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Thread: Your thoughts - pup swap

  1. #1
    Forum Member blackonblack's Avatar
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    Your thoughts - pup swap

    Been thinking of swapping the pups on the Godin for a while. They sound good, but I already largely have that tone in another guitar.

    Currently it has 2 HBs low/medium output. Wired as:
    pos 1 - neck HB
    pos 2 - neck coil split
    pos 3 - neck and bridge HB
    pos 4 - bridge coil split
    pos 5 - bridge HB

    I can blend in a piezo to any on these. Largely I am in position 1, 3, or 5.
    2 and 4 are really usable, but if I am going for those tones, I can bring my strat,

    Was originally thinking of TV Jones Classic/Classic+s. You can split a Classic+, but Tom noted that a Classic split is not that great. And there are no Classic+ neck pups.

    So off to a new tangent for a different sound.
    Thinking a TV Jones Classic+ in the bridge, and a Novack WR - HB sized pup in the neck.
    Just heard back from Curtis and yes the WR can be split.

    My thoughts are to wire:
    pos 1 - WR
    pos 2 - WR split
    pos 3 - half WR half Classic +
    pos 4 Classic+ split
    pos 5 Classic +

    The typical HB, SC and P90 tones I already have handled for the most part with:

    Gibby LP with Timbuckers
    Strat with Fralin Blues SCs
    Doozy with a P90ish in the neck and a HB in the bridge (and an awesome middle position setup)
    soon to be creation - with 2 SD P-Rails and a piezo to boot
    soon to be creation - Zang Paul Buntay with a coil tap to normal - it may get a neck pup

    What say you? part Gretsch / part WR Fender sounds, all in a semi-hollow body with a piezo to boot?

  2. #2
    Forum Member Kap'n's Avatar
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    Re: Your thoughts - pup swap

    I dunno.

    I'm a big, big fan of the TV Jones stuff, but his filtertron based stuff really doesn't resemble standard humbucker in any way.

    It might be interesting to combine a TV 'tron style coil with a humbucker style coil, but I don't think that one by itself will have "enough" to stand by itself.

    I also think that a standard humbucker might have too much low-mid "thunk"to mix with a TV 'tron effectively. You might never be happy with the amp EQ.

    Just some thoughts....I could easily be proven wrong.
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  3. #3
    Forum Member buckaroo's Avatar
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    Re: Your thoughts - pup swap

    Sell the Godin you are not digging. Have you ever considered a Telecaster?

    Just a thought...............

  4. #4
    Forum Member blackonblack's Avatar
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    Jan 2004
    point of reason between tacky and tasteless

    Re: Your thoughts - pup swap

    Oh I dig the Godin. Definitely one of my go to's. Just trying to expand some tones.

    Kap'n I asked Tom about splitting. The Classic + split is quite close to his TV-HT.

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