the fine weather toys out early this year. I don’t know how many more trips around the sun I will be blessed with so you have to “get ‘er done” while you can.

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